Not getting full use out of the Karma Boost I paid for
Technically, if you logout now and come back later, the buff will still be running and you can then milk it all it’s worth :o
You gotta basically log out, and i agree with you, on average i hit DR at about 45 mins of the boost.
They changed how DR works on karma though on the last patch so it doesn drop to like 85 karma instantly, it drops slowly to like 350 > 270ish. Either way i still log off once i hit dr and do something else. Not sure why there is karma DR anyways since its not an easy or efficient currency to convert into gold. Basically people that are farming it are farming it for legendaries and/or armor.
i guess DR is not only to stop farmbots
its also somehow a “slow down method” to keep some achievements very hard to achieve… i guess^^
english isnt my native language
How long does the DR ware off? Or how long do you all usually stay logged off on the character with the DR?
How long does the DR ware off? Or how long do you all usually stay logged off on the character with the DR?
It depends on how many events you have recently just tagged to get gold and ran away from for completion.
Typically if I hit DR I’ll run off and gather nodes for 3-5 minutes then start a new event and it will be back to max.
The longer and harder you push yourself into DR the longer it seems to take to get out of it.