The game isn't given me credit for a lot of kills(bots maybe causing it)

The game isn't given me credit for a lot of kills(bots maybe causing it)

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: raxx.8914


I would normally get 12 kills each wave at shelters gate and now i’m lucky to get 4.
It seems to be this huge stack of 12 bots standing on each other.

I just sat there between the event attacking the mobs, doing upto 6k dmg on each one, i killed about 40 mobs and credit for 3 of them. Also tried pistol whip to make sure it’s not a hit number needed and got no credit.

So i walked over to the spider side where there’s only 3 bots and one hit for gave me credit each time.
I just asked another player to test all this and they confirmed the same thing.

I just started tagging the mobs further out making sure i got the first hit and dragging them to the stack doing only 500-1k dmg each time and got credit every time.

Is there a limit to how many ppl can get credit for each mob and the stack of 12 bots is taking all the slots unless i tag the mob given me a reserved slot.

The game isn't given me credit for a lot of kills(bots maybe causing it)

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Kirrund.2654


This is actually a good theory, about the slot things, and requires further testing. It would explain why in large groups of players (20+) I can do a full combo aoe and do 7k damage to a group of mobs, and not get but 1 loot, but if I get to them first and tag them all with the same combo, I get tons of loot.

Kaseira The False [NEWL]
“NEWL guys are cool guys.” -styx.7294 approved.

The game isn't given me credit for a lot of kills(bots maybe causing it)

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: raxx.8914


This doesn’t happen on veteran mobs, One spawned during the event i dunno why it only spawns every now and then at shelters but i got credit for it and nothing else.

Is this another anti botting code in the game they forgot to remove? they removed the rest of the anti botting stuff. This one however only effects players as bots react faster.