Warmaster Chan

Warmaster Chan

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Tondrin.7806


Anyone else having extreme difficulty getting this event to finish?

He or the NPCs are just instadying to the adds with no chance to protect them, as well as a veteran pack stacking over the entrance.

Makes it impossible to uncontest anchorage.

Any chance that we’ll get a change to how this event works, or just a tweak to make the event doable with small numbers?

Warmaster Chan

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Merlot.8567


Hi, yes there is an issue with this event.
Firstly, it needs to be tagged as a Group Event, because it really is. The issue is the risen nobles will auto aggro on the NPCs and shadowstep onto them putting down a rune that does over 1k dmg a second. The large amount of risen nobles you face during this event makes it impossible to solo although you might wing it if you are a guardian, which brings us to the next issue.
Due to the event scaling and the risen nobles and the risen hands that spawn when you are near the anchorage (they throw a poison cloud grenade right at the NPCs on spawn) a guardian is near essential, to bubble the NPCs.

Risen noble nerf is unlikely, a swap of risen nobles to jesters during the event, maybe. But, surprisingly, the risen are not the worst problem. The event auto-starts.
Upon respawning, Warmaster Chan will give a speech and the NPCs will run to their deaths a few meters down from Meddler’s point (lol risen nobles).
If any change is to be made, it is that the event must be started by a player, and marked as a Group Event.

edit – almost forgot, a cluster of risen nobles and some jesters will pool at the end of this event, just near the anchorage. I think this may be from previous failed attempts; the spawned nobles leash back just near the anchorage, leaving a big kitten surprise for anyone trying to finish the event. They do not despawn upon failure, and just keep pooling. Obviously a problem.
One person can kill them all, bleeding them out using pulls (I did this just 10mins ago) but that does not negate the fact that it is an unintended problem.

Do not let the GW2 forums become the new Tumblr!

(edited by Merlot.8567)

Warmaster Chan

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Junkfist.1760


Yeah, having tried a few times in the last couple days this quest is pretty much impossible. Even when running bunker/healing build and focusing on keeping the NPCs alive during the damage done to them takes them out in a few seconds and the numbers of mobs seems to increase drastically the more people are around.

The farthest I can get is the third encounter where the poison fields get put down by risen hands, but by then 1 or 2 deaths break morale.

I haven’t seen Anchorage WP uncontested in weeks.