Server: Gate of Madness Area: Jelaco Cliffrise (5 bots camping the area)

Server: Gate of Madness Area: Jelaco Cliffrise (5 bots camping the area)

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: BabelFish.7234


There’s mass bots camping this area and 2 events which happen here (last I counted there was 5 bots). How do I know they’re bots? They have a very, very specific area they run through, they do the same things over and over and have been doing these specific actions to spawn risen for over 18 hours straight.

This effects the events by pulling the mobs and letting them pool then they sometimes explode out and cause the event to fail…annoying to say the least.

Could someone take a look into this and clear out the bots so the real players can actually do the events?

Server: Gate of Madness Area: Jelaco Cliffrise (5 bots camping the area)

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: BabelFish.7234


Well a few of the bots are gone but today there was a ranger bear pack there along with a few of the people who have been botting for over 24 hours now…
I’ve sent multiple reports and nothing is being done…