One of the original premises of the Dynamic Event system was the way they would scale to the number of people. However, in practice this isn’t working, since the game isn’t accounting for the way fighting twenty people is completely different from fighting two. Rather than altering the event, DEs are just throwing more enemies at the players or increasing the boss’s stats Instead of just scaling the numbers, events need to start treating larger groups differently than smaller teams.
To phrase that better, right now an event goes like this…
Few Players) five centaurs attack per wave
Some Players) eight centaurs attack per wave
Lots of Players) twelve centaurs attack per wave
Horde of Players) eighteen centaurs attack per wave
Convention of Players) twenty-five centaurs attack per wave
….This doesn’t work. It just means that players start throwing down nuclear strikes on the centaurs to chew them up the instant they arrive. Conventional tactics don’t beat the zerg. Instead, the event needs to be clever.
Few Players) centaurs charge them
Some Players) melee centaurs charge them, ranged centaurs fan out and snipe
Lots of Players) melee centaurs, ranged centaurs, and a miniboss shaman with AoE earth magic
Horde of Players) melee centaurs, ranged centaurs, two minibosses, and a catapult
Convention of Players) melee, ranged, three minibosses, two catapults, and a partridge in a pear tree
Siege us. Nuke us. Blast our groups, break our formations, bleed our lines. Make players split up to take down multiple objectives in a massive fight, and force teamwork by giving the opposition their own strategic cohesion. The zerg won’t be defeated by more zerging by the NPCs. The zerg will be broken when the opposition steps up its game, and forces players to do the same.
The result will be better for everyone. It will teach proper tactics, encourage situational awareness, and require cooperation. It will make players feel special even in a mob of players (lead the charge to take down the left trebuchet, and you’ll feel like you saved a hundred lives), and make us actually respect the opposition. And most of all, it will make a massive battle feel like a proper war, rather than just a farming run.