Once per day event rewards

Once per day event rewards

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: TheLordQ.1857


In today’s patch notes, you say:

1) Increased the loot rewards on many world boss chests, including the chests in Orr temples and the dragon chests.

2) Fixed a bug on certain world boss chests that was causing them to drop fewer rewards than intended. These chests can now only be looted once per day, to encourage players to fight multiple bosses and spread out across the world.

First, if you are limiting chests to 1/day, I think that merits its own bullet point and a large shout out.

Second, is it only SOME world event chests that are once per day? That’s what the text implies, since it is right after ‘fixed certain world boss chests’. You need to be clear. What exactly can we only loot once per day?

Third, is the once per day per account or per character?

I’m not complaining about the change. But I do think that it is a very big deal and it is not explained well enough in my opinion.


Once per day event rewards

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Reaver.9256


Well if dragons are down to once a day at most then I know a lot of players who’d quit over it. Could they really be dumb enough to do this when they know how much people enjoy them?

Once per day event rewards

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Ambrosia.2035


Yeah I would like to know which world events/bosses are now going to be limited once per day on looting the chest at the end of the chain. Is it once per character per day or is it per account?


Howdy (.)

Once per day event rewards

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Florgknight.1589


Man, spamming 1 against Jormag’s claw is so fun.


Once per day event rewards

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Erasmus.1624


I had level 80s parked everywhere. So, with this patch, they basically made them useless. Thanks, Anet.

Once per day event rewards

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Healix.5819


Man, spamming 1 against Jormag’s claw is so fun.

… but… my #1 does like 10k damage a second against the claw.

If I was ArenaNet, I’d spice up the encounter by teaching all the AFKers a lesson. I’d make spikes come out of nowhere on the gutters, throwing people into the air and off the side (like grenth), instantly killing them.

Once per day event rewards

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Gahzirra.8639


Confirmed it is character based not account.

(edited by Gahzirra.8639)

Once per day event rewards

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Mad Celt.2150

Mad Celt.2150

ANET has really messed up.

Once per day event rewards

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Tsham.9628


This only really benefits people with multiple 80s. Now with this, it cuts the majority of my game time, because I work from home, and dragons are the only thing I do most days.

Once per day event rewards

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Panda Shepard.1248

Panda Shepard.1248

So each dragon will only give us one chest per day per character?

Once per day event rewards

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: pupgo.2016


dragons / maw /temples. 1 chest per day. I hope people don’t think there going to get help with melandru and other temples when I can get the same rewards killing a risen chicken

Once per day event rewards

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Lil Puppy.5216

Lil Puppy.5216

Destroyed the best event in game, now all events are just karma farms. Thanks Anet. Now I have very little reason to actually play.
If it weren’t for the new story line, the somewhat large community that built up around the Frozen Maw wouldn’t even be there anymore. Thanks for nothing.
770 hours of playtime and you finally make an update that puts an angry face on me.
One yellow 1 green 4 blues and a low quality gem is all my level 80 got from the frozen maw today. I usually get 3 times that.

I can’t craft the best stuff, the best chests give crap loot now once per char/day (good luck getting your exotics now lol), everything needs a token of some sort, dungeons aren’t level appropriate now. Why do you hate loot? You want us to make communities but you keep breaking the parts that make communities. WE DON’T WANT TO ROAM AROUND, WE WANT LOOT.

{ we did it for market balance, there were too many ectos } still has orders for things that can’t be bought/sold/provided.

THE chest event for a low level area and you gimp it. That’s nice. Better gimp all the rest of them too.

Once per day event rewards

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Iehova.9518


You sound… upset.

Once per day event rewards

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: chrisgr.3849


so lets see…one chest per day..question is why??cose ppl was farm chest on those events?ofc they will farm those… they do events for rewords from the dragons/temples or else whats the point of doing those?if that was the problem find another way to deal not that only 1 chest per event..and that -is 1 chest per character – is not good also..now the most ppl will skip those cose will be beter to do other stufs instent of waiting for players to gather on those events..lets say you woona try jormag..what then..you will wait all day there so you find ppl??and that 1h+ window make it even harder..so probly develops have make the 70+ events lieke dragos and temples useseles
even ppl that nead gear from those events probly now will be way harder for them to get them

Once per day event rewards

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Ultravalefor.5038


horrible change, Frozen Maw was a good source of income. But I think they’d prefer it if you bought gems for that

Phaynel – recently voted the hottest Ranger in GW2 by everyone
married to Railspike the Red Alpha Golem
[PiNK] Toast Forever.

Once per day event rewards

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Black Wolf.7348

Black Wolf.7348

worst update ever- I prefer the horrible loot chest compared to this new change. it will also totally mess up the events due to reasons mentioned earlier in this thread.
Personally I dont see a reason to do the events more than once pr day now at the most. that is if im lucky enough to find a party for them.

there may be many who do the events in hte next week, but slowly im sure the amount will decrease. because once the event is completed for the day, people will not wait around for a 2nd or 3rd time. thus it will be harder to gather enough ppl eventually.

Once per day event rewards

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Panda Shepard.1248

Panda Shepard.1248

there may be many who do the events in hte next week, but slowly im sure the amount will decrease. because once the event is completed for the day, people will not wait around for a 2nd or 3rd time. thus it will be harder to gather enough ppl eventually.

Exactly. Definitely not good. Why add the temples to this? There’s no reason. It’ll make it really hard to get these done. This is very bad for Orr and the Dragons. I can kinda understand the Maw. I mean that thing happens all the time and it’s a low level event. Why the dragons and the temples though? So they really want high level people to run around in low level zones? Why should we? There’s still no reward.

Claw was really fun with all those people and the temples were fun too. I doubt we’ll see those events with nearly as many people. And no they aren’t going to be doing other things. They’re just not gonna be logging in anymore.

I just don’t understand why it was done. Can anyone explain the reasoning behind this? Why make the high level events give a chest once a day? It’s not like they were dropping precursors left and right.

Once per day event rewards

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Oatmeal.1895


This is how it might go down now. You’re in Orr doing your gathering, you hear someone shout in map chat “need more for melandru”. You think to yourself “hmm, melandru, oh, already got my chest from that one…” And you will just keep gathering or ignore that temple. Will everyone do this? No, but most will. Why? Because people want to be rewarded for their effort. You taking away our big shiney chest away at the end of a massive event? Not cool.

Not cool at all.

Edit: I too preferred the horrible loot drops over this. At least I got drops. Every now and then I would get a rare. And when the moon was aligned just right and the cows were moo’ing in sync, maybe, just maybe, I got an exotic. And there was always the hope that someday a precursor would drop. But atleast I was always guaranteed a dang chest.

(edited by Oatmeal.1895)

Once per day event rewards

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Ouroboros.5076


What a drama.

1. The chests of these events actually do give better rewards now. People will get back doing them because they have a decent chance of having something now. So looting those chests once now is better that looting them many times before. So if you’re only interested in the rewards of such events, you should be happy because it’s actually easier than before.

2. There’s at least 10 events like that (5 temples & 5 world bosses). Is that so problematic not being able to loot them twice the same day ? They all take at least 30 minutes from start to finish to complete (pre-events included). You’re looking at at least 5 hours of continuous gameplay. So if you’re looking at being rewarded by actually playing the entire game instead of farming the same 2 events, you should be happy.

3. And in the end, you can still do them two or three times per day if you enjoy them. You’ll still get normal loot, karma, XP and gold. So the argument of “I want to be able to do it just because I enjoy it” falls short by quite a bit.

Conclusion : it promotes players who do it for fun and want to be rewarded for actuallly completing a big event, and punish grinders/farmers who park alts to tag the boss with two attacks and get the rewards 4 times a day. I’m fine with that.

Once per day event rewards

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Wait, this counts for dragon chests too? The way they worded it I thought it just counted for chests in the open world. Well, there goes literally half the fun I have in this game. I’ll be shopping for a new one now, great.

Once per day event rewards

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Cherokeewill.7504


What a drama….

All great points Snipped to save space

Conclusion : it promotes players who do it for fun and want to be rewarded for actuallly completing a big event, and punish grinders/farmers who park alts to tag the boss with two attacks and get the rewards 4 times a day. I’m fine with that.

And if you want the new rewards multiple times per day, then run the same event with alts. If you don’t want to level an alt, then as stated there are more than enough world events to occupy many hours of game play.

I fail to see any down side to this change.

Once per day event rewards

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Koga.7215


before patch, do 5-6maw chests a day and i’d be happy if i got a single rare from it.

since patch, done maw 3 times and got 5 rares. yes change is good, but does bring the number of people doing it down which is bad. they need to add something for reward for helping it more then the one time you get your reward so harder things can still get done.

Once per day event rewards

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Cherokeewill.7504


…yes change is good, but does bring the number of people doing it down which is bad…

Is this being seen already or is this predicted? Every event I ran last night (I played for seven hours… I have no life) had more people then I’ve ever seen before. Maw, in particular, had TOO many people. The shaman went down in less than 30 seconds and that’s not an exaggeration. Less people per Maw will be a really good thing.

Once per day event rewards

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Surferboy.1649


As far as I see it, there are enough people at every event. But maybe this is just a problem of medium or lower servers and not of the ones with high population.

Once per day event rewards

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: kRiza krimos.1637

kRiza krimos.1637

This thread only proven one thing: complainers gonna complain even if changes made are best so far regarding loot and events. Some people simply cant be pleased no matter how good changes are.
Haters gonna hate…

Once per day event rewards

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: chrisgr.3849


haters or not haters when time comes and no1 on dragons/temples dont Q.Q about that..:) atm the farmes was keeping those events..take the drops /rewords away from them and they will go away

Once per day event rewards

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Anjhouli.7049


I actually love the change. For the first time, it’s nice to open those chests – gone are the three blue pieces. Only opening them once a day is more than fair to me.

Once per day event rewards

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: kRiza krimos.1637

kRiza krimos.1637

haters or not haters when time comes and no1 on dragons/temples dont Q.Q about that..:) atm the farmes was keeping those events..take the drops /rewords away from them and they will go away

If anything more people is coming to do those events, so we will probably see more than usual 20 farmers that are on jormag every 3 hours.

Once per day event rewards

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Reaver.9256


I think I’m gonna crash the rare and ecto market soon just by myself Got nearly 20 rares last night after patch and I’m going for about 50 today. Sell your rares and ectos now if you have em

Once per day event rewards

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: ZudetGambeous.9573


I think the people who are whining about this change have not actually logged in and have no idea what it means.

World events are EXPLODING. they are people everywhere doing them. There are over 10 world events that are effected by this. You can do EACH of those events once per day and they have 100% chance to drop at least 1 rare.

I managed to get 25 rares from doing 3 hours of world events last night. This change is Amazing!

Also it is character based. If you have an 80 alt that means 6 hours a day of world events if you so choose. with a constant flow of rares.

Once per day event rewards

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Cherokeewill.7504


If anything more people is coming to do those events, so we will probably see more than usual 20 farmers that are on jormag every 3 hours.

Agreed. I think the lousy loot was doing far more to discourage WE. I’d only stuck with them because I don’t tun dungeons. Last night alone I know many in my guild went to events they hadn’t seen in months to see the new loot and were pleasantly surprised. I can’t speak for them but I’m inclined to believe the WEs will become part of their nightly game play.

Once per day event rewards

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: moonstarmac.4603


The major map bosses, ie: Shadow Behemoth, Maw, Fire Elemental, Commanders in Ascalon, Megadestroyer, Temples, and Dragons are affected.

It is once per day per character though, meaning they want us to keep doing them just on different characters. However with this, as many point out, seems to be a very poor update which I for one would like to see modified. I could understand 3-4 times per day per character, or the limit based on the frequency of how many times the event takes place. But once time per day per character gives seriously hurts some players who use these events to chance for better loot which is difficult to find elsewhere.

Jade Council~ Jade Sea Haven [JADE]
System – Luna One: R-Matrix

Once per day event rewards

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Black Wolf.7348

Black Wolf.7348

not to mention there is many who dont have time to level many character to 80 or just began to play the game. those are the people who will suffer. while those who already have 4-5+ characters at lvl 80 will probably benefit from having much better chest rewards and the ability to do the events multiple times pr day.

Once per day event rewards

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Cherokeewill.7504


not to mention there is many who dont have time to level many character to 80 or just began to play the game. those are the people who will suffer. while those who already have 4-5+ characters at lvl 80 will probably benefit from having much better chest rewards and the ability to do the events multiple times pr day.

I’m sorry I can’t follow this logic at all. If you don’t have the time to level alts then why are you complaining that the little time you have is now more productive? Or are you simply referring to farming Maw?

People that just began playing will still be able to run the events over and over if they so choose and they continue to get gold, karma and exp. But now, once per day, they will get a nice loot drop and maybe they’ll explore the next zone for the next event chest rather than, again, camping and farming Maw.

This change hurts no one other than the ectoplasm magnates.

Once per day event rewards

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Ambrosia.2035


The major map bosses, ie: Shadow Behemoth, Maw, Fire Elemental, Commanders in Ascalon, Megadestroyer, Temples, and Dragons are affected.

It is once per day per character.

Thanks! I was wondering which specific events got changed with the latest patch.

Howdy (.)

Once per day event rewards

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Bartas.4908


dragons / maw /temples. 1 chest per day. I hope people don’t think there going to get help with melandru and other temples when I can get the same rewards killing a risen chicken


Tho I like “improved” chests. For the first time EVER I got something better than blue junk from chest (did only Maw so far), actually I got 2 rares and rest was green.

From casual player PoV it is a nice change. I have no time to do more than 1-3 events per day anyway.

Risen Chickens seem more valuable to me now as ANet made farming peni/shelter/plinx worthless now.

Proud member of [BOO]
Thief/Necro/Guardian/Mesmer/Elementalist of SFR EU

Once per day event rewards

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Namu.5712


Well if dragons are down to once a day at most then I know a lot of players who’d quit over it. Could they really be dumb enough to do this when they know how much people enjoy them?

People dont enjoy killing dragons they do so under the notion that before loot broke it was a good way to get precursors. So they afk, then play for 5- 10minutes spamming 1 button all day every day…. that was not how the game was intended. So to fix it limit the amount of chests you get to 1 a day per character… there problem solved.

AND THATS ALL THEY DO WHEN THEY LOGIN, they dont interact with the community or do anything else really…… dont think anyone will miss people that quit over that because they are in my eyes no different than a bot that sits in one spot killing the same mob repeatedly lol.

Once per day event rewards

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Namu.5712


Destroyed the best event in game, now all events are just karma farms. Thanks Anet. Now I have very little reason to actually play.
If it weren’t for the new story line, the somewhat large community that built up around the Frozen Maw wouldn’t even be there anymore. Thanks for nothing.
770 hours of playtime and you finally make an update that puts an angry face on me.
One yellow 1 green 4 blues and a low quality gem is all my level 80 got from the frozen maw today. I usually get 3 times that.

I can’t craft the best stuff, the best chests give crap loot now once per char/day (good luck getting your exotics now lol), everything needs a token of some sort, dungeons aren’t level appropriate now. Why do you hate loot? You want us to make communities but you keep breaking the parts that make communities. WE DON’T WANT TO ROAM AROUND, WE WANT LOOT.

{ we did it for market balance, there were too many ectos } still has orders for things that can’t be bought/sold/provided.

THE chest event for a low level area and you gimp it. That’s nice. Better gimp all the rest of them too.

ummm go do dungeons, fractals… go farm… go pvp. I have killed over 1k dragons myself…. and I have seen only a handful of rares…. the vast majority of loot was blues.

Yes…. thats totally game breaking when you can run a dungeon and get 2x the loot that you could from a dragon lol… shut the hell up already.

Loot aside the bad part about this is event participation will cease. The game is supposed to be centered around dynamic events, so this may have a horrible effect on that.

Once per day event rewards

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Reaver.9256


Well if dragons are down to once a day at most then I know a lot of players who’d quit over it. Could they really be dumb enough to do this when they know how much people enjoy them?

People dont enjoy killing dragons they do so under the notion that before loot broke it was a good way to get precursors. So they afk, then play for 5- 10minutes spamming 1 button all day every day…. that was not how the game was intended. So to fix it limit the amount of chests you get to 1 a day per character… there problem solved.

AND THATS ALL THEY DO WHEN THEY LOGIN, they dont interact with the community or do anything else really…… dont think anyone will miss people that quit over that because they are in my eyes no different than a bot that sits in one spot killing the same mob repeatedly lol.

So much wrong in this post I won’t even bother. I’ll just say we have very different opinions on the matter

edit: Just want to thank anet for the 25 rares I’ve already gotten today!

Once per day event rewards

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Panda Shepard.1248

Panda Shepard.1248

Yeah I met a lot of good friends running from dragon to dragon. Saying we don’t interact with the community is way off base. We’d hang out and talk or run do a nearby event waiting for the dragons. All freaking day too. I just hope we don’t lose that now. Hopefully we can evolve with the update. I’d be very sad to lose those friendships.

Also, I always thought Claw was pretty fun. The other dragons definitely need tweaking though.

Once per day event rewards

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Freja Af Wolffestar.1756

Freja Af Wolffestar.1756

This is a great change, since they increased the loot table i did Maw & Shadow Behemoth 3 times each today and got 1 or 2 rares each time except for 1 time but in total 7 rares out 5 events.

Earlier i was lucky to get 1 rare from 5 maw events

Once per day event rewards

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Dasroth.9236


Just a suggestion but if the goal was to spread people out and and make it so people were taking part in more events throughout the day why not make rewarding for people to complete all the events in a area. Say if you completed all the events in a area/zone once a day you would get a “area” chest with better loot in it (kinda like how the zone rewards for world completion popped up). In my mind it would encourage people to go back to lower areas and take part in events that were happening with this aspect of a reward at the end.

Once per day event rewards

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Lord Rager.8543

Lord Rager.8543

With the new changes to chest, I am so kitten…. KITTEN happy about it. I get rares now. everyone is. like someone already said, theres 10 temple and world bosses to do, 30 mins each,5 hours there. If you play more than 5 hours a day, do them on an alt then and theres 10 hours of play. I fail to see whats bad with this. I still do them even if i got the chest because of the adds and they still drop loot and coin.

If your going to QQ and quit over this, LOLWTF. Go out and enjoy the rest of the game as theres alot of stuff to do in 24 hours. Besides the WvW change to loot bags, this is 1 of my favort patches in GW2 todate. Great job ANet, keep them comming .

Commander The Tallest Rager
Darkhaven Asuran Guardian
S O T D Warband [SotD]

Once per day event rewards

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Cherokeewill.7504


Just a suggestion but if the goal was to spread people out and and make it so people were taking part in more events throughout the day why not make rewarding for people to complete all the events in a area. Say if you completed all the events in a area/zone once a day you would get a “area” chest with better loot in it (kinda like how the zone rewards for world completion popped up). In my mind it would encourage people to go back to lower areas and take part in events that were happening with this aspect of a reward at the end.

I like this idea and it probably merits its own Suggestion thread. Placing a new tracker in the upper right corner, “Zone Events”, with a drop down or a separate window that allows you to click each event and see the status of up/down and the location. This should unlock after completing the zone.

Sorry to thread hijack. Back to your unscheduled and unexpected Anet patch love fest. Thanks again Anet. Still loving the updates!!

Once per day event rewards

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Zosk.5609


The goal was to allow them to add better loot to the chests, but not over-reward the timer watchers who log in just to do dragons all day. I would have thought that was kind of obvious…

No, they want to appeal to players who log in to play for 1-5 hours per day…. people telling their friends how they sit and watch timers and login and do a pretty broken and boring encounter is not going to attract new players…

(But yes, daily timers for dungeons and events need some sort of tracker….)

Once per day event rewards

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Agriope.4523


I normally don’t post on the forums, but I had to come here and add: This change is lame. The only good thing about the change is the basically 1 rare per chest increase, but it doesn’t actually work out to “better” if you did a dragon or three during your time online in a gaming session.

Agriope – Purple hair’d menace.
Violent Tendency [vT]; twitch.tv/agriope & YouTube Agriope

Once per day event rewards

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Kuro Kami.8436

Kuro Kami.8436

They ruined their own game with all this nonsense. Applause Arena Net, fail so hard.

Once per day event rewards

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: lunarminx.3624


Since most farmed the dragons for a chance at the precursor, was that drop increased?