The New Grenth, OP as you can get.

The New Grenth, OP as you can get.

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: BlondeGuy.4038


The chest is the same as any other large loot chest. Five items of blue + quality

The New Grenth, OP as you can get.

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Lothirieth.3408


for my opinion grenth is a job for guardians/wariors

Yeah, because the game totally needs more of that. [/sarcasm]

The New Grenth, OP as you can get.

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Blinkin The Blind.3190

Blinkin The Blind.3190

I really enjoyed the original Grenth event. It was challenging enough that even experienced participants died on occasion from the Shades and ice. I feel it already did a fine job of keeping people on their toes, and I feel that it suited the Grenth type of style well.
However, I say differently about the new Grenth event. I honestly feel that the new whirling vacuum clouds indeed are quite overpowered, and probably too large. I also don’t see exactly how they tie into Grenth and his character. When you think of Grenth, you think of darkness, extreme cold, and condition damage… Never have I thought to relate falling damage or whirling clouds of dust with him… If any god, I would probably relate those to Melandru, since they have more of an earthy type theme.

The New Grenth, OP as you can get.

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: chrisgr.3849


for my opinion grenth is a job for guardians/wariors

Yeah, because the game totally needs more of that. [/sarcasm]

not realy…som1 nead to defend jonez..havy armors can take some dmg,,,shere the job inside the temple…every class neadet there

The New Grenth, OP as you can get.

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Nicolatte.5360


A real problem I noticed is you first get a set of red circles to indicate the vacuum skill, then another set of red circles stack up as well and if you’re the unlucky chum who was in THOSE you’re a goner. On top of that the region of the effect is larger than the circles themselves, so the red circles are improper indicators.

Making events more challenging is one thing, but this has become more of a “stand as far away as possible at all times” than a “dodge tricky strategics.” And being one-shot in general is a bad mechanic. The whole point of a fight is IF you do take serious damage to have the skill and know-how (and possibly teamwork if you’re in a party with someone who is a bit support-ish) to deal with this. I mean maybe Sanctum of Rall and SoS can beat it and grats, but you guys are high tier servers with large populations… that makes perfect sense to me. In HoD we’re lucky to get five people to work on this event and so if anyone gets downed it’s pretty much a done deal on most attempts.

The old Grenth was interesting to me, it probably got old for those who completed the event many times, but this is a lot to ask of us smaller servers for 3 blues as a reward. I’m sure about 2% of the community is clapping their hands because they’re big-man gamers on very full servers. But being one-shot is not a mechanic, it’s a cop-out on Anets part to design an interesting and complicated fight. Since they can’t do that they raise the threat level to max.

Nicolatte – Ranger, Nicolyte – Elementalist
Henge of Denravi since day 1

The New Grenth, OP as you can get.

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Ghoulie.3629


So you can’t just spam skills with one hand and kill grenth and farm anymore so you come here to QQ?
Finally the temple events are hard as they should have always been.

i dont mind hard, but circles that take up most of the room with .5 seconds to dodge that kill you if you dont have full hp are a bit much for an open world pug event

Heh, sounds like the Stray Demon, from Dark Souls.

Actually, more like Bed of Chaos. With Stray Demon, all you have to do is stick to his rear end and power attack. You may have to dodge his butt slam, but you avoid his AoE entirely.

This encounter would make much more sense if you could dodge with the nearly unlimited endurance you have in Dark Souls….

The New Grenth, OP as you can get.

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: mmartong.1794


So…with grenth being buffed insanely…

Are the rewards from the chest better or still blues?!

I believe I got 3 greens and 1 rare item last night on SOR.

Sanctum of Rall

The New Grenth, OP as you can get.

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: thamathar.4389


Got 3 greens when we did it …

The New Grenth, OP as you can get.

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: bomber.1540


i guess Anet agreed that it was pretty stupid if you dont have the falling dmg triat, high hp or range.

he has been nerfed quite considerably acording to the patch notes.

The New Grenth, OP as you can get.

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Beherit.9710


i dont even know WHERE i have falling damadge reduced trait [elementaist]. But not the point. Point is that u cannot avoid circles. Stand as far as u can? Still in range of ‘fall from celling’ :p I dont mid dodging, tho it pisses me, but not to point when i rage-quit game :>
Bomber.1540 there were new path today? [im at job, i cannot check :P]

The New Grenth, OP as you can get.

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Oldbugga.7029


As I mentioned in another thread it is awfully hard to dodge incoming stuff fast enough when you have a high ping connection (Oceanic players can’t avoid high pings). I just wish they would consider ALL their player base when designing stuff…especially when they WON’T give us an Oceanic server with reasonable latencies.

The New Grenth, OP as you can get.

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Elthurien.8356


As I mentioned in another thread it is awfully hard to dodge incoming stuff fast enough when you have a high ping connection (Oceanic players can’t avoid high pings). I just wish they would consider ALL their player base when designing stuff…especially when they WON’T give us an Oceanic server with reasonable latencies.

Oceanic latency is not an excuse. I live in Far North Queensland and have no problems avoiding grenth poo with 300-500ms latency. It took practice to get the event done and this will all be trivial in a months time when people actually learn how to defeat him.

The New Grenth, OP as you can get.

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Oldbugga.7029


At my age the reflexes are maybe not quite as sharp as yours so you may be right that it is me as a player that is a significant part of the problem. That said, my problems are only magnified by game design requiring swift avoidance actions and low latencies. Obviously your faster reflexes are offsetting your latency (mine is about the same) and even as a caffeine junky I can’t get the reflexes to compensate enough. So while the latency is not enough in itself, it is something that is changeable (via game design)…my reflexes are not.

(edited by Oldbugga.7029)

The New Grenth, OP as you can get.

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: deviller.9135


The big problem in this boss is the shade. I feel like the range of shade attack is longer than it should (melee range). Make a half group of your zerg to kite this shade (or kill them).

Its better if you run with your guild. (I believe in small population server has a high chance to open this temple as there will be (almost) no pugs)

For the mechanic it self, if you equip your talent with 50% falling damage reduction and have a good awareness, you will be doing fine. Its preferable if you switch between range weapon and melee weapon. There are 2 pattern of attack:
1. Vortex (vacuum) >>> ice, following number 2 after that
2. Dunno what the priest do (but nothing significant) >>> ice, following number 1 after that.
1 is for range attack, 2 is for melee attack.

FYI: If you fully died just release and run back.

(edited by deviller.9135)

The New Grenth, OP as you can get.

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Atrophied.8725


Cleared multiple times on TC, really not that bad once you learn his patterns and save your dodge rolls. You should be able to walk out of the small circles (ice). Save your dodges for if you’re stuck centrally in a big circle (teleport)

Xandra – 80s in all classes – Ele/Guard mains – [TL] – NSP

The New Grenth, OP as you can get.

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: helladoom.4317


Also, have fun keeping your eyes peeled for his tiny waggle staff-wavey tell in the massive swarm of particles cloaking his body from spells.

Or, if you’re one of the folks dealing with the shades, keep one eye on the fireworks that cover the priest, and the other eye on the shades.
Good thing GW2’s massive FoV really helps us out with that….

The New Grenth, OP as you can get.

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Oreoz.2573


I don’t care if its been nerfed or not.

They took an already challenging fight that required coordination and an even focus on the boss and his shades and COMPLETELY and utterly DILUTED it with an element of PURE CHAOS that throws all that out the window and once again ushers in an attitude of massive Zerg over basic teamwork.

Arenanet, hear me. You do not know how to design bosses. Fractals, notwithstanding as I’m convinced those were a completely different team.

That being said, I would’ve phased it.

In the beginning you deal with the ice shards, the AoE lift and the Priest. That’s it. The AoE is challenging but manageable as that’s all you’re dealing with.

Then at 50%, Jonez calls out that something is happening and the portals and shades begin to appear. The AoE lift is dropped, the ice shards are kept and the shades persist till the end. Now we have a healthy balance of AoE maneuvering, boss DPSing and shade management. Not too hard but not too easy.

As it stands right now a player’s focus is stretched far too thin whether he’s on the shades or on the boss. The AoEs take priority whereas the shades should be the focus as they make a beeline for Jonez. AoE should simply be, as MOBA players would put it, harassment meant to test the ability of a player to navigate a hostile environment whilst working towards an objective.

Right now the main objective is to stay out of the AoE and that’s wrong. The main objective should be the shades but no one can focus on them because of the over abundant AoE.

(edited by Oreoz.2573)

The New Grenth, OP as you can get.

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: doak.6927


As of last night(2/2/13) myself and one other(2 people) took Grenth down to 26% health before he got to jones and reset the event. The event isnt that terribly hard, i simply face tanked grenth at the skill point location in that room. I found the adds and everything else to not be a threat. Just dodge the red circles, and the random times i was thrown into the air use my save butt skills.

This event must have been overly nerfed since the 28th patch that made it harder.

80 guard
exotic gear/rare trinkets
19k hp/3400+ armor

The other person who was with me was a guard who spent most of the fight face down, waypointing out to run back. I soloed grenth for nearly 60% of his total hp, this event cant nearly be as hard as everyone says it is.

No i dont have any spiffy pictures or videos because i went into this event thinking it would be impossible with just me and the one other who just happened to be there, dont know them and wasnt even grouped with them.

Im going to attempt this feat again soon, however i do realize that a handful more would be easier and better, simply because if i miss time my cooldowns or miss a skill i run the risk of being downed or killed. Having 1-3 people who know the encounter with me will ensure event completion.

This is not a chest thumping post, i am simply pointing out that in this event i believe less people is alot better than having a huge pug raid trying to just burn the event as fast as possible,collect loot, and go.

Edit: to add, the shades, about 3 of them were on me the whole fight once they spawned, they were invunerable to damage from me however they didnt pose a threat to me as far as outgoing damage. It was literally grenth that killed jones in the end.

80 Ele/ 80 Guard/ 80 Ranger/ 80 Thief/ 80 Engineer/ 80 Necro/ 80 War/
All Exotic Geared | Master Crafter -Yaks Bend-

(edited by doak.6927)

The New Grenth, OP as you can get.

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Dasorine.1964


I have noticed that sometimes the shades do not engage and thus don’t start debuffing, however this requires no one to be near them to engage (I assume this is why you had such an attempt doak).

The new adjusted vortexes are not that hard, they no longer cover 99% of the floor and are fairly easy dodge most of the time.

The main issues with completing the encounter currently are a) people pulling grenth to the keeper, b) people not dealing with the shades c) people that get defeated expecting people to spend all that time resurrecting them while the instant death vortexes and such get thrown around.

Issue A is a mix of people being idiots and terrible event planning, none of the other cathedrals has such a failure option. This could easily be solved mechanics wise by making grenth a stationary encounter or removing keeper vulnerability to AoE patches.

Issue B comes down to it still not being clear to new people how to damage them, add into that Shades spawn being level 82+ meaning they have ridiculous health and defenses.

Issue C is just people being stupid, though having a WP on graven cay other than the cathedral itself would be lovely.

While I can see that no changes are likely to be made other than perhaps some more fine tuning of numbers, you have to remember that this is an open world public event and thus has to be tuned to work for a number of people not really knowing what there doing.

The first patched version of grenth with huge patches and such would have been perfect if it were an instance boss where you have a single group of people who communicate and plan but for a public event it was way off mark, and for many it still is.

My server downs him now and then but is always at the mercy of one or two people who don’t know what there doing killing it via pulling to jones and such.

The New Grenth, OP as you can get.

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: doak.6927


Dasorine you are probably correct, when the shades spawned i was the only non npc at the event, the other guard was in route back to the event from the nearest wp. Also when the shades spawned i had grenth up against the wall at the skillpoint location where i actually fought him nearly the whole fight.

I believe it was one of my dodges that brought grenth into range of jones which reset the event sadly.

80 Ele/ 80 Guard/ 80 Ranger/ 80 Thief/ 80 Engineer/ 80 Necro/ 80 War/
All Exotic Geared | Master Crafter -Yaks Bend-

The New Grenth, OP as you can get.

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: LONGA.1652


I play this events for awhile.And almost every time that the event fail are usually 1 guy hanging around Jones resulting in event fail because of multiple ice drops AOE eat whole bar of his health.
It pretty bad that whole group fail because of one random person decide to turn off chat.

The New Grenth, OP as you can get.

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Healix.5819


Grenth has always been easier with less people, simply because less people = less shades and since I usually find myself soloing them all, that means it’s much easier. From everytime I’ve done the event in a larger group, out of 10 people, usually only 1 person bothers to properly kill shades (I once kited around 15 or so shades while a zerg of at least 30 people didn’t even bother to try and kill them. They all died, I walked away). The longer you let the shades live, the more incoming damage you receive, so eventually, everyone is going to get 1 shot.

From what I’ve seen so far, the changes to Grenth have actually been a nerf compared to its original form – at least when I’m soloing it.

Having someone stand next to Jones isn’t actually a problem, if the person “tanking” the boss line of sights, forcing the boss to move to the back of the room, near the skill point. Jones is then out of range and only in danger of respawns from the path in. Moving the boss in the other direction however, just past the middle of the room, will put Jones within AoE range, regardless of if someone is near him or not. A majority of the time, this is why I see groups fail.

I didn’t get a chance to try the day 1 grenth change, but from what I saw, everyone who did it, zerged it. I’m betting any less than 5 player group could have easily done it, which would make sense, because that’s how QA would have tested it.

The New Grenth, OP as you can get.

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Dasorine.1964


the issue with the first change was the vortexes that drop you from the ceiling could cover the entire floor because they where over twice the size the current ones are.

Also saying it works better with less people means that the event is broken, as it is a public zone event which means it should be tuned for large numbers of people or be instanced.

The New Grenth, OP as you can get.

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


nice grenth update(before update ppl dont know what to do with shades, where grenth must stand because of npc wipe, and now they all die in matter of seconds was fun wathcing that all), we did it in 4th try i was killed 10 times in air and got only blue items i will never do this event, i mean never, they could buff drops to some rares but nothing. stupid event got kitten
28. update only got buff for increased bag drops, and thats it, i was hoping for some buff to exotic drops and rares but nah, that is a sci-fi i suppose.
precursors price is rising, all prices rising, drops are the same, they gave us karma toilet boxes too. from 200 boxes i got only 2 lodestones (1 corrupted and 1 ice).

The New Grenth, OP as you can get.

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: scoobymode.1942


I’m going to chime in here and comment tho what I might say might have already been said, I am going to say what I think.

First off, it’s not a hard event, what makes it so hard is the fact that you are grouping with random people and have not thought out a plan like make some people be the shade killers, others on grenth.

The biggest problem is that whoever has agro is usually close by the stairs, and Jones always gets one shotted because of it. Now I will say there is tricks to being successful in actually avoiding the instant death, for example having exotic armor, maybe put traits in falling damage if you got it.
Everyone but the shade killers need to be at the far back or at least in the middle, the best way to dodge the rings of death and vortexes is to have your camera turned on the side and when you see a ring appear, just move or roll up…. It’s best to use ranged attacks in this event anyways than up close attacks until grenth is about to die.

The shades cannot really kill Jones but they can kill you in 1 hit and can become annoying, so have some people agree to be the shade killers before it starts.

Only thing I want changed about the event is the loot at the end, it should give better loot than just greens.

The New Grenth, OP as you can get.

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Healix.5819


Shades can only 1 shot you if you’ve left them alive so long that you have around 15 stacks of the debuff. At that point, anything that hits you is going to 1 shot you.

The first thing everyone should do is go and get the shade buff on the sides. Now that you can revive people while having the buff, there’s no point in not getting it. Since shades spawn based on the bosses health, a majority of the people (all ranged at least) should be killing shades. The longer the shades are alive, the higher the chance everyone is going to get 1 shot it. The faster you kill the boss while shades are still up, the more you risk having multiple sets of shades, which can almost guarantee a wipe.

To make it faster, drag the shades to the boss and just AoE everything. This can be easily done in smaller groups, or when everyone is near grenth, since the shades will come to you.

Also saying it works better with less people means that the event is broken, as it is a public zone event which means it should be tuned for large numbers of people or be instanced.

Events should be much more difficult when you zerg them compared to what it’s like now. Grenth is one of the few events where a larger group will fail due to a majority of the participants ignoring the mechanic. Scaling caps of course, so these larger groups simply get more people, thus never actually learning the encounter.

The New Grenth, OP as you can get.

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Dasorine.1964


Unfortunately its still possible for a single new person to fail it for an entire server, even if they have a mostly competent group that can do it, 1 new person see’s the event as there going through the zone and runs in, gets agro, drops boss near stairs and bam you’ve failed through no fault of 99% of people there.

Heck if it took some one they could actively try to grief it if they wanted to because of the way the encounter is.

The New Grenth, OP as you can get.

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: bomber.1540


Unfortunately its still possible for a single new person to fail it for an entire server, even if they have a mostly competent group that can do it, 1 new person see’s the event as there going through the zone and runs in, gets agro, drops boss near stairs and bam you’ve failed through no fault of 99% of people there.

Heck if it took some one they could actively try to grief it if they wanted to because of the way the encounter is.

doesnt it restart in 5 minutes?

im all for any size group to be trying it as its currently perma contested on my server (yaks bend)

The New Grenth, OP as you can get.

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Ellisande.5218


Boss instakill is just a BS mechanic no matter how it is used.

The New Grenth, OP as you can get.

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Oreoz.2573


It’s not like killing him is actually worth it anyway. Crap chest loot and exotics you can just make elsewhere.

Sooo yeah, gave up on it.

The New Grenth, OP as you can get.

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Dasorine.1964


doesnt it restart in 5 minutes?

im all for any size group to be trying it as its currently perma contested on my server (yaks bend)

Restarts in 10-15 minutes, at which point one person can either intentionally or unintentionally fail it for everyone again.

The New Grenth, OP as you can get.

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Replect.3407


This mentality: Same loot as everywhere, so I don’t bother doing that again…

You don’t believe it, but there are players out there who just play content because of the content, not because of any loot in the end. And challenging content (I don’t mean this concern here, I’m talking in general) is the most satisfying content, because you know you have done something great if you succeeded. And those moments are what you keep in mind… All the stuff that I do almost brain AFK, I won’t keep in mind, because they aren’t worth it in the end, no loot in the world would change that fact!

GW2 definitely needs more of that content! Way more…!

(Certainly just my opinion!) :-)

(edited by Replect.3407)

The New Grenth, OP as you can get.

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Minibiskit.6158


Going straight to defeated due to fall damage makes grenth the most frustrating boss currently in the game. Seems like the best chance to defeat grenth is solo, or with a couple of pro dodgers with 1500 range and a pro melee to tank him in the back. As it stands, I dread seeing large numbers of players approaching grenth. Chances are they’re not all pro (myself included) and inevitably we will have to carry the weight of the newer people.

Battles of this difficulty have no business being in the open world, where the caliber of player fighting beside you is beyond your control. Leave hard fights for instances so small groups can strategize over voice chat.