My absolute main pet peeve with DEs.
While I like that dynamic events can help you with renown hearts I agree it would be best if you could talk to heart npcs and not miss out on anything if you already completed the heart. I feel the same way when it comes to scouts, if I have completed all the hearts I can’t hear what they have to say anymore which is a shame. I always feel like the scout I can no longer talk to is saying something really funny or interesting that I can no longer see. The way they talk has a good way of developing your sense of the area from a lore point of view.
Depending on what direction you’re coming from you can easily end up finding the hearts before you find the scouts that are attached to them.
Definitely agree on the scout side of things, even if I saw it the first time I hate the fact that I can never get that information again if I come back to the area. For renown hearts it’s a little more difficult, since you have already helped them; maybe implement a second dialogue to the NPCs with a little detail on what they’re doing there and maybe even how your contribution helped.
That side is a toughie, because leaving the dialogue there removes the only change that is made when you complete a heart, but removing it excludes some people from ever hearing it…
To the original point, not sure how Anet could implement a DE not contributing to hearts, given that for most of them killing a certain type of enemy adds to completion, and nearby DEs cause you to kill that type of enemy. I suppose they could flag spawns due to DE to not contribute, but that doesn’t help where the enemies are already in the world.
I wholeheartedly agree! There’s a lot of flavour lore hidden away in the dialogue you can access when speaking to each ‘heart’ NPC, so it’s a shame that so many players are going to miss out on it.
OP, I can certainly understand your wanting to be able to enjoy every possible conversation and info from NPCs. Look on the bright side: This is what “replay-ability” is all about. You will be able to level alts and see things you never saw the first time through.
Waiting For Death [WFD]
@ Borlis Pass Server
OP, I can certainly understand your wanting to be able to enjoy every possible conversation and info from NPCs. Look on the bright side: This is what “replay-ability” is all about. You will be able to level alts and see things you never saw the first time through.
While adding elements of the game intentionally for replayability, I do not believe this was one such mechanic, and as a result, is quite frustrating. Only because typically I can’t be dragged into caring too much about the actual in-game lore, but this title naturally draws you in, or attempts to. It also has design elements like being able to swap out trade skills that eliminate my desire to reroll an alt. Plus, more than likely, I’ll want to check additional zones out, or level a completely different method.
I get the point, but chalking it up to that is still frustrating in itself.