World boss chest (ground) not appearing
I’ve seen this happen at least twice to a house-mate friend who plays in the same room as I do. We know he had not done the event previously those days because he had been at work during the daily reset and was playing some 5-6 hours later. Iirc it happened both times at the Tequatl event.
Since about a week I’m having problems as well. Not just with the ground chest but with the daily chest as well. It started when I completed the Shatterer event but got no ground chest and daily chest. I thought that maybe I had forgotten that I already did the event that day. Three days later, again at the Shatterer, I didn’t get a ground chest and daily chest yet again. This time I was sure it is a bug since I hadn’t killed the Shatterer in three days. So now I’m thinking it’s just the Shatterer’s rewards being bugged, but today, just a minute ago, I didn’t get any reward from the Behemoth event either.
Can a dev look into this? It’s pretty annoying and I’ve missed about 5 world chests + daily chests already
Far Shiverpeaks
I’ve been doing these events since launch and never missed a chest BUT lately I’ve been playing some on another (slower) computer and it has happened that the chest is just not drawn on the ground but it still is there and is lootable, just invisible. Search option pops up normally when I go where the chest is supposed to be.
Have you checked that this is not the case with you too?
This happened to me at Shatterer earlier today as well The chest was simply not there even though I got a gold event medal. A dev should probably look into this.
Tarnished Coast Server (formerly of Kaineng)
If it doesnt load on your screen just hold ctrl and the chests name will appear where the chest should be;)
There was an issue a while back with event chests not appearing. After several long threads, I managed to get a reply from Robert (in a completely unrelated thread), where he told us that event DR might be the reason.
As it turned out many of the players experiencing the issue had alts camped/parked at certain events. So as the timer would near we’d switch to are characters at each event and complete it. Well DR would/will cause chests to not appear.
A very easy way to test to see if this is your issue is to take note of you event medal rewards. If you are only receiving a portion of the exp, karma, and coin that one should for a certain medal type…well then it’s a DR issue.
Hope that helps
The friend I mentioned above does not camp Teqatl. He plays one character, and moves him all over the map, as well as into the Mists. On the nights when I saw the chest bug out on him, he ported into Sparkfly just before the event. How is that DR?
The friend I mentioned above does not camp Teqatl. He plays one character, and moves him all over the map, as well as into the Mists. On the nights when I saw the chest bug out on him, he ported into Sparkfly just before the event. How is that DR?
I’m not say it was. I was just throwing out info in case it was.
The friend I mentioned above does not camp Teqatl. He plays one character, and moves him all over the map, as well as into the Mists. On the nights when I saw the chest bug out on him, he ported into Sparkfly just before the event. How is that DR?
I’m not say it was. I was just throwing out info in case it was.
I see. Maybe there is more than one issue.
Trust me, I know all the bugs and glitches. I have 6 level 80s and I play my server plus guest 2 others. On the days I am off work I get 30-40 boss chests a day. It’s really not that hard. FE and G2 can be done on all 6 chars in no time. A lot of the time on all 3 servers, the same events will happen 10 minutes apart.
I’ve seen the invisible chest you CAN loot. No problem. It usually just takes 15 seconds to load. I know what DR is. I get full xp/money/karma. Understand I got the 5000 event achieve 2 months ago, and I did a great deal of those 5k by doing world bosses. I am something of an expert in world boss farming.
I just did Shatterer on my server, I know the char did not do it yesterday because I worked late and did not get to play last night. The world boss chest did not appear for me.
Any chance of a dev response? This is not delusion. I do well over 100+ world bosses a week, and the chests are bugging…
About 30-40% of the time I don’t get either chest for doing the Teq event.
Today, with Shat/Claw I hit both before and after reset and got awards both times. With Teq I hit it only after the reset and got nothing (other than gold star for participation). Tried doing it a second time after being logged for a while to make sure it wasn’t DR, and still nothing.
Never had it happen with any other dragon or world boss, but frequently with Teq.