[BUG] Stuck at 9/10 slaves

[BUG] Stuck at 9/10 slaves

in Flame and Frost

Posted by: Miku.6297


Sitting here looking at Rox’s gigantic eyes while we try to figure out how to make her and Bram untie this last slave….

We cleared everything just like normal, apparently the second slave wasn’t set free as we passed by. We came back around and Rox and Bram just stand there looking at him, with our pack of 9 other slaves.

[BUG] Stuck at 9/10 slaves

in Flame and Frost

Posted by: GameOver.9658


I had this problem aswell plus the bugg that the door before the boss didn’t open while having Rox, Braham and 10 prisoners at the door. ;(

Wasted 2 hours of playing.