(edited by Tiberius Shiok.2978)
[Unofficial] Guesting server for PVE events.
Great idea. Hopefully it will catch on.
Awsome will spread this a little
Anybody know if people are trying to organizing something regarding the Temple of Balthazar since the implementation of guesting? A common go-to server to get it done?
Why 3 different servers? Why not stick with just 1 or 2? With 3, it means you wouldn’t be able to play with all these other PVE people in the same day. Sure you could still PVE, but you miss out on playing on the server which is meant to be like the unofficial server. If it were just 2, that’s the max number of guesting worlds so it would work. Having 3 seems pointless and just annoying to me.
Other than that, I have been waiting for someone somewhere to announce an unofficial PVE server where EVERYONE guests to to play.
@Jake.1842 You are right Jake, there is no reason why we should separate to 3 servers when GW2 have overflow server tech to cater for big players base. Changing the first post to “make it so”. Thanks for your insight/feedback Jake.
@crawlerxp.1536 Yeah guesting into one particular server for PVE event should help.
Fought a few champions with other players, fun.
Was on whiteside today afternoon and the zone was almost empty. I Guess it would be easier to populate a Server where already some people are doing events. Was on desolation today and some people Were around. Gandara and Underworld are some other good EU servers
A bunch of SBIers guested today into Eredon Terrace to help clear the temples of Orr. We got Balthazar, Lyssa and Dwayna. Then Melandru was bugged somehow and Grenth was….cheap. We failed twice after getting him under 50% hp because he one shot poor Jonez Deadrun (talk about a cursed name).
Anyway – it was great fun for us – hope it was for our hosts too.
BTW – this was a planned PvE event (Operation Epsilon) – details on our forums.
A bunch of SBIers guested today into Eredon Terrace to help clear the temples of Orr. We got Balthazar, Lyssa and Dwayna. Then Melandru was bugged somehow and Grenth was….cheap. We failed twice after getting him under 50% hp because he one shot poor Jonez Deadrun (talk about a cursed name).
Anyway – it was great fun for us – hope it was for our hosts too.
BTW – this was a planned PvE event (Operation Epsilon) – details on our forums.
Great, glad to hear you guys had fun. Wish I was there, sound fun from what you have describe.
Btw, got link to your “Operation Epsilon”?
(edited by Tiberius Shiok.2978)
Was on whiteside today afternoon and the zone was almost empty. I Guess it would be easier to populate a Server where already some people are doing events. Was on desolation today and some people Were around. Gandara and Underworld are some other good EU servers
@Spikes I think you have a point there. There is another similar feedback. Changed the guesting server so we start with good/mid population and work from there.
Step 1,
Login > World Selection button at bottom left > Find and select Yak’s Bend and click on Guest and confirm it > double click on your character.
Step 2,
Find your way to Kessex Hills. Here is a link to GW2 map http://www.guildhead.com/map
Step 3.
Events circle. Here is a link to map and guide (http://www.guildwars2junkies.com/2012/08/31/fast-leveling-in-kessex-hills/). Its for level 15 onward. I am still there at level 45 ^.^ Why? because of fast event, lots of kill and simple circle….which translate to fast xp, good loots and easy simple non complicated things to do just go in circle.
We are doing http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/The_Battle_of_Fort_Salma
Read that link and tell me that its not interesting ^.^ Now you get the big picture of what is happening in Kessex Hills.
There is actually big pictures for every zone. Here is the link http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Meta_event with this I believe you play each zone differently ^.^
(edited by Tiberius Shiok.2978)
Gandara is a good choice, people around even past midnight, we need to get this more known, maybe a mod should make it a sticky
Had fun in Yak’s Bend too. Got group going Kessex Hills Fort Salma event loop. Fast xp, karma and good loot. A good mix of fight with champion in between the events.