Random Acts of Epic-ness: Champion Kol Skullsmasher

Random Acts of Epic-ness: Champion Kol Skullsmasher

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: MobMama.5648


Today, on my home server of Ehmry Bay, my son and myself, along with a rag-tag band of hearty stalwart Tyrian adventurers, came together to defeat the fiercesome giant Kol Skullsmasher in the Harathi Hinterlands. Many of us were downed, but we rallied to raise our fallen brethren time and again. Eventually, we prevailed, victorious.

This same tale can be seen across all of Tyria every day. But for me, this day, it showed me once again, the awesomeness this game can be and how fun it is to group together with friends and those we just happen to come across, and simply … Play. We didn’t stop there, many of us continuing on to the next adventure.

If you were there today with Moretha and Hilde, thank you. It was epic good fun!

(edited by MobMama.5648)

Random Acts of Epic-ness: Champion Kol Skullsmasher

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: juiceman.2870


If this is the one I am thinking of where you fight these 3 hounds before you fight that boss guy I remember that was one of the more memorable events and its pretty cool.
This game when it has big challenging chain events like this one where people have to actually coordinate and try is where this game really shines and shows how unique and fun it can be. Too many events though are not this good and just are way too easy.