The Battle for Wychmire Swamp

The Battle for Wychmire Swamp

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


How often is the The Battle for Wychmire Swamp in Caledon Forest supposed to occur?

Last night we sat in a full party and completed Defend Falias Thorp from the Nightmare Court half a dozen times and Defeat the jungle troll champion about the same number of times.

In the time it took to complete those events, plus some other random ones thrown in the mix, not once did the Meta for The Battle for Wychmire Swamp begin.

All of us took turns talking to Gamarien to no avail.

In contrast the Fozen Maw event in the Wayfarer Foothills seems to be on a very fast reset timer.

Is there anything we need to do in order to spur the reset or setup the event to start before we talk to Gamarien? Is the event just bugged or something?

Any help or information would be appreciated.

(edited by Moderator)

The Battle for Wychmire Swamp

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


Sorry, can’t really help you. Like Secrets in the Swamp, it seems to be on a very rare timer. All I can suggest is keep an eye out for it and quickly rush over there the moment somebody announces in Map Chat that the event is up.

Going forward though, I believe ANet needs to speed up the recharge timer for these meta events. Frozen Maw occurs a bit too rapidly IMO (about once every 20 – 30 mins, I think), but about once every hour or two should be fine.

The Battle for Wychmire Swamp

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: XarOneZeroNine.2374


Ok, all of the Halloween craziness is over. The Mad King has been vanquished and there is a bit of time before the ‘massive’ November update.

I did manage to catch it once since the time of the original post, but since I was the only one there, (announced in map chat several times with no response…) it was extremely difficult. (The density and respawn rates of enemies is absurd when only person is present.)

Why is it that The Battle For Wychmire Swamp is occuring so rarely?
Is it intended that this particular event occur so much less frequently than other similar events?
Is there a specific action that needs to be taken in order to spur the event reset?


Just curious. Any insight would be helpful.