Orr events and scaling - Feedback Thread

Orr events and scaling - Feedback Thread

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Lambent.6375


Managed to get on and do one event at shelter. It was manageable, but there was only 2-3 of us there, so the scaling for lower numbers is better than it was pre patch. Will have to do them during prime time to see what it’s like when 10+ people are there.

“Caithe, someday you’ll see, Tyria needs me. -Scarlet”

Orr events and scaling - Feedback Thread

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: ArchonWing.9480


I used to farm Pertinent —-> Jofast Loop before patch in yellow explorer gear.

I tried it after the patch and sometimes the spike damage was higher, and sometimes I didn’t even know what hit me. It’s still manageable but these random occurrences can be annoying.

For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards,
for there you have been and there you will long to return.

(edited by ArchonWing.9480)

Orr events and scaling - Feedback Thread

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: XxTAFxX.6741


Also grenth after spending time killing the priest and his shadows,might i add it’s not that easy.
then sec phase if grenth gets sneezed on he dead.

What a pain going though all that for him to die so easy.
Why did he get a nerf that bad?
It’s not like doing grenth was easy task anyway.

Orr events and scaling - Feedback Thread

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Donner.6293


The new scaling at the temple events is way too much and I seriously hope it gets toned down again.

All the temple events were not exactly easy before, some were already pretty hard and also took quite some time (expecially compared to all the other roflstomped world bosses).

Grenth is now failing over and over within the last minute and you have to start all over again. An entire zerg of players may be one-shot from invisible champions now…how great.

Lyssa is not really harder, because it cannot fail as long as the seals are defended properly. But it takes a ridiculous amount of time now. I did it with alot of players and after over 20 minutes of nonstop beating on the boss, it was finally dead! Reward: 1 rare.

I’m seriously wondering if you forgot that these events are supposed to be fun with the last scaling patch. Hint: Buffing the health pool beyond all measure and adding champions that one-shot players within a big mess of effects on top of heavy culling does neither increase the challenge nor the fun.

(edited by Donner.6293)

Orr events and scaling - Feedback Thread

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Curo.2483


I think this is ANet’s way of saying “Stop farming the same bloody things day in, day out!”.

Curo Lunesque – “Concerned Citizen and Community Builder”
NSP – northernshiverpeaks.org

(edited by Moderator)

Orr events and scaling - Feedback Thread

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Fenrir.3609


I think this is ANet’s way of saying “Stop farming the same bloody things day in, day out!”.

Maybe it’s their way of saying “Please buy more Gems from us!”.

Seriously though I am all for increasing difficulty, but not if it is done by the lazy kitten way of just shovelling in lol25k aoe champs which still drop total garbage loot.

(edited by Fenrir.3609)

Orr events and scaling - Feedback Thread

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: circuitnerd.5863


Making another post as why I think it’s too OP. Just look at this screenshot. And you can clearly see I’m wearing tough stuff.


Certified Gameaholic

Orr events and scaling - Feedback Thread

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: LordEnki.9283


My roommates are always laughing at me for yelling: “What the ^$%#$ just ^$%$^% hit me? Really arena net?” /shrug
What can ya do I guess. However it would be nice to be able to explore Orr more on my own without getting chain hit with immobilize, OP bosses, kitten spiders (Forcibly injecting me with eggs in my book is kitten well now they say spray, but still kitten and risen nobles that make me feel like I’m made of paper. If we can’t get a few of these scaled down how about scaling me up?..lol

Orr events and scaling - Feedback Thread

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Kyven.7514


I should not be fearing for my warrior’s life when I bring her to CS. I refuse to bring my newly 80’d necro to CS because she will be squashed faster than a bug on a windshield if she so much as breathes near Penitent.

When players actually fear for their character’s lives, something needs to be changed. As it is, I’ll be farming Frostgorge.

Lareswen-Human Warrior/Zinnia Epsilon-Asura Mesmer
The Tyrian Institute (TI)
One of the few Americans on Gunnar’s Hold (EU)

Orr events and scaling - Feedback Thread

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: morrolan.9608


Just getting back to Orr cause I got a new level 80 and I agree the changes are ridiculous, especially considering the low numbers of people that go there now. The event scaling needs to be toned down and the temple events need to be looked at. Tried all day yesterday to open grenth on more than 1 server and couldn’t do it.

Jade Quarry [SoX]
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro

Orr events and scaling - Feedback Thread

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Aeros.2046


Relevant picture.



Orr events and scaling - Feedback Thread

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: AsteriskCGY.5931


The abom’s overhead swing hits to his side by a good 4 character models.
What’s up with that?

Orr events and scaling - Feedback Thread

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Merlot.8567


The champion adds that spawn during these events is just so bad it’s hilarious.

On lyssa, we had the pink gorilla of doom – easy 20k boulder to the face and it’s leap would just crush me for over 30k dmg.
Grenth – lol champion wraith. Grenth is the easiest event to troll now. One player standing on Jonez will fail it should the wraith put a well under him.

Really wishing Orr was under the sea again.

Do not let the GW2 forums become the new Tumblr!

Orr events and scaling - Feedback Thread

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419


OK, the big numbers are a bug to the scaling, but what about the Veteran summons from the Champ Spider (that drop nothing)? What about the increase in AoE’s across the board? With the latest iteration of the Risen, it can get so there is almost nowhere to go except completely away from the fight.

Orr events and scaling - Feedback Thread

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Harbinger.8637


So I ran into a Champ chicken today, first time I’ve seen one. Pretty much downed/killed almost everyone, then it exploded when it was killed. Even more people died. lol

Guardian WvW Guide!
Heavens Rage

Orr events and scaling - Feedback Thread

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: morrolan.9608


No fixes for the Orr issues in the current patch? Seriously!! Just ridiculous. How often Grenth been open on any servers in the last 2 weeks? Twice, 3 times? Basically I can’t do anything with my new level 80 until Grenth is open.

Jade Quarry [SoX]
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro

Orr events and scaling - Feedback Thread

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Raine.1394


I actually went to CS in Orr first thing after the 5/14 patch. There was practically no one there (people are getting the message that Anet doesn’t want them there), so I really didn’t get to test the event scaling. I did a couple events and no champs spawned. However I did notice one disturbing thing. The normal mobs seemed significantly stronger than before.

There was nothing in the patch notes on game balance in Orr. Can we get a red post on whether there actually has been any changes? Has there been a coup de grâce?

Orr events and scaling - Feedback Thread

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419


I actually went to CS in Orr first thing after the 5/14 patch. There was practically no one there (people are getting the message that Anet doesn’t want them there), so I really didn’t get to test the event scaling. I did a couple events and no champs spawned. However I did notice one disturbing thing. The normal mobs seemed significantly stronger than before.

There was nothing in the patch notes on game balance in Orr. Can we get a red post on whether there actually has been any changes? Has there been a coup de grâce?

I haven’t been there since yesterday, but I have been to Southsun. It’s possible no one is in Orr because they are all doing the new content. I’ll run down to Orr later today or tomorrow and see if I think the normal mobs have been buffed.

Orr events and scaling - Feedback Thread

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: ArchonWing.9480


The new patch seems to have made it worse.

I mean the NPCs for the simple escort to pertinent event were getting killed practically every step. Enemies spawn and all NPCs in 2 seconds.

The Pact are complete wusses atm. I understand that NPCs shouldn’t be able to do your job, but when spawns are balanced on how many npcs there are and the fact that NPCs can wander off on their own and the monsters that slaughter them don’t despawn…. (sup Anchourage)

For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards,
for there you have been and there you will long to return.

Orr events and scaling - Feedback Thread

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: JudgeD.5673


Tbh, I have more trouble with the regular mobs in Southsun than in CS. I should note that none of my characters have 3k armor either, though having 3 or more mobs aggroed is tough. It seems it’s the event scaling that is the issue. I don’t see the Orr temples open as often, likely because nobody wants to mess with the Legendary Giant at Melandru and all the Risen spiders, etc.

The Robertsons – Julie, Lyana, Adrian, and Lewis
Tarnished Coast Server (formerly of Kaineng)

Orr events and scaling - Feedback Thread

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Avatar of Indra.6908

Avatar of Indra.6908

I’ve spent most of my time leveling characters or running amok with the rest of the zerg in WvW only going to Orr here and there, so I don’t know how much has changed since the patches that affected Orr-though the foes do seem to be a bit harder than they should be for general PvE, and from what I remember.

Although I usually do dungeons to grab the exotics that I need when I level a character up to 80, I do try to at least get one or two pieces from the exotic karma merchants that are at the temples to cut down on the number of dungeon paths that I need to do and to use the karma that I already have built up.

But it seems that the temples over the last few weeks are pretty much never open. I have left my ranger in front of the Arah dungeon for over a week now checking multiple times a day to see if the karma merchant there is up as well as what other temples may be open by looking at the status of the statues in Promenade of the Gods/The Narthex.

I’ve seen Dwayna and Melandru open here and there along with Balthazar on the occasion, but they do not stay open for long, thus making it impossible to grab the exotic karma items that I want from the other temples. Guesting to another server just to get the armor I want should not be a solution to the problem as that only covers up the problem rather than fixing it at its roots.

Based on trying to do the various events that lead to opening the temples solo and with two or three other people as well as the number of threads here on the forums about the problems of the temple events, it would seem that trying to open up a temple, with the exception of the easier ones, is simply not done anymore. And from what I can tell, unless you plan to get a cultural weapon, the problem makes karma near useless at the same time. (Already working on my third stack of obby shards, so don’t need them).

As new content is released, people flock to it (fractals, Frost and Flame, Secrets of SouthSun, etc) making the original content desolate of people. I think that ANet is going in the wrong direction with some of the older content. Do not make it more difficult and then release new things in the game to do which draws the attention of most players thus leaving the few still in the older content alone or too few in number to do the more difficult stuff.

The older content should in fact be adjusted to be a little easier since most players have moved on to other things within the game as the only thing that remains in Orr with the exception of a few stragglers, is the footprints in the dirt from the player horde that once came through.

One other reason to tone it down a bit is that the game will always still have new players joining, and if Orr is too much of pain, they simply will avoid it altogether. I myself didn’t start playing Guild Wars 1 until December 2010. If the content throughout was as difficult as what we came across in EotN, I simply would have stopped playing within the week. But because I played the easier than EotN content that I faced late in the Factions and Prophecies campaigns first, I was ready for the most part when I started the EotN.

(edited by Avatar of Indra.6908)

Orr events and scaling - Feedback Thread

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419


I found the time to do a node run through Cursed Shore today. I also did 5 events: Fia’s 2, Penitent twice and Shelter. At Pen/Shelt there were no more than 5-6 players. I also killed plenty of normal mobs while node hunting. I observed zero difference between mob effectiveness today and mob effectiveness before the 5/14 patch. Of course, 5-6 was not enough to spawn Champions at Pen/Shelt — although we did get 3 to 4 Vets at a time.

Orr events and scaling - Feedback Thread

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: morrolan.9608


The older content should in fact be adjusted to be a little easier since most players have moved on to other things within the game as the only thing that remains in Orr with the exception of a few stragglers, is the footprints in the dirt from the player horde that once came through.

Yep, especially when the temple armor and trinkets is clearly what they want people to be able to use for their first exotic set. Sure have it difficult with large numbers of people but its completely off because they’re far too hard for the low numbers that are in Orr. Grenth should just be put back to the way it was originally when the game came out, probably arah as well.

Jade Quarry [SoX]
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro

Orr events and scaling - Feedback Thread

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: AndrewMcLeod


Game Designer


There were no changes to make any creatures harder than they previously were in the patch on Tuesday, and the damage on Veterans and Champions in the events using the new event scaling should be significantly closer to what was intended.

We’re still looking at the difficulty of these events, and may make more changes in the future. If anybody has played any of the events using the new scaling since the patch, feedback is definitely welcome.

Orr events and scaling - Feedback Thread

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: morrolan.9608


1 or 2 servers have had grenth open since Tuesday’s patch as far as I’ve seen, IMHO thats not really reasonable.

Jade Quarry [SoX]
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro

(edited by morrolan.9608)

Orr events and scaling - Feedback Thread

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Kraggy.4169


and the damage on Veterans and Champions in the events using the new event scaling should be significantly closer to what was intended. .

So you intended this content to be ‘unfun’ in the way it is with these damage numbers?


Orr events and scaling - Feedback Thread

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Aveneo.2068


There were no changes to make any creatures harder than they previously were in the patch on Tuesday, and the damage on Veterans and Champions in the events using the new event scaling should be significantly closer to what was intended.

We’re still looking at the difficulty of these events, and may make more changes in the future. If anybody has played any of the events using the new scaling since the patch, feedback is definitely welcome.

Just did the ‘Defend Jofast’s Camp’ and it was going great… Until the Champion Risen Wraith showed up during the last wave.

Even though the damage it did with his Life Transfer was lower, it singlehandedly caused the event to fail because it’s a long range channeled AoE that seems to last for what seems like 20-30 seconds.

So once you get a single Champion Wraith, that event WILL FAIL every single time because of its ridiculously long channel of Life Transfer.

Valiant Aislinn – Aveneo Lightbringer – Shalene Amuriel – Dread Cathulu
Fojja – Vyxxi – Nymmra – Mymmra – Champion of Dwayna .. and more

Highly Over Powered Explorers [HOPE] – Desolation EU

Orr events and scaling - Feedback Thread

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Blaeys.3102


While I agree some mechanics and one shot abilities need to be looked at, I don’t want the zone turned into a bunch of mindless, easy fights. In every fight, there need to be mechanics that require some movement or thought on the player’s part – mainly to make the fights more engaging, but also to severely punish the botters and AFK/auto attackers.

So – look at the frustrating mechanics – particularly anything that one shots and is unavoidable (and very much at anything that one-shots critical NPCs), but do not dumb the fights down to the point where it is just a farm/bot fest. That said, one shot mechanics that are obvious and avoidable are okay.

The one thing we need most in this game is more zones with epic scalable-5-to-100 fights for guilds and organized groups to enjoy. In places like Orr, I would vote that they design around groups rather than collections of individuals. Even if the temples stay contested/events stay in failed state 90% of the time, having the challenge there for guilds and groups when they want to tackle them is important. Dumbing them down would take that from the game. Places like Orr should be there for organized groups more than anything.

Again, however, things like the one-shot on the Grenth NPC (or the morale-dropping events – those don’t seem to scale well either) need to be looked at very closely.

Orr events and scaling - Feedback Thread

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419


The one thing we need most in this game is more zones with epic scalable-5-to-100 fights for guilds and organized groups to enjoy. In places like Orr, I would vote that they design around groups rather than collections of individuals. Even if the temples stay contested/events stay in failed state 90% of the time, having the challenge there for guilds and groups when they want to tackle them is important. Dumbing them down would take that from the game. Places like Orr should be there for organized groups more than anything.

Dungeons are meant for organized groups. Guild missions are meant for organized groups. Making 1 of the 2 max level areas into a playground “for organized groups more than anything” is not a good idea. I’d support instanced versions of the temple events being available for large, organized guilds/groups, but leave the open world content accessible to everyone.

I’m willing to look at the new iteration of difficulty, assuming anyone on my server bothers to do the temples. However, I still expect the invisible mobs and particle obfuscation to be an issue. I can also tell you there are very few doing Pen/Shelt/Jofast during prime time on FC, so we never saw anything beyond veterans.

Orr events and scaling - Feedback Thread

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Raine.1394


The one thing we need most in this game is more zones with epic scalable-5-to-100 fights for guilds and organized groups to enjoy. In places like Orr, I would vote that they design around groups rather than collections of individuals. Even if the temples stay contested/events stay in failed state 90% of the time, having the challenge there for guilds and groups when they want to tackle them is important. Dumbing them down would take that from the game. Places like Orr should be there for organized groups more than anything.

Dungeons are meant for organized groups. Guild missions are meant for organized groups. Making 1 of the 2 max level areas into a playground “for organized groups more than anything” is not a good idea. I’d support instanced versions of the temple events being available for large, organized guilds/groups, but leave the open world content accessible to everyone.

I’m willing to look at the new iteration of difficulty, assuming anyone on my server bothers to do the temples. However, I still expect the invisible mobs and particle obfuscation to be an issue. I can also tell you there are very few doing Pen/Shelt/Jofast during prime time on FC, so we never saw anything beyond veterans.

Agree. Open world PvE should not be designed around well-coordinated groups of skilled players. Why? Because it’s open to all players and a 90% fail rate just indicates a problem with how the event is conceived. No one wants mindless afk-combat, but the open world in an MMO is not about crushing challenge; that’s what tiered difficulty in instances should address. Please design the open world for what you will find in the open world, a wide diversity of players who are not playing from a coordinated interrupt list.

And, you must lose the random one-shot’s from nowhere. It’s not fun to die from no apparent cause. A big piece of learning skillful play is being able to analyze an unsuccessful encounter and being able to understand where you went wrong. If the only wrong you’ve done is being in combat range of multiple champs who spam hard-hitting abilities in all directions then something is wrong with the game. That’s not challenge, crushing or otherwise—it’s simply cheap.

Orr events and scaling - Feedback Thread

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: morrolan.9608


So once you get a single Champion Wraith, that event WILL FAIL every single time because of its ridiculously long channel of Life Transfer.

This, doing Grenth even since the patch has the same issue. Its poor game design, increasing difficulty by simply giving monster an overpowering ability.

Jade Quarry [SoX]
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro

Orr events and scaling - Feedback Thread

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: dgrigo.2609


Scaling is bad, invisible mobs, aoe and constant CC mobs everywhere is cheap design imo.
I think that everything from camp events, temples, world bosses to WVW, became a zerk job to win.
No more wandering in Orr or do any temple, 3 months back, before adding the fun aspect to your game, fights were fun at least for me.

(edited by dgrigo.2609)

Orr events and scaling - Feedback Thread

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: JonSnow.5610


This is absolutely ridiculous.
Temple of Grenth is near impossible because Jones gets one-shotted by random invisible spiders. Nobody runs the event anymore on my server.
Temple of Melandru randomly bugs (yes, still)
Temple of Lyssa takes forever to complete, because Lyssa doesn’t stand on one spot ever. But worst of all has a health pool that takes 15 minutes to take down with 30 people there.

These scaling changes have made Orr very annoying now and less interesting for people wanting to farm for legendary.

Many that live deserve death, and some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them?
Do not be too eager to deal out death in judgment. Even the very wise can not see all ends

Orr events and scaling - Feedback Thread

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Atrius.8759


I’d like to add my voice to those saying that this scaling is getting ridiculous.

I attempted to run Melandru again today, with a small group, and failed due to the large swarms of veteran spiderlings. Making champion mobs that do 10k or more damage in one shot and hordes of veterans appear with only 6 players around is out of hand. This is making it impossible to do anything in Orr without a massive zerg. And those seem to only form once or twice per day now, as no one wants to even attempt the temple events in off-hours.

Having monsters scale up to level 81-84 was good enough for most groups; also having them turn into veterans or champions doesn’t make anything more fun. It’s at best tedious and at worst impossible.

And please remember that fixing scaling means making things scale DOWN enough when there aren’t huge groups, too.

Orr events and scaling - Feedback Thread

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Arthur.9243


I do not post on the forums often but Orr demands attention. I’d rather Anet just sink Orr cause they’ve made a complete and utter mess of it. Their attempts to stop people from making money at Penitent, the Temples and Shelter are nothing short of dastardly. They promised to fix the “scaling bug” yea right a bug. Instead the champions are even more difficult than before leaving a sea of broken bodies. The champion at the end of Plinx event will go for hours unmolested because his one blue drop is not worth the massive war effort to take him down.

Fix Orr please or just sink it!

Orr events and scaling - Feedback Thread

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Mada.5319


There were no changes to make any creatures harder than they previously were in the patch on Tuesday, and the damage on Veterans and Champions in the events using the new event scaling should be significantly closer to what was intended.

We’re still looking at the difficulty of these events, and may make more changes in the future. If anybody has played any of the events using the new scaling since the patch, feedback is definitely welcome.

How about you and the rest of the staff go spend an hour in cursed shore doing grenth, pentient and shelter. Let us know how many times you had to talk to the repair merchant.

Cursed shore before the patch was perfect. It wasn’t too easy, it wasn’t too hard. If people wanted a challenge, they did dungeons/fractals. Anet’s #1 priority should be to ensure their players are having fun. Well, right now cursed shore is not fun. Getting one shotted by champion risen wraiths is not fun. Having a champ chicken shoot 3 eggs in one second, each doing 10k+ damage is not fun. Having 10+ veteran spider hatchling spawn and not give any loot/exp at all is not fun. Cursed Shore is not fun anymore and it’s a dead zone as a result.

Thanks for killing Cursed Shore and casual farming. When I only had 20 minutes free time I used to zone in and do a few events and actually achieve something. Now to make money I have to grind for hours in the fractals or in Cof, neither of which I have any interest in doing because I’m a casual pver.

Orr events and scaling - Feedback Thread

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: colesy.8490


I feel that Lyssa needs fixing quite badly, right now literally all that happens is you try to DPS the priestess (who by the way is a HP sponge on top of this) and then she’ll teleport away, make clones which can mess up your targeting, drop an AOE that can knock you out of the temple or just flat out block. If she’s not doing this, she’s moving around making herself harder to hit, and throughout all of this she’s doing basically zero damage to you. On top of this, you have trebuchets firing in which knock down a whole bunch of players and about ten champions all with annoying one or two-shot “mechanics”, and then those stages where the priestess will stun anyone looking at her for like a whole 30 seconds. Forget using stability either, she turns invulnerable at this stage too.

The event is that torturous that it’s gone from being one of my favourites to being the one temple which I will flat out avoid doing unless someone in my guild says that the priestess is almost dead, I then waypoint over, chase her, collect my chest and leave while the champion gorilla which didn’t despawn sits there one-shotting everyone who is hanging around.

I’m happy with pretty much everything else (vial of powerful blood drops seem nerfed though?) apart from Grenth as well because of Jonez getting obliterated and champion wraith of doom, but seriously, those two temples are so out of whack it’s ridiculous.

Warmaster Chan also didn’t need buffing with a vet abomination with a charge that obliterates players on top of the paper-thin npc hp bars, so I think the npcs either need a buff, or for something to be done about the risen noble symbols which are a complete pain and unfun to play against (in order to complete this event, I have to move ahead of the column, binding blade enemies at me and literally sit there and eat 8 symbols on me which stack on top of each other). Temple of Balthazar has the noble zergs causing problems with morale too, but at least you can do something about that by getting troops from two or three invasion points, Warmaster Chan you can’t do anything about.

Sanctum of Rall (NA) – [LOD] – PvE/Dungeon Phantasm Mesmer build
Morrï (Mesmer) | Serah Mahariel (Guardian) | Morrï Mahariel (Warrior)
“colesy’s on rampage today. Slaying casuals left, right and centre” – spoj

Orr events and scaling - Feedback Thread

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Silberfisch.3046


I have to agree that the damage output of some enemies during events that scaled up to acknowledge a large number of players seems way over the top right now.

The spiderchampions with the veteran hatchlings are one of the prime examples. And Orr actually isn’t the only affected area.

Have you ever tried to defend the arcanist lab in Sparkly Fen during the Tequatl spawn window? Due to the large number of players the krait scale up to champions. And those are more than capable of AoE oneshotting large numbers of players. There often isn’t even any indication that something might hit you. The next second you’re on the ground and a second pulse or somesuch from the same attack finishes you off.
There’s absolutely nothing you can do to avoid that. Down and dead in the blink of an eye without any tell that something like that is going to impact on your position.

Going back to Orr: My personal favorites are the suicide risen. You stand in the wrong spot, they spawn all around you (sometimes in numbers that can only mean instant death for a few dozen players.). Due to culling you won’t see them until it’s too late (read: you’ll see clouds from their detonations dispersing. but at that time you’re already out.).
They go off nigh simultaneously. That nigh being the real problem. The first hit(s) will down you. The next will kill you. And you never even saw what hit you.

Another fun thing is the aforementioned aggro. When mobs keep targeting you in your downstate to finish you off. I accept that sometimes this might simply be bad luck and with some mobs it might be planned. But during large scale events that seems to be the norm.
During large scale events and especially the current events on Southsun Cove I have repeatedly experienced the following:
Your character goes down. Someone finishes off an enemy you were attacking, you rally. So far so good. However a large number of enemies seems to have taken a liking to you, so you immediately go down again. Again you somehow rally. Still feeleing lucky? That’s about to change because the process will be repeated until you’re finally fully dead.
Down, rally, immediately down again, rally, immediately down again… Repeat until the downed penalty finally finishes you off.

Again the insane amount of damage some enemies can dish out when scaled combined with the somewhat mysterious way enemies pick their targets means you’re dead without you being able to do anything at all.

And this can really take the fun out of some events.

If you happen to stumble across any typos,
you may keep them to rear new and interesting variants in your basement.

(edited by Silberfisch.3046)

Orr events and scaling - Feedback Thread

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Kain Francois.4328

Kain Francois.4328

Cursed Shore was fine before. The question is WHY did they mess it up? Unless they make rewards worth the effort, what’s the point of such difficulty, when we could just whack at a dragon pinata?

Orr events and scaling - Feedback Thread

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419


I feel that Lyssa needs fixing quite badly, -snip-

I agree that the current iteration of the Lyssa event has turned into a long, tedious slog. It’s fun for a bit with the whole “fog of battle” thing going on, but after an hour or so of trying to down the Priestess in a sea of mob spawns, huge pink invisible gorillas, tons of vets and normal mobs that take too many hits to down, I’m about ready to chew nails. The event is doable, but is nowhere close to fun.

Orr events and scaling - Feedback Thread

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: NTDK.4897


There were no changes to make any creatures harder than they previously were in the patch on Tuesday, and the damage on Veterans and Champions in the events using the new event scaling should be significantly closer to what was intended.

We’re still looking at the difficulty of these events, and may make more changes in the future. If anybody has played any of the events using the new scaling since the patch, feedback is definitely welcome.

If the only way to get pass the Champ Wraith at Grenth chain’s cannon event is to rush rez Footi and then wait for the champ to despawn, I say there’s something seriously wrong with it.

I dare the Anet devs to get a group of 10 or more people to try and kill the Champ Wraith.

ign: Larxene Rakushinu
Incoming Quaggans [iQ]

Orr events and scaling - Feedback Thread

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Mada.5319


More screenshots to show how ridiculous Cursed Shore is now.
Note: I have almost 2000 toughness.


Orr events and scaling - Feedback Thread

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: DarkSider.1079


I haven’t gone for karma gear since start of the game, been slowly but surely saving it up. I finally have enough to buy all the pieces of PVT, but can’t seem to find a group that can complete grenth or most of the others for that matter. There are too many high level spawns that don’t add to an events ambience, they detract from it by kicking mud in your face when you’re already trying a challenging event.

Orr events and scaling - Feedback Thread

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Calae.1738


I haven’t gone for karma gear since start of the game, been slowly but surely saving it up. I finally have enough to buy all the pieces of PVT, but can’t seem to find a group that can complete grenth or most of the others for that matter. There are too many high level spawns that don’t add to an events ambience, they detract from it by kicking mud in your face when you’re already trying a challenging event.

You can farm Malchor’s Leap like most of us are doing now; if that’s your thing.

You can buy Sentinel gear off the trading post Vitality, Power, Toughness.

Orr events and scaling - Feedback Thread

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: morrolan.9608


Sentinel isn’t exactly the same as PVT and we shouldn’t have to buy it off the TP if we have the karma.

I’ve been waiting 2 weeks for Grenth to open in my TZ on any server and tried to do it multiple times without success, its ridiculous. Around 2 months ago they had hit something of a sweet spot with Orr IMHO why on earth they felt they needed to continue tinkering with it is beyond me.

Jade Quarry [SoX]
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro

(edited by morrolan.9608)

Orr events and scaling - Feedback Thread

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Manoa.5897


I feel that Lyssa needs fixing quite badly, -snip-

I agree that the current iteration of the Lyssa event has turned into a long, tedious slog. It’s fun for a bit with the whole “fog of battle” thing going on, but after an hour or so of trying to down the Priestess in a sea of mob spawns, huge pink invisible gorillas, tons of vets and normal mobs that take too many hits to down, I’m about ready to chew nails. The event is doable, but is nowhere close to fun.

^^ 100% this. The Sorrow’s Furnace community runs regular Orr temple runs on Saturday evenings, which were a very popular event for our server. No joke, Lyssa took our group WELL over an hour to complete the weekend before last due to the extremely large turnout. I completely lost track of how many times those pink gorillas one-shotted me during the attempt. The experience was so incredibly not-fun and left all of us so scarred that we won’t even touch Lyssa anymore during our Orr runs until it’s tuned down.

And we haven’t done attempted Grenth during our Orr runs in months due to scaling issues. And Baltha more often than not fails due to scaling being out of whack with the Pact morale (please give the Pact more of a backbone!). Nowadays, the only temples we can reliably complete with a very large group during our Orr runs is Dwayna and Melandru.

The larger the group, the less fun these temple events become. These scaling issues are making the SF Orr run event not worth running for the server community as a whole anymore.

Chaos Spatulai [Chef] | Paragon City Elite [PCE]
Henge of Denravi

(edited by Manoa.5897)

Orr events and scaling - Feedback Thread

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Stupor.2786


I wonder if the scaling is fine for Lyssa, but it’s being thrown off by all the people farming the north waypoint? That would be a pity as I rather enjoy the Lyssa fight myself.

Orr events and scaling - Feedback Thread

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419


I wonder if the scaling is fine for Lyssa, but it’s being thrown off by all the people farming the north waypoint? That would be a pity as I rather enjoy the Lyssa fight myself.

I experienced the scaling issues in Lyssa after the Union Waypoint was taken by the players/Pact. There were no players farming Union at that time.

Orr events and scaling - Feedback Thread

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Kain Francois.4328

Kain Francois.4328

Players are being forced to abuse the North Lyssa Union WP because all other events like Cursed Shore’s Tunnel Farm suffer from scaling bugs.

Please fix this so farmers can go back to faring without potentially exploiting!

Orr events and scaling - Feedback Thread

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: MadEasy.2173


Temples IMO are fine with scaling and we do them 2 times a day as a guild. Haven’t done Grenth in months, so I really don’t know. Balthazar can be a pain but doable. We don’t do Arah because there’s no reason to. Please give us a reason too! hint can’t get in to Arah.

Guild Leader of HOTTIES [HOTS] of Anvil Rock
