New Tequatal on the 17th!!

New Tequatal on the 17th!!

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Banzie.5248


So int he live stream they Have previewed the new teq 2 times already, going on a third.

Ill list the new things they announced for him here, If I missed any please post and ill update the top post.

~Damage, HP, Defense on him has been Buffed.

~Now spawns a Bone Wall in front if you do not keep the New “Hardened Scales” Stacks off him from the Turrets when they hit 20.

~ He now creates a Small and Large Shockwave. The small can be jumped over, The large cannot, However you can use the new Jump Pads to jump over the large one.

~He will Drop new Ascended Weapons Exclusively for now.

~He will Drop Exclusive Skins.

~He will Drop an Exclusive Mini Pet

~New AP for Teq.

~ Its now a Rolling Event, Stages, At 75%, 50%, 25%. These stages are when you defend batteries that charge the megalaser , When you charge it successfully it will down teq and put him in a weakened state to allow players to deal more damage.

Isle Of Janthir

(edited by Banzie.5248)

New Tequatal on the 17th!!

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: SirMoogie.9263


I have been fairly critical of Arena Net’s lack of attention to the open world, or when they do give it attention during the LS that it is through substandard content that doesn’t tell a story or affect the world like some of their better dynamic events.

This change excites me and I thank them for revisiting the challenge of their world bosses. If Tequatl actually started to slowly invade Sparkfly Fen after we fail the event, it’d be even more awesome of an encounter than it sounds like already. An actual invasion where outposts are captured, and the enemies actually attack NPCs and aren’t just sitting there. I hope Arena Net does do this eventually as I think what they described in their manifesto about a world that changes based on our actions would separate them more from other MMOs. They just have to figure out a way of having our actions through dynamic events be more impactful, perhaps by having them last longer (days or weeks) or having greater consequences on the zones, like said invasion.

(edited by SirMoogie.9263)

New Tequatal on the 17th!!

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Vol.5241


I have already thought of an easy way to grief this

Get your guildmates/friends to hop on the hylek turrets. Just afk there or don’t do your job.

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Magic find works.

New Tequatal on the 17th!!

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: JayMack.8295


Mobs spawn near the turrets. If someone is going to afk on them, I’ll just let the mobs kill them and encourage others to do so until its freed up. If an entire guild want to stop that from happening by camping their members near each turret and protecting the afk-er then power to ‘em! I’ll just leave and do Tequatl another time. I doubt they’ll be dedicated enough to do it each time he spawns.

New Tequatal on the 17th!!

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Alilinke.7690


15 minute timer is ridiculous. Just like Karka Queen, I can’t even remember the last time I’ve seen that succeed. Not everyone has the luxury of NA prime time zergs, during oceanic times there’s barely 10 people at these events. >.>

[nA] Professional Guild Hall Decorator

New Tequatal on the 17th!!

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Banzie.5248


15 minute timer is ridiculous. Just like Karka Queen, I can’t even remember the last time I’ve seen that succeed. Not everyone has the luxury of NA prime time zergs, during oceanic times there’s barely 10 people at these events. >.>

Just xfer over to IoJ, We have a TON of aussies ;D lmao all in all though I’d have to agree its a bit unfair to the euro and oceanics on the NA servers.

Isle Of Janthir

New Tequatal on the 17th!!

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: ordeal.9145


I have a question about the loot drop at the end of the event. Getting the chest reward in any encounter like this require taging the boss i.e doing enough damage to him, who will players that man the turrent or those who protect them will get their reward?

If you need to be in a role and defend you wont be able to tag who are you going to make it worth the efford, to the replay i also ask this if it based on who is in the area for for some time and help the event – will it mean players who come at the last 30 seconds will get the reward also?

This is an improtant aspect if you want it the new challanging event to work

New Tequatal on the 17th!!

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Banzie.5248


I have a question about the loot drop at the end of the event. Getting the chest reward in any encounter like this require taging the boss i.e doing enough damage to him, who will players that man the turrent or those who protect them will get their reward?

If you need to be in a role and defend you wont be able to tag who are you going to make it worth the efford, to the replay i also ask this if it based on who is in the area for for some time and help the event – will it mean players who come at the last 30 seconds will get the reward also?

This is an improtant aspect if you want it the new challanging event to work

They could have changed it to simply completing the event to qualify the reward. And defending would qualify you for that.

Isle Of Janthir

New Tequatal on the 17th!!

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: ilr.9675


I have already thought of an easy way to grief this

Get your guildmates/friends to hop on the hylek turrets. Just afk there or don’t do your job.

* just shakes head and walks away *

New Tequatal on the 17th!!

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Clindberg.5683


This is all great and all, as long as they remember to implement thakittens not only damage ON tequatl that will give contribution! Because if that is still the case, nobody will be using the turrets to cleanse and heal the area, and nobody will be defending the turrets. I remember on Claw of Jormag, I ran and ressed, escorted golems but actually didnt get much damage in on him because I was assisting downed people. Ended up not even getting contribution. This is a demotivating factor that leads to people just being selfish. Please make sure this event does not make the same mistake!

New Tequatal on the 17th!!

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Mesket.5728


This is all great and all, as long as they remember to implement thakittens not only damage ON tequatl that will give contribution! Because if that is still the case, nobody will be using the turrets to cleanse and heal the area, and nobody will be defending the turrets. I remember on Claw of Jormag, I ran and ressed, escorted golems but actually didnt get much damage in on him because I was assisting downed people. Ended up not even getting contribution. This is a demotivating factor that leads to people just being selfish. Please make sure this event does not make the same mistake!

It will still be the same. The game engine doesn’t have a “contribution” measurement mechanic. Only damage applies.

Zerk is the average Joe build. Don’t pat yourself in the back too hard.

New Tequatal on the 17th!!

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Tom Gore.4035

Tom Gore.4035

This is all great and all, as long as they remember to implement thakittens not only damage ON tequatl that will give contribution! Because if that is still the case, nobody will be using the turrets to cleanse and heal the area, and nobody will be defending the turrets. I remember on Claw of Jormag, I ran and ressed, escorted golems but actually didnt get much damage in on him because I was assisting downed people. Ended up not even getting contribution. This is a demotivating factor that leads to people just being selfish. Please make sure this event does not make the same mistake!

It will still be the same. The game engine doesn’t have a “contribution” measurement mechanic. Only damage applies.

Is that why you get the achi/rewards for Invasion events for Akitteng the whole event and not touching a single enemy in the zone?

One – Piken Square

New Tequatal on the 17th!!

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Namu.5712


15 minute timer is ridiculous. Just like Karka Queen, I can’t even remember the last time I’ve seen that succeed. Not everyone has the luxury of NA prime time zergs, during oceanic times there’s barely 10 people at these events. >.>

Really im on Sea of sorrows… this was taken tismorning when there is a lul between timezones (really late morning oceanic and really early morning for american timezones)

If your server is that dead you need to switch.

When the new encounter for him comes this month im sure people on my server are gonna get stuck in overflows.


New Tequatal on the 17th!!

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Geekfox.4267


You also get contribution by killing a few mobs spawned during Tequatl event, not just tagging the dragon alone. Same for the mobs during Claw of Jormag, but not mobs from Shatterer.