Shatterer! No Loot or Exp!

Shatterer! No Loot or Exp!

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Von Adder.2487

Von Adder.2487

So me and a few guildies level 45 to 50 waited for the event that spawns Shatterer, we waited two hours and took part in the build up, after fighting him for nearly 10 mins we were all rewarded with…ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!

Can some explain to me how this works? Did we do something wrong or is the whole thing just completely random!

Shatterer! No Loot or Exp!

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Petrol.9086


I dunno, simmilar thing happened to me just now.
Worked mykitten off, using my elites and utilites to get the most damage out, keeping fury up, swapping pets on cooldown for the QZ buff and shouted profanity at it so i would get a decent contribution but all i got was a bronze medal and some crappy blues.

Also read that someone got bronze from just autoattacking while they were drinking coffey.
Bummed me out so much i didn’t even feel like playing anymore.

Shatterer! No Loot or Exp!

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Von Adder.2487

Von Adder.2487


Yep i stopped playing immediately after and havn’t been back on since.

From now on when the whole zone get’s excited in map chat over these events i will make sure they all realise it’s probably not worth it!

Out of six guild members not one of us got a single thing not even exp yet others participating walked away with rares of every shape and is this fair?

I’m not a whiner but the mechanic in place for these events is either broken or flawed and people need to know about it, the more i play GW2 the more i’m beginning to miss GW1.

Shatterer! No Loot or Exp!

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Lianesse Modief.2683

Lianesse Modief.2683

So far I have only had that trouble with the elemental boss in Metrica Province and the shatterer. Got gold fighting tequatl the sunless and I just killed his minions. Never got close enough to hit the dragon

Shatterer! No Loot or Exp!

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Von Adder.2487

Von Adder.2487


It does look like it’s completely random then!

Would someone from Anet like to clarify?

Shatterer! No Loot or Exp!

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: WSQ.5674


seems look like bugged.
last time I fight with Shatterer was two weeks ago.
It should have a big chest under his feet after his defeated and fly away.

Shatterer! No Loot or Exp!

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Petrol.9086


Just did it again and bam, bronze again.
I asked what level and class the people that got gold where and got 4 responses.
3 where level 80 that got gold by just auto attacking , and 3 of them were warriors.

I’ve also noticed i’ve got a far easier time getting good medals with my warrior and thief than i have had with my ranger, maby the pet dosen’t “count” or something?

Shatterer! No Loot or Exp!

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Von Adder.2487

Von Adder.2487


Across all these zone bosses the story is beginning to sound the same, some people do get loot others do not, regardless of damage done or participation!

I just put out a few messages in map chat on Desolation asking people for their experiences with these events, from the replies i would say it’s about 50/50 on whether your lucky enough to roll a seven or eleven!

If this is true and the drop rate is randomised amongst the participants then i’m afraid that’s very very poor design, you have to consider my group never even earned XP, even though the fight lasted ten mins.

Still waiting Anet?

Shatterer! No Loot or Exp!

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Von Adder.2487

Von Adder.2487



So there is a possibility that it is a damage mechanic. If that is the case i wonder just how much damage a level 45 -50 warrior and guardian group have to put out before they actually “score”

A mechanic in place that rewards damage over gameplay is an absolute joke, it also encourages botting (which we have seen lots of in many DE areas) and means any lower level players would lose out to better geared and higher level players, making the whole thing pointless.

Over to you Anet?

Shatterer! No Loot or Exp!

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Usagizero.3591


There has to be a bad code somewhere. I’ve done a few of these, last one was that ice dragon. I got some level 67 blue items from it (level 80 zone/mobs), did the whole event from start (about an hour all total). Another guy got several level 80 exotics, and most said they got nothing. The other events i’ve gotten mostly nothing, but one i got around 10 items, some very good loot at the time.

Took so long, wasn’t much fun (attack walls, attack the extra mobs, never really fight the dragon), and the payout was paltry, it just doesn’t feel worth it to do them again, especially if it’s not going by participation. At least Warhammer Online let you know roughly what you did and gave you an extra for that.

Shatterer! No Loot or Exp!

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: KatarisFizz.2103


As an ele who only attacked the legs, I got no reward for it. I’m pretty positive that it has to do with large amounts of people since several others also got nothing.

Shatterer! No Loot or Exp!

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Monster.3186


Around 4:30 this morning, I seen the /map chat shouting about how Shatterer is up, so I went to investigate. I died twice because I wasn’t so brilliant when I ran in there thinking I could attack his legs as if I’m popeye on steroids. The next time I got up, I ran to the far end where he was facing everyone and jumped on a mortar where I proceeded to bash him from afar. He died within 13-14 minutes and flew away leaving behind a giganto chest where he once was.

Thus, I got teh loots from him.

I went back the next time he popped and couldn’t get on a mortar because there was only 3,754 people there fighting him as well. I was in the area though and fighting his minions, but when he died and flew away, there was no chest what so ever. There’s either something keeping you from getting items from him within a set amount of time, or it’s bugged. I like to think it’s t he latter.

Shatterer! No Loot or Exp!

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Raging Bull.5048

Raging Bull.5048

Indeed, the whole philosophy “you are playing it because it’s fun, not because of rewards or xp” is really… Wrong, to say the least. And that’s a huge understatement.

It’s not fun without rewards. You CAN’T eliminate “carrot on a stick” completely. While WoW overdid it, for sure, you need to find a sweet spot between too much and too little. Removing a main source of player motivation doesn’t make your game awesomely cool and original, it makes it dull.

Shatterer! No Loot or Exp!

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Eathanskies.3817


Shoot his face. I did that when I was about level 40, got gold no sweat. The reward is determined by damage dealt, and his head’s the weakest point. It can be difficult with heaps of people though, he dies pretty fast.

Erik Fallon – Coalition of Space Magicians

Shatterer! No Loot or Exp!

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Reqnine.6394


I want my shiny Rareeeeezzz! yeah I had the same yesterday. Some people said that you need to do a certain amount of damage before you can get loot or even the event completion. Funnily enough I am lvl 80 and was doing 1 -5k a shot with my rifle for about 5 minutes and I didn’t even get the event completion.

If 200 people participate in an event and only 100 people get event completion its a bit unfair.

Shatterer! No Loot or Exp!

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: mdapol.8530


Unless the event only rewards 100 people maximum.