Overflow, overflow, overflow...

Overflow, overflow, overflow...

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: OldRodKS.9758


Every world boss (dragon, behemoth, etc.) I’ve tried over the past 2 hours, I’ve ended up in overflow.

What is going on? No matter what zone it is, and no matter how early I get there, I end up in overflow!

Playing on Tarnished Coast
Playing a various Stormspire alt – if it’s Stormspire, it’s probably me
Guilds: Elder Prophets [EP], Principality of New Katulus (PiNK)

Overflow, overflow, overflow...

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: KCG.6419


It is because of all the people " Guesting" from other servers. It is irksome that I can’t do any events on my server b/c I am stuck in the over flow and when I finally do get in, the boss is dead. My only issue with it is that guests shouldn’t get priority over people who are from that server.

Overflow, overflow, overflow...

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Acoreus.7591


yes same here. very frustrating.

Overflow, overflow, overflow...

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: OldRodKS.9758


Not so sure about the guesting issue… I’m in Overflow waiting on Shadow Behemoth and there are people there from at least 10 different servers.

It’s almost like the map limit has been lowered to help fight the lag? The one event I managed to get to (Tequatl) in a non-overflow wasn’t nearly as laggy as it has been all week.

Playing on Tarnished Coast
Playing a various Stormspire alt – if it’s Stormspire, it’s probably me
Guilds: Elder Prophets [EP], Principality of New Katulus (PiNK)

Overflow, overflow, overflow...

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: OldRodKS.9758


What’s strange is, I never get out of overflow. Earlier when Behemoth was up, I was in OF, so I hung around and even when Behemoth was over, I never got the chance to leave overflow.

Playing on Tarnished Coast
Playing a various Stormspire alt – if it’s Stormspire, it’s probably me
Guilds: Elder Prophets [EP], Principality of New Katulus (PiNK)

Overflow, overflow, overflow...

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Insidious Johnson.2974

Insidious Johnson.2974

Might be the map headcount lowered along with guesting compounding the problem. Need mirrored events in overflows or a means of avoiding overflow. Server residents deserve priority over guests for world boss events.

Urge to kill rising.

Overflow, overflow, overflow...

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Master Mikex.4520

Master Mikex.4520

Anet please allow the guest to be put into Over Flow so we the actual server residents may do the event…I can’t believe i have to wait 15 hours just for one dragon out of 3…it’s not cool. Or at least have the over Flows have mirror events so we all can enjoy the dragons at the same time.

Overflow, overflow, overflow...

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Iocane Powder.9278

Iocane Powder.9278

All they need to do to fix it and leave the intent behind guesting in place is make guesting require an invite from a server resident every time. No more overflows, and the people who want to play with their friends on other servers still can and the treasure hunters will have to stay on their own servers where they belong.

Overflow, overflow, overflow...

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Frost.2908


I agree all of a sudden overflows for every event on my server… which is not even a high pop server… I missed 3 events today due to overflows so this is getting old really quick…

There needs to be some sort of prioritization of locals or something, granted before we were transferring to other servers for event ect and there was never a problem.. It just feels like something changed rather recently…

Overflow, overflow, overflow...

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: squiid.8560


I can’t even play with people on my chosen server due to guesting. I missed two dragons today and was unable to play another with someone in my guild yesterday.

This carpetbaggetry needs to end (at least without an invite).

This is foolish even from a business perspective: so much lost transfer money.

Overflow, overflow, overflow...

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: XanBie.3675


Yeah we need a new system for this tbh. My advice are one of the following:

#1 Have the requirement to get any chests from other Guested servers be paired with being in a team with someone from that server. For example if a Devona’s Rest wants to guest to EhmryBay, they can get the chest reward unless their in the same team as an EmryBay player. This will reduce the number of floaters

#2 Have the chest rewards be once a day for the account (I’m not a fan of this in all honesty) , as bad as it is, it would prevent farmers from jumping to every server to get all their alts done if they can only do it once. This may backlash wehre we wont have enough players to kill the bosses though*

#3 Have reduced rewards for guesters (again this sucks if you want to join your friend) to deter guesting for world bosses.

#4 Between the main and overflow worlds, have the main world reserved for players who are not guesting, and any other available spots will be for guesters. In the case new home server players will want to go into the map, guesters who are not partied with a home world-er will be sent to the overflow with their parties ect... similar how people are sent out of overflows (personally my favorite :P)

Overflow, overflow, overflow...

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Healix.5819


Guesting isn’t the problem. Now that the population caps seem to have been greatly reduced, even if you were to disable guesting, you would probably still encounter overflow. The rewards are simply too great for the amount of effort required and now that everyone has probably heard about the change, more and more people will start to participate, further increasing the problem.

Someone guesting, taking a slot, may seem unfair to the person with that server as their home, but kicking that person who was first in line and waiting is even more so. They could disable chest for people guesting, but that would make it unfair to those actually playing with their friends, which has always been a feature.

They could make the events occur at completely random times, but that would just make it worse. As soon as the event started, someone would call it out and people would flock to that server. The people who missed it would complain even more than now and they would feel forced to sit there for an unknown amount of hours.

They could make the chests account bound, but I highly doubt they would. They do want incentives for playing the game after all.

The only solution, besides nerfing the chests, is to make the timers public and to run the events more often. All dragon event should start exactly at times like 2pm, 4pm, 6pm etc. People would then know exactly when to show up and the large groups of players would have to split up between them, since frankly, you’re not going to get an entire server to agree to only kill 1 dragon at a time. Since the event would occur at specific times, it wouldn’t matter if you entered overflow or not. If the population doesn’t need to split up, they could alternatively make the timers staggered so that a different dragon occurs roughly every 30 minutes.

Overflow, overflow, overflow...

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Sithaco.4673


The only solution, besides nerfing the chests, is to make the timers public and to run the events more often. All dragon event should start exactly at times like 2pm, 4pm, 6pm etc. People would then know exactly when to show up and the large groups of players would have to split up between them, since frankly, you’re not going to get an entire server to agree to only kill 1 dragon at a time. Since the event would occur at specific times, it wouldn’t matter if you entered overflow or not. If the population doesn’t need to split up, they could alternatively make the timers staggered so that a different dragon occurs roughly every 30 minutes.

I actually really like that idea! Have them all at the same time, nice.

Overflow, overflow, overflow...

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Hyper Cutter.9376

Hyper Cutter.9376

It just feels like something changed rather recently…

Say, the 26th of February?

Overflow, overflow, overflow...

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Vol.5241


As I mentioned before, if you are able to party up with someone on that map on the original server, you can right click on their portrait and join them.

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Overflow, overflow, overflow...

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Vol.5241


I agree all of a sudden overflows for every event on my server… which is not even a high pop server… I missed 3 events today due to overflows so this is getting old really quick…

There needs to be some sort of prioritization of locals or something, granted before we were transferring to other servers for event ect and there was never a problem.. It just feels like something changed rather recently…

They lowered the popution limits for those zones in order to deal with the lag/crashing.. They haven’t released any information on this, but it’s obvious. Yesterday evening I ended up in overflow #2 for my server. That has never happened before.

[Permabanned on Forums]
[Currently Inactive, Playing BF4]
Magic find works. http://sinasdf.imgur.com/

Overflow, overflow, overflow...

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: yedi.2713


The whole game has been running like poop crackers for a while now. I spent all of January off work with a knee injury and farmed Maw/dragons without a problem. Being back at work my GW2 playtime is rather… limited… so getting overflowed and missing an event even once means I don’t get to do it at all that day. I was running the game on high visual settings for the events and had zero problems with my framerate never dipping below 30. Now I can’t get above 10fps when the boss is alive(and that’s if I’m lucky, most of the time I’m sitting at 1-3fps) with the settings set as low as they’ll go with fewer people present for the events.

The second the boss dies and the chest spawns my fps goes back to normal but so long as they’re alive, it’s a total slide-show. So not only do I get overflow’d constantly, should I manage to get into an event my game now runs like garbage too. It’s seriously depressing(and, at its worst, severely headache inducing) and I hope they fix it soon, because they’ve effectively killed any will I had to run the events or even play the game until they do :\

The least they could do is tell you that “this waypoint is full, and you will be placed in the overflow” BEFORE you teleport so I can stop wasting gold getting cheated out of events.

(edited by yedi.2713)

Overflow, overflow, overflow...

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: fullpint.8390


You know what WOULD be nice? Some kind of statement from Anet on what their current thinking is for solving the problem..

Overflow, overflow, overflow...

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: matsif.9351


As I mentioned before, if you are able to party up with someone on that map on the original server, you can right click on their portrait and join them.

until the map fills during prime time and you can’t get in due to “map full,” which happened to me for 3 hours yesterday. Or until you’re running around doing things in queensdale and are removed to overflow, not from zoning, not from anything, just blink “you are now in overflow.”

Guesting has been the problem from the beginning. You take a server with high population, add in a ton of guests, suddenly you have the crippling lag that we all experienced until these new overflow limit changes.

Remove chests for guesting players and force them back to their home server. Just get rid of them. It’s screwing my experience on my home server, and they are screwing their home server fellow players by not being there to make these events more populated.

Overflow, overflow, overflow...

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: chrisgr.3849


if ppl like to play on other servers fine by me…just Anet must fix that by ppl taking chest on ther owhn serves..no chest gor guesting in major events…is crap tha ppl can do the events on ther owh server..so what we nead to wait on dragons cosse maybe when is time for them it a big posibility to go on oeverflow??

Overflow, overflow, overflow...

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Wotan.2409


I’m sick and tired of zoning into overflow on my own server at every major event!!!
I don’t have that much time to play…if I’m lucky enough I have enough time to do all 3 dragon once a day but not anymore – now I don’t get any because of the overflow. the only way to do a dragon now is to camp the map some time before the window starts and I just don’t have time for that.
This is BS! Please make the events playable for ppl on their home server Anet!!!

Overflow, overflow, overflow...

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Reaver.9256


You’re on TC OP. It’s a very overpopulated server.

Overflow, overflow, overflow...

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Zampa.9347


ye this sistem is no good…i lost my time for wait the dragon.. pls change this sistem beacuse is very bad

Overflow, overflow, overflow...

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: RaffoO.7329


fix this kitten now plz….is insane that missing 40min still for behemoth and swamp is already overflow????

Overflow, overflow, overflow...

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: DevorianDevil.6037


i log on and every event i want to do puts me in overflow, even a dragon who still is 30min away from the pre-event. Before it was a lagfest but people actually got something, now you have screwed over half the population by putting them in the overflow. And the reason you are doing this is because of purely a design flaw and you took the easy way out aggravating a lot of people with it.

You can imagine if it’s bad now, what it will be when the weekend comes and everyone will start flooding the forums with complaints. if you will not fix this and keep ignoring like you did with a lot of things, lootbug, class issues, … you’re gonne chase a lot of people away, once again.

Overflow, overflow, overflow...

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: MrInfinit.1864


Remove chests for guesting players and force them back to their home server. Just get rid of them. It’s screwing my experience on my home server, and they are screwing their home server fellow players by not being there to make these events more populated.

I really don’t think guests are the cause of these issues. Sure, maybe it’s not helping, but getting rid of it won’t suddenly remove all of the lag and overflows. ArenaNet improved chest loot, so everyone is out doing these events now. I haven’t hit an overflow on TC LA since the patch hit… because no ones there, everyone is out and about, at these events! This is the root cause of the issues.

I really hope ArenaNet never listens to some of the more stupid ideas I’ve seen on these forums lately, specifically removing guesting or removing rewards/chests for guests. Why punish people for playing the game as intended, or joining up with friends? I’d rather them make chests once per account, or even revert the loot changes before hurting guests/guesting.

Overflow, overflow, overflow...

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: OldRodKS.9758


You’re on TC OP. It’s a very overpopulated server.

I am aware of that.

The problem is every single event is in overflow now during the time of day I play. I went to Queensdale as soon as I got off work tonight, a full 45 minutes before the spawn window even is up for Behemoth… Bam, Overflow!

Last night I sat in Queensdale overflow for over 3 hours! At some point shouldn’t the event have spawned there? Or someone in Queensdale on my server left so a spot opened?

Queues for WvW aren’t this long. This is stupid!

Playing on Tarnished Coast
Playing a various Stormspire alt – if it’s Stormspire, it’s probably me
Guilds: Elder Prophets [EP], Principality of New Katulus (PiNK)

Overflow, overflow, overflow...

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Malediktus.9250


On the german forums is an official response saying max players per zone got reduced to combat lag.

1st person worldwide to reach 35,000 achievement points.

Overflow, overflow, overflow...

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: WarManII.3659


People are abusing the fact that Single chest per day doesnt carry to different servers, so they are guesting to maximize thier farm. Please look into this sirs, so we may go back to enjoying events in our own home servers.

Overflow, overflow, overflow...

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Rei Mizser.7651

Rei Mizser.7651

I prefer to have lag and be in my home server

Overflow, overflow, overflow...

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Healix.5819


People are abusing the fact that Single chest per day doesnt carry to different servers, so they are guesting to maximize thier farm.

You cannot loot the same chest twice on the same character by guesting to a different server.

The only reason why people guest is to find servers with shorter timers than their own.

Overflow, overflow, overflow...

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Razgriz.2590


I have figured out that if you party with someone that is in the area when you are in an over flow you can right click the name and Join in (Location name) Like people do to get into the same overflows in LA for fractals, but it only works with people native to the server.

Borlis Pass
Norgy lvl 80 Guardian
Guild: Hunting Hunters[HH]

Overflow, overflow, overflow...

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: maxie.9620


Some sort of official response would be pretty much expected but good luck with that. Anet just don’t give a kitten. They know about this, what the causes are and how to fix it but that just ain’t gonna happen.

Overflow, overflow, overflow...

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: fractalKinesis.8569


I ported over to do Shatterer, as the event was on… got stuck in overflow. At 1:30 in the morning. Shatterer was up in the overflow.
I may have gotten lucky, or they may have done some ninja update, so that we don’t miss out on stuff just because of guests.

Xiro, High Five Warriors [HFW], Jade Quarry

Overflow, overflow, overflow...

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Graka.9457


Anet, please just put back the lag until a more longterm solution can be figured out, the current overflow just denies both guesters and server players from being able to do the dragons. I would suggest doing this, then making it so that you cant get dragon chests from another server, this should eliminate the problem entirely.

I’m sorry, I can’t hear you over the sound of how awesome I am.

Overflow, overflow, overflow...

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: markzman.6902


Spent most of the day Teleporting across the map TRYING to do a dragon event but overflow is all I seem to end up in, and the the one time i got to leave the overflow everyone was running away from the chest. There’s a problem here that really needs to be addressed.

so apparently I am a Ranger? go figure.

Overflow, overflow, overflow...

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: antonello.8592


Thank you, Arenanet, for ruining this. Long story short, the areas I usually farm to level alts are gone. I’m not some huge powerleveler, I have one 80 and the rest 4-30 even though I bought on day 1 release.

I take my level 4 Mesmer into Queensdale at midnight PST and get overflow. Overflow at ******* midnight. I literally saw 2 other people running from the bridge to the farm under attack by bandits. The low-level event chains I relied on to level these guys are gone. Say what you want about them, they get players together. Now I’m wandering around a world where players are scattered by no good event chains and spread throughout overflows.

At this point, **** it. All low level content is a waste of time when I could be doing dungeons and earning cash/gear badges. I’ve been wandering around level 1-35 dead areas for 3 days wondering what’s going on and why are the quests all gone. I can now save 4/5 of the time I normally spend on your game!

(edited by antonello.8592)

Overflow, overflow, overflow...

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Zehnchu.4985


I really don’t think guests are the cause of these issues.

If that was the case then it would have been this bad the day of the update. But since it’s been over a week and the word has spread we are seeing the affects of home sever population forced into overflow.

Best thing would to be to disable guesting till they can come up with a better system to deal with it. but then I can see people grefing and just guesting on to the severs even if they didn’t get rewards.


Overflow, overflow, overflow...

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Busko.7408


Yea this started about 2 days ago when they had some kind of server downtime for a while and i suspect they ninja lowered the map cap so now almost every time i go for dragon or other chest event i get overflow compared to 3 days ago i could easly go at the timer start and get in to desired server. If Anet did indid lower it (as i strongly suspect) then they should have informed us.

Im a Kitty Cat rawr
what what what….

Overflow, overflow, overflow...

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: eithinan.9841


This guesting problem will not only affect bosses and dragons, but also the new content like guild bounties if you cannot reliably get your guild into a zone for the objective. People are using guesting to farm things not “play with their friends”. This was already an option with cross server dungeons and fracs. I think the cross server overflow technology which was already in place was how they should have implemented guesting. let these people go to an overflow map and have someone on the home server meet them there so it doesnt ruin the home server population.

Overflow, overflow, overflow...

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Black Wolf.7348

Black Wolf.7348

because of the limit of people have been lowered ( which it seems like it has ) is that people who most likely get into overflow start trolling with the timer to make people leave. a side effect that benefit no one in the long run.

Overflow, overflow, overflow...

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Locce.8405


The part that bugs me the most is that I have no way of knowing if I am in time for the event before the teleport or if I will end up in the overflow, thus wasting time and money for nothing.
One solution would be to implement an “overflow warning” that lets you abort a teleport if you would be transferred to an overflow shard. That way you still would be unable to take part in the dragon event, but at least you would not interrupt any other activity and spend precious silver to just stand there like an idiot.
Also, while guesting may not be the sole reason for overcrowded dragon events it sure does not help either. So, it might be worth a thought to limit guesting to a certain degree, say choose one “guesting server of the day” either per character or per account.
Basically, they have to do something, because the situation as it is is nothing less than frustrating.

Overflow, overflow, overflow...

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Destroyer.1306


No chests for guests!

Stinky Garbage, Engineer. Meatbag, Guardian. Dum Dums, Elementalist.

Overflow, overflow, overflow...

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Glacial Singer.1573

Glacial Singer.1573

MIssing events because of overflow? How about this really good game change.
you log in with a char , start the event in OF , decide to change chars , ….. No more Event……
then you have to waite a few hours to try again …… My daily game play is down bout 90 % because of these great game changes ….. way to go…… can’t wait for the next
grand ideas …. someone really screwed up big time .

Then theres the grand thought of one chest per day per toon , resets at 6 PM for me.
then have to wait till 11 PM to try to finish the chests… And the new daily ?…
has become a waste of time ……….. becoming bored with the game already ….

Overflow, overflow, overflow...

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Gahzirra.8639


I have quit playing completely, till this is fixed. It is just not fun popping over to fight the dragon/big event on my home server and being placed in overflow to sit and stare at the 20 other unlucky people.

I am on one of the lower pop server’s being plagued with massive influx from SoS and JQ and all the others.

Even if I head to an event 15m prior I still get overflow, haven’t tried 30m or longer but what’s the fun in sitting around scratching your kitten for that long. This has also become a huge waste gold..4silver here, 4 there adds up quick bouncing around to try and get to a non overflow event…which hasn’t happened yet for me during the time I play.

Fix it fast Anet

Overflow, overflow, overflow...

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Taliza.9537


Haha, just got thrown into overflow for Jormag at 5AM on a weekday, this is getting pretty ridiculous.

I’m kind of curious why guesting didn’t come out as invite only to begin with. It would be such an easy fix to stop farmers without punishing people who are using the system the way it was meant to be used, to play with friends.

Overflow, overflow, overflow...

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Replect.3407


Haha, just got thrown into overflow for Jormag at 5AM on a weekday, this is getting pretty ridiculous.

I’m kind of curious why guesting didn’t come out as invite only to begin with. It would be such an easy fix to stop farmers without punishing people who are using the system the way it was meant to be used, to play with friends.

Deactive guest (just deactive the button, done!) would be the best and easiest temporary solution until they have something great to fix such problems.
Guesting with invite would just end in some weird sites providing tools to find friends for guesting!

Overflow, overflow, overflow...

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Healix.5819


Disabling guesting for an extended period of time is not an option because they promised the ability to play with your friends, which is why free transfers were available for so longer while guesting wasn’t available.

Having guesting as invite only isn’t a good idea either. What about those times when something is bugged on your server, so you guest to complete it on another. What about public event runs, where people give an open invitation on the forums. What if you’re just on a low pop server, the zone you’re in is dead and you just want to try a more populated server.

Plus, people would probably try to sell invitations to the server.

Overflow, overflow, overflow...

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Fulkren.2841


ive stopped playing GW2 becuase the events i love to do (dragon, Behemouth, etc.) cant be done, i just end up in overflow… not fun and a waste of my time if i cant do them.

ive stopped playing GW2 untill something is to be done about it.

Overflow, overflow, overflow...

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Silberfisch.3046


I had a “funny” experience today. I was doing Frostgorge Sound with an alt, so i’d been on the map for about an hour.

The map channel was ablaze with the notion that the time window for Jormag’s claw was about to start.
True to this the performance in the entire zone startet to drop. Increased lags but still playable to a certain degree. Then all of a sudden the lags spiked and after a nice little slideshow of various images I got disconnected and found myself on the character screen with the error code i’m sadly familiar with these days. When I logged back in I was in the overflow.
Now since I was just there for map completion and not particularly for the dragon – though I wouldn’t have minded to take part since i was already there – I wasn’t overly annoyed. Just a bit.

Why does someone who’s been active on the map for about an hour get kicked because the map can’t handle the sudden influx of players due to the possible start of the dragon event in the near future and then land in the overflow? Seriously?

Aside from that however I have to admit I would actually be a fan of an earlier triggering overflow/ lower population per map, if that would actully help the lag spikes (wwhich in my experience it doesn’t at all) and if the big events where mirrored in the overflow so that everyone could still participate, overflow or not.

I’m aware the mirror solution might be rather difficult to do for a more complex event system like in orr with the temples. But i can’t see the same problems for something like the dragons for example.
The other problem I see with smaller population limits are the newly introduced guild bounties. Getting everbody in the guild on the correct overflow could prove troublesome.

If you happen to stumble across any typos,
you may keep them to rear new and interesting variants in your basement.

(edited by Silberfisch.3046)