Sanctum of Rall Temple of Balthazar

Sanctum of Rall Temple of Balthazar

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Silk.8302


Hey guys, is it possible for any GMs available to some how fix the bugged event so we can finish it, a lot of the guild mates want to complete their Legendary weapons. Also if anyone from SoR wants to group up to finish this event after its fixed just PM me in game.

Thanks in advance
Sammy Eli

Server|Fort Aspenwood
Guild|Players Killing Players[PVP]
IGN|Sammy Eli

Sanctum of Rall Temple of Balthazar

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Silk.8302


Please arenanet we are waiting anxiously and trust you will help us with this =)

Server|Fort Aspenwood
Guild|Players Killing Players[PVP]
IGN|Sammy Eli

Sanctum of Rall Temple of Balthazar

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Silk.8302


I forgot to thank you guys yesterday for fixing it so Thank you =)

Server|Fort Aspenwood
Guild|Players Killing Players[PVP]
IGN|Sammy Eli

Sanctum of Rall Temple of Balthazar

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: akamon.2769


If anyone sees this, iā€™m on Sanctum of Rall and wanting to do the temple of balthazar events now! come help!!

IGN: akaimon

Akaimon | Jolly Good Guardian
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] ā€“ Sanctum of Rall

Sanctum of Rall Temple of Balthazar

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: AKLbow.2463


Is your Temple of Balthazar still unbugged?

Viohlent ā€“ Thief