Temple of Balthazar [Strats of Devastation}

Temple of Balthazar [Strats of Devastation}

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Maximillian.9018


On my server (whiteside ridge), the progress has been stuck on “waiting for reinforcements from the north”. I have ran around and done every dynamic event north of the rally point I could find, but no change.

I am wondering if there’s a special chain that finally triggers this, or if it’s bugged?

Temple of Balthazar [Strats of Devastation}

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: kaesebrezen.3104


It’s bugged and won’t work until a server patch/restart.

Temple of Balthazar [Strats of Devastation}

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: MegaBUD.2097


Any server have it working? Been trying to buy the set for 6 days… I tried 8 servers… all bugged… Anet… the new Bethesda… but worst…

Temple of Balthazar [Strats of Devastation}

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Gillysan.1962


Same thing on Ehmry Bay. Cleared out entire south area and stuck on “Pact forces are awaiting additional reinforcements from the southern invasion.” Lone Post keeps cycling the minor DE to go to the Conservatory, the escort quest for the reinforcements never starts. Must have defended Lone Post half a dozen times and searched between there and the Rally Point but nothing at all.

Temple of Balthazar [Strats of Devastation}

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Arc.1425


I’m on Blackgate and it’s bugged as well. Was hoping to buy a piece of gear today. I’m filing this as Bug #582.

Temple of Balthazar [Strats of Devastation}

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: TCL.9341


Crystal Desert here, totally broken. This really needs to be fixed ASAP, this is getting ridiculous as this has basically been broken since release.

Temple of Balthazar [Strats of Devastation}

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: cravenfear.6250


Temple of Balthazar [Straits of Devastation]……fixed. (the title of this thread not the bug)

Temple of Balthazar [Strats of Devastation}

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: jblee.4378


Bugged on isle of janthir too. South reinforcements aren’t moving towards the pact rally point

Temple of Balthazar [Strats of Devastation}

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: XalkyriezzZ.9634


Anyone knows which of their server’s event currently is not bugged?
And does Arenanet read their forums..? And since there are so many bugged SP/Events etc why don’t they have at least a daily server reset thingy….

Temple of Balthazar [Strats of Devastation}

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: rxsiu.4752


Daily server reset would mean an interruption in gaming service for a brief moment every 24 hours or so. While that does reset some bugs, it also obstructs continuous playtime of people from around the world with different schedules. Perhaps the pros don’t outweigh the cons here?

Temple of Balthazar [Strats of Devastation}

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: XalkyriezzZ.9634


Meh >.< so does every now and then when I go to a zone to level/farms etc, those bugged event/SP is not obstructing my continous playtime…

Temple of Balthazar [Strats of Devastation}

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: marianitten.1247


Sorrow’s furnace is OK. We kill it several times this week

For Those About to Zerg (We Salute You)

Temple of Balthazar [Strats of Devastation}

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: TheSaint.8072


May be this will help, and may be isn’t bugged but just difficult to trigger as meta-vent



The Temple of Balthazar is one of the longest and hardest (That’s what she said) meta events available in the game. It takes place throughout the ENTIRE Straits of Devastation (Level 70-75 zone) and requires you to complete multiple event prior to the actual start of the “Temple of Balthazar” chain in order to open it.

PART #1 Northern Reinforcements

The very first part of the meta chain starts with retaking Signal Peak from the Risen, building up the base, and then the assault on the Orrian sea begins.

The 3rd event is the beginning of this assault. Your job is to take out an Orrian Warship, and 5 Orrian troopships. At the same time, you must protect the Pact Submarines from sinking. Once you’ve finished this; you move to the Royal Forum, where there are more ships you need to sink; but this time there are Orrian Mines in the way! Be careful and maintain distance from these as they can often instantly down an under-geared player.

Finally you will battle to regain control of the Brass Claw outpost, and from there, the forces will wait until you’ve progressed the overall chain further.

Part #2 Southern Reinforcements and opening up the event

From Fort Trinity, there will be a meta event that will span the southern part of the land mass before Orr. You’ll have to basically escort a group of NPC’s over several events all the way to the Lone Post and open it up. From there you’ll move to escort the southern reinforcements to Rally, which will be the staging grounds for the Temple of Balthazar

Part #3 Let’s go! We’re taking the fight to you Orr!

Here begins the Balthazar Chain, Be prepared for a lot of failures and disappointment, but don’t give up. It’s definitely possible. I highly suggest you get a bunch of ele’s for this event, because you need as many healing abilities as you can. As you lead your Pact group, you’ll notice a Morale Bar. This is going to the existance of your bane. Every time any of the NPC’s goes down, you lose a bit of morale. Lose the commander and you lose a chunk of morale. No more morale? You fail the event. I’ve been at literally steps away from the Risen Priest of Balthazar and failed this event. There’s no real strategy here other then to watch your NPC’s closely, keep them healed and clear fast.

All Life end in Death, and Death…is only the beginning…

(edited by TheSaint.8072)

Temple of Balthazar [Strats of Devastation}

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: SonofPloppy.3418


Yeah its not bugged. We did it last night on Sea of Sorrows Server. It was the most epic event i have done so far. We failed on balthazar the first time and he had to redo it. We had over a hundred people fighting him and we still wiped the first time. The whole event felt like a raid..was awesome. Really hoping theres more of these type of epic events in the game.

Temple of Balthazar [Strats of Devastation}

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Thermidor.3749


Temple of Balthazar meta event bugged on Ring of Fire server, npc’s will just not move and stand still 24/7 for the past week