Zho'Qafa catacombs

Zho'Qafa catacombs

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Jake.1842


Right now me and a couple people are trying to do the event. If you’re also wanting to do it but no one on your server is, come guest over to ours. Maybe with a decent number of people we can beat it.

Waywarde waypoint is currently uncontested, but probably not for long so be quick.

Sanctum of Rall, North American server (sorry EU’s)

EDIT: We’re finished now. Also, I don’t know if this was in the wrong place, from what I could tell there isn’t really any forum to post this sort of stuff in, and I really think there should be. Just saying.

Faelinor | Sanctum of Rall

(edited by Jake.1842)