Orr - Always bugged. How?

Orr - Always bugged. How?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Newts.4608


A Anet response would be great to this.

I don’t want to sound like I’m ranting but how is it possible for Orr to be constantly broken? Straits is always bugged on the southern invasion (Desolation server EU) they always get stuck after the gate and just stand there, it was 3 or 4 days last time until it reset itself.

Cursed Shore for Arah is continually bugged, I have been 80 for around a month and have never once completed this chain because it is bugged the majority of the time. There must be times it isn’t because I occasionally see Arah open but I really can’t spend my whole play time in hope that it might magically unbug.

So a genuine question, how is it possible that they are always bugged? I assume they were fully tested pre-release so what gives? As an addition if it is, for some unknowable reason, impossible to stop them bugging then can there not be some reporting feature for a quick reset?

I love this game, I love Dynamic Events the most and spend the majority of my time in game enjoying the fun these events offer, however when they hardly ever work it does kind of suck the fun from things.


Orr - Always bugged. How?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Oreoz.2573


I agree. I constantly, CONSTANTLY see Arah bugged, whether its on these forums or my own server. And the escort to the rally WP from Lone Post bugs out all the time too.

Been going on for months.

What gives?

Orr - Always bugged. How?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Iehova.9518


The trick is to do the event chain immediately after a server reset and pray to Kormir it won’t bug out.

But yes, bugged Arah has delayed my DM for weeks.