Uncontested Temple of Dwayna
Just checked Seafarer’s Rest (EU) and it is uncontested
(edited by Malisane.9461)
Opened on Eredon Terrace about 15 minutes ago.
Dwayna just opened on Borlis Pass this very minute as of posting.
Any opened currently?
Darkhaven is open
Looking for a NA server that’s open!
Any NA server has Dwayna open?
Tarnished Coast right now has Dwayna open for NA
Thanks Hades! How my karma set is complete!
Need some exotic Rabid trinkets for my necro, so if anyone can tell me where an open Dwayna Temple is, I’d appreciate it.
edit: I’m NA
(edited by BlasiuS.8961)
Opened again on Tarnished Coast.
edit: nevermind, was in overflow
(edited by BlasiuS.8961)
Just opened on Sanctum of Rall (NA).
DWAYNAAAAAAAA opened on Blackgate (NA).
Anyone know if there is a website that can keep me updated on whether or not a Dwayna Temple is open or not, or do I have to come back here every time to check?
Also, will guesting allow me to temporarily change to these servers free of charge, or is that not how guesting works?
Also, will guesting allow me to temporarily change to these servers free of charge, or is that not how guesting works?
That is how guesting works.
Open in EU anywhere?
Any NA servers have it up?
Looking for EU server with temple opened.
Risen priest of Dwayna is up for killing in Crystal Desert if anyone wants to give a hand
The combined might of SBI, SoS, and CD took down Dwayna in the midnight hours, unlikely allies
Uncontested at SoR 11:33pm
Opened on Blackgate.
Uncontested at SoR (Sanctum of Rall) NA 06:51 am
open in ehmry bay
Open on Gate o’ Madness as of 5:35 pm server time
anyone know of a server that currently has an uncontested dwayna temple?
Open on Ruins of Surmia (EU) Enjoy!
Any open dwayna’s?
Just opened on Anvil’s Rock
unofficial theme song of the Nightmare Court
Any EU servers got Dwayna Temple open?
Inner Monkey [IM]
Ok, Dwayna is open on Piken Square now.
Inner Monkey [IM]
Dwayna is open on Henge of Denravi
Opened in Blackgate.
Any NA uncontested Dwayna?
Magumma dwayna open 2:45 pm
any uncontested dwayna for eu?
Any Uncontested for US?
LF US Uncontested
Any NA uncontested?
For the toast!
Anyone have an NA that’s open?
Dwayna open on Tarnished Coast as of twenty minutes ago or so, circa 8:00 am PST
For the toast!
Dwayna currently open on TC
Kalima – ranger
resident rally bait
its currently open on Far Shiverpeaks dont know how long its been open or how much longer its going to be open for.
Big Bad Bunny – Necro – FSP [PunK]
Any open on 6/10?
Temple open on Sanctum of Rall (NA).
any na server open?
Good site for finding uncontested temples…
Any open US server?
Wrekkes-Engineer Kore Rok Thief-Asraithe-Ele