Your favorite dynamic event

Your favorite dynamic event

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Aequitas.6402


Title says it, name your favorite DE.

Mine’s probably the one where you have to escort Yerkk in Metrica Province. That golem is the best.

Your favorite dynamic event

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Sharkinu.8096


Because Guild Wars 1 nostalgia. Aurora Glade was my favorite mission back then. :P

Your favorite dynamic event

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Liewec.2896


Vollym’s Battle Pit!

Description: fight against waves of beasts and then face off against Vollym himself!

Location Vollym’s Battle Pit, far east Gendarren Fields (the snowy part)

Why i love it: i’ve always loved the arena style fights in any game, from the arena in Fable to the Ring of Blood in WoW.

Bonuses: from one completion you get 13/15 (and theres critters and dredge to the south to finish off) of your daily kill variety, and with several people you complete the daily kills 60/60, and the 2/5 daily events! plus a short restart timer (8:45 from defeating vollym)

long live the pit!