if you checked out the wiki there’s 3 quests. I’m guessin we’d need 3 zergs 1 for each quest and then complete them at the same time. If 1 quest fails or you abandon 1 to do another an the pact members die then you fail that mission and have to go back and restart.
So being on the SBI server guild [TNB] although a rather small guild would like to put something together so we can get this done every so often like once or twice or month so people can get shards.
still experimenting with this event will post future findings soon
So earlier tonight we managed to gather enough people and open up the temple.
So here’s what I think for the first part at least the northern path you have to do the first quest of course then the escort quest keeping all 7 alive AND hold the base that’s built where the 7 pact members spawn and complete any mission that the base spawns (if you lose submarines it’s okay you can complete quest through pact morale which pops up after you lose the subs) until you get to the pact morale quest then you keep pact morale up and focus fire on the main boss dude ignoring any adds or spawns.
Also we only did the northern path to pop the pact morale quest just be sure to hold any bases that are spawned before pact morale quest.