Temple zergs = every glitch in the game

Temple zergs = every glitch in the game

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Curo.2483


I didn’t see a thread on the first page about this, so I’m assuming it’s not being talked about enough.

On the Northern Shiverpeaks server at daily reset, an Orr temple zerg forms and methodically clears all the temples in Orr. The amount of people there is INSANE! This is the only time people clear the event, versus whenever it’s up (like any other event there is a dragontimer for), so if you want it done, you need to go then.

I’m all for working together, but the problem is that there are so many people that my graphics (with a decent computer and lowest settings) bug all the time.

1) I can’t see anything but player names.
2) Enemies are dead before they even appear to me.
3) Spell effects show up minutes after they are cast sometimes.
4) The events scale so high that even when I do 1000’s of damage to mobs, I don’t get kill credit a lot of the time, meaning frequently no experience, loot, or event credit.

Now those are the bugs I see in the game. The other big problem is THE PLAYERS. Because of these problems and how hard it is to guarantee kill/event credit, any player who can do so is spamming all the AoE spells they have. Now I don’t know about you guys, but as a mesmer, I can’t compete with ele’s, necro’s, and guardians when it comes to AoE. I’m hardly able to tag anything. Now 2 problems arise from this:

1) Spamming AoE = killing everything fast. People do more damage than they need to do for credit, and anyone who can’t deal massive AoE damage misses out.
2) Spamming AoE = visual lag. The map fills up with spell effects and FPS drops, skill lock’s ensue, and everything appears buggy.

But you all know this. So why is nothing being done? Why do people laugh at me when I try and communicate these issues in map chat?

Curo Lunesque – “Concerned Citizen and Community Builder”
NSP – northernshiverpeaks.org

Temple zergs = every glitch in the game

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Blood Red Arachnid.2493

Blood Red Arachnid.2493

I… do not have this issue. Over on SoR you can form a group on occasion to do pretty much every temple except balthazar. It is really simple to do them, actually. You only need a team of about 5 competent players, and every single chest event in orr can be completed by them.

It sounds more like this is a server community issue than it is something that Arenanet can fix. Are they supposed to tell players not to gather into incomprehensible hordes and expect them to listen?

I don’t have opinions. I only have facts I can’t adequately prove.

Temple zergs = every glitch in the game

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Panda Shepard.1248

Panda Shepard.1248

Actually Curo, many times before we even start several of the temples are uncontested already. When we do things out of order, that’s the reason. It definitely doesn’t take a zerg