Well, this is my first post, and I want to really highlight some of my concerns with the entire dynamic event system, especially concerning the Elder Dragons and bosses in general. Nice to meet you all.
I want to start off by saying that Guild Wars 2 was a surprise for me. I wasn’t a huge fan of the first game – Although I did play it extensively – It just didn’t catch on for me due to the disjointed nature of it not being a true MMO. Jumping into Guild Wars 2 and seeing this whole system of not really having to create groups but being able to participate in larger scale world events, even including incentive to work as a team outside of groups… Well, it’s an amazing idea and has been executed with a lot of care and love. I also loved the Gamescom booth, it was beautiful.
However, I come with a criticism today. I finally got to my first Elder Dragon fight, which was the Shatterer, a boss fight shown off on many occasions at press events. I was really hoping for something epic, but was left with an empty feeling in my gut. When the Shatterer, well, shattered, I thought to myself “Is this it? Is this what the hype was about? THAT WAS A MAJOR VILLAIN?!?”.
Something isn’t working. The fight didn’t require much involvement at all and I find myself with a silver or gold each time I fight it. As a warrior, all I’m doing is wailing on the bosses hand. Depending on the amount of people, we may not even see the crystal phase. This is such a huge shame. There is a LOT of potential for these fights to be something more. When I was told by others that they don’t get much better, it really disheartened me.
I was to propose going back and looking at these major boss fights in the world and finding ways to get people more involved. More dodging, more movement, more phases and generally longer battles would really add a lot to these supposedly huge and epic fights. Forcing everybody into full focus and having a threat of death actually there would stop the fight from being a simple DPS race, and that’s all it is, people attacking as much as possible to get a higher % of damage for loot. I can’t describe my disappointment with it, so I’ll use instances as an example.
Instances in Guild Wars 2 have been excellent. Shifting focus from tank, healer and DPS and putting everybody in charge of their ownkitten really keeps you on your toes and rewards good play and teamwork. If it can be done for instances, it can be done on a larger scale.
I’d like to see a show of hands if you will. Was anybody else hugely disappointed by the mega events and Elder Dragons? They look fantastic, the music is great, it’s set up to be such a good thing but it’s let down by the most important factor which is the actual gameplay surrounding it. That’s my opinion on the matter anyway.
Will be nice to see what people think.