~min players needed to open temples?

~min players needed to open temples?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: LameFox.6349


Orr is pretty much dead. Doubly so if playing in primetime is inconvenient. There’s stuff I want to get from these temples, but next to nobody there to open them.

Does anyone have a rough idea what the lowest possible number of players able to open various temples is? And which class(es) to use?

I just want to get a rough idea whether it’s even worth bothering, or I should source things from elsewhere and forget the temples exist. I don’t actually care how hard it is, as long as it’s possible. If it can be solo’d in like 6 hours, fine. Maybe a fight going on that long would even attract an actual person to the area.

~min players needed to open temples?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Healix.5819


I haven’t done them since the last buff to Orr, but back then…

Balthazar: ~5 people. The escort is the hardest part. You need people to catch the mobs as they spawn rather than letting them run to the NPCs, so people should be pre-positioned ahead of, behind and to the sides of the NPCs. Avoid standing near them to prevent AoEs being placed on you and them. Slow/knockdown/stun/etc the mobs as they run in and place healing AoEs for the NPCs.

Lyssa: ~4-5 people. Start by having 3 people go to each event. The remaining 1-2 people float between them, since the back events are harder. Synchronize and complete all 3 events at roughly the same time. You have ~15 minutes to kill the boss before the defense events activate. 1 person per event can stall them indefinitely.

Dwayna: ~3 people + poison. The event used to be entirely soloable, but the upgrade to it improved the boss’s healing to a point where you need a good amount of dps.

Melandru: ~4-8 people. You need at least 1 person per acolyte to prevent the boss from full healing. All 4 people also need to interrupt and drake’s breath, rather than just auto attacking.

Grenth: ~1-3 people. Everyone should be killing shades and whoever is getting attacked by the boss should stay in the back to keep him from moving near Jones.

Add ~5 people to each one for more realistic “casual mode” numbers.

~min players needed to open temples?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: AntiGw.9367


A lot of people open the temples on weekends, you can simply wait a bit. You can also guest on other servers.

Temples on Stormbluff Isle should be open in about 8 hours from now, in case you want to plan ahead.

~min players needed to open temples?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: LameFox.6349


Hrm… well I am planning to try appearing at more active times during the weekend, but maybe if that fails I can at least get some of those done. I have one other person working with me and any useful randoms we can find, plus luckily we managed to get to Lyssa’s temple earlier by sheer chance.

~min players needed to open temples?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Halcyon.7352


Melandru: ~4-8 people. You need at least 1 person per acolyte to prevent the boss from full healing. All 4 people also need to interrupt and drake’s breath, rather than just auto attacking.

Strangely, they reverted the Melandru legendary fight back to it’s previous state. Acolytes that heal are no longer spawned. The second half is a bit harder now, because the Champ spider spawns a veritable SEA of veteran hatchlings. But I’d say Melandru is the least affected by the last patch’s changes.

Tarnished Coast Engineer and… general alt-o-holic.

For the toast!

~min players needed to open temples?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Furikake.4052


Temple of Balthazar
4, taking the south route, the easiest but the longest (the more the harder)
Of course, 1 of them must know when and where to spawn camp during the final escort.

Temple of Lyssa
Seals: 2 or just 1 with non-condition build for walls
Priestess: 6 (the more the harder due to the scaled-up adds in the April 30 patch) or 4 using rez rush (this is very brutal)

Temple of Dwayna
Escort: 1
Priestess: 1 ranged (separate the 2 vet acolytes from her and kill them off somewhere else, and then stand on top of and behind the historian to let him tank her in the hallway)
Malchor: 1
Statue: 2 ranged or just 1 ranged necro with boon corruption (ofc, remove armor so the historian can maintain aggro on the statue)

Temple of Melandru
Escort: 1
Priest: 1 ranged in the coral tree (there won’t be healing phases unless the event has been scaled up by the previous failed group)
Interruptor: 3 (the more the harder due to the April 30 patch) or just 1 if you’re lucky that the veteran acolyte doesn’t spawn at the wrong time.

Temple of Grenth
Cannon building: 1 but it takes forever to rez Footi while fighting mobs at the same time.
Escort: 1
Priest: 2 (1 of them either in an alcove or on top of the coffins tanking the priest, while the other at the waypoint killing shades and adds), or just 1 long ranged profession on top of the coffins shooting the priest at max range while ignoring the shades (the more the harder due to scaling)
Defending Jonez: 6 with lots of CC, stability, and heals (coz of the April 30 patch), and with knowledge about waves (the more the harder due to culling)

~min players needed to open temples?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

Orr is pretty much dead.

That is not my experience. There are always people there, although they tend to be following specific farming paths or working on map completion. Almost always, a respectful request for help to open a temple is met by plenty of people.

Doubly so if playing in primetime is inconvenient.

You might consider reviewing the list of servers, sorting by population, and guesting to the most heavily populated one.

I don’t actually care how hard it is, as long as it’s possible. …Maybe a fight going on that long would even attract an actual person to the area.

One thing that people sometimes do is work with a friend, one person goes to LA and requests help; the other does the same in the relevant map. As noted above, you don’t need tons of people for most of the steps. In fact, I find some events are more likely to fail with more people: the events scale up in difficulty, but the level of coordination among the allies does not increase to match.

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”

~min players needed to open temples?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: LameFox.6349


Will be giving this a shot over the next few hours to see how much stuff we can liberate.

That is not my experience. There are always people there, although they tend to be following specific farming paths or working on map completion. Almost always, a respectful request for help to open a temple is met by plenty of people.

I’ve wandered over much of ML (I hate water) and all CS during my most common online times and usually don’t see much more than a scattered handful of people. Also unless something changed, there were like a whole 2 NA servers that weren’t ‘high’ every time I looked (only a few weeks ago, transferring from EU), and I’m not on either of those, so it’s hard to really get useful info from that thing.