Highly disappointed by the end of F&F
What are you guys complaining about? I got a precursor from two of the bonfires. </troll>
I think alot of people dont quite get how this Living Story thing works. The Bonfire is about letting us know where the people involved in the story now are headed and how things are progressing in the world and to set up what comes next.
Think of it like your favorate TV show. Story builds up, dramatic fight and ending then after bit where the characters talk about it, say something about the future and then walk off as the credits for that episode roll.
The Molten Facility was the dramatic fight and ending and filled that role pretty well. The bonfires, the people around them with story text and the stuff at Cragstead and the Hatchery are the after bit.
This is a story hasnt ended yet. This was just the end of a chapter. The events from the first and the mysteries connected to them continue into the next chapter.
Since the MF dungeon was the end and my reward was the Molten Gauntlets I was quite happy with the finale. As for rewards…. I dont like the RNG aspect but its quite understandable for them to sell things like skins on the Gem Store. I just dont like how its tied to the chests. If they selled tickets for Gems, I would be much more happy. However they do need to make their money some how and the Molten skins are purely cosmetic.
i understand how it works i understand it goes on to the next chapter at least give us a cutscene leading us into it. as for an ending to the first chapter should have been the dungeon ending, i really would have been happy with that.. i dont understand why the wait for an achievement that all i did was go to bonfire then get an hour boon. i was really happy with the frost and flame stuff im just saying they should have made the ending the dungeon or after you talk to both guys get a nice cutscene leading to next stage would have been better for me that way. to me it was lame for the wait and really not much didnt make since that way
:( had no idea that it was the end of the FM dungeon… Last time I went there I got kicked out of the guild party right at the boss fight… How about that for a dissapointment.
Excuse was that I died too often while I was the only one left standing when the party got wiped…
People seems to have ignored the fact that there are quite a few NPCs to talk to about Flame and Frost (in Hoelbrek, LA, Black Citadel, Cragstead and Hatchery) that is indeed quite nice.
Another thing to keep in mind is that this isn’t the end of the story, only the end of a chapter. Said story continues on Southsun in a few days, and after that it probably takes us elsewhere.
Quite silly to have a massive celebration or whatever when the story is far from over after all.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
The epilogue’s on May 16th, not saying I expect much, but AT LEAST GIVE ANET 4 DAYS….
But the point is things are no longer accessible. Various, important steps. Some through the fault of the players themselves, but some thought ANet’s fault. That’s the beef, here. Oh, and the reward, such as it is. Despite it all, I still have faith in ANet. Disappointed, but have faith. Just like your kids. They mess up, they do wrong, but you still love them and still want them to do well.
I can only hope and pray that my genuine good-will is not unfounded.
think alot of people dont quite get how this Living Story thing works. The Bonfire is about letting us know where the people involved in the story now are headed and how things are progressing in the world and to set up what comes next.
Let me say I loved the storyline, even though it had some issues in terms of how things were fleshed out. And while I agree with what you say I do feel that the final achievement was redundant and somewhat of an anticlimax.
I mean, would it really have been so hard to add a few extra things to the GW2 world etc to make players feel like they accomplished something. Just from the top of my head I can think of a few:
- A public announcer standing in LA/BC/HB shouting his head off about how great the battle fought was, and how brave heroes saved the day.
- Adding a few temporary NPCs to the cities who would make comments triggered by a player who had the full list of achievements completed in the line of ‘He isn’t that one of those brave guys who faced the Molten Alliance and send them home crying?’
- A simple personalised set of emails by the main characters involved in the whole story like Rox, Braham., Eir etc thanking us for our support.
- Some fireworks above the main 3 cities involved, a few beer drinking and dancing NPCs around the bonfire etc.
As it stands now all you get is ‘Click bonfire, BING you’re done’. I liked 95% of the stuff in the storyline, but this last thing was a bit of a letdown. Sure, the story will continue but defating the Molten Alliance is by no means a small thing. It’s worth celebrating.
Everyone complaining about the epilogue not rewarding you with shinies: There was a dev comment weeks ago that the epilogue is story bits and flavor with no special rewards given, so really anyone actually using the forum could have known.
If you complain about F&f in general, by all means carry on.
We had 4 months of building up on a living story, 4 months (!!!!!), and all we get in the very end is a bonfire? This undercuts even my lowest expectations.
Ok, I don’t get on the forums much, BUT you guys I heard about from a guild mate. I am appalled at all the people that are complaining about not getting anything at the end. You guys/gals, seriously cmon. Lets see here, how many months did you have to get all the achievements? Oh and not getting anything, (Did you run the dungeon more than once?), (Did you finish all your Living story achievements?). Hmm in total I think I got, well over 300g worth of loot from the Living Story ALONE! If you didnt want to do the work, then you didn’t get anything but a bonfire. And actually I hate people who say this but “Go cry to someone who cares.” No one really cares here except for the people who just want to be given things for nothing, you self entitled brats.
Guild Founder
I think it feels disappointing because making it a separate section from the other content and giving it it’s own achievement made it seem like a bigger thing than it is. I was expecting clicking the bonfire to trigger a cut scene which would sum everything up and show the refugees heading to their new (or old) homes to start rebuilding, or at least some dialogue, maybe even a different one in each city (which would have been really cool).
As it is I think it could have been included with the Avenger of the Dispossessed achievement which was pretty much the same thing – following up with characters after the fact to find out what they’re doing now. It’s nice to get to re-visit the various locations and see what everyone’s up to now, especially nice to see Cragstead being rebuilt, but it’s very little content for two separate achievements.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
We had 4 months of building up on a living story, 4 months (!!!!!), and all we get in the very end is a bonfire? This undercuts even my lowest expectations.
Ok, I don’t get on the forums much, BUT you guys I heard about from a guild mate. I am appalled at all the people that are complaining about not getting anything at the end. You guys/gals, seriously cmon. Lets see here, how many months did you have to get all the achievements? Oh and not getting anything, (Did you run the dungeon more than once?), (Did you finish all your Living story achievements?). Hmm in total I think I got, well over 300g worth of loot from the Living Story ALONE! If you didnt want to do the work, then you didn’t get anything but a bonfire. And actually I hate people who say this but “Go cry to someone who cares.” No one really cares here except for the people who just want to be given things for nothing, you self entitled brats.
Just for clarification: I finished all the achievements well in time, I’ve done the Molten Facility lots of times and didnt get lots of shinies like other people did, yet I’m not complaining about any of that. What I’m complaining about is the VERY end, the bonfire. We had a Living Story going on for 4 months, after the Molten Alliance was destroyed all we got is a bonfire. No NPC partying, no “Thank you for helping us!” from the main NPC in the storyline, not even a simple cutscene, NOTHING but a simple bonfire that you click one time.
Even i thought were is the climatic ending?
Not even a cinematic who conclude the end.
Yes a email with go there for your bon-fire.
Since i did all of my dragon-dailies i logged so i could use my buff.
hopefully they learn from this. And make the next one a little more epic.
Just for clarification: I finished all the achievements well in time, I’ve done the Molten Facility lots of times and didnt get lots of shinies like other people did, yet I’m not complaining about any of that. What I’m complaining about is the VERY end, the bonfire. We had a Living Story going on for 4 months, after the Molten Alliance was destroyed all we got is a bonfire. No NPC partying, no “Thank you for helping us!” from the main NPC in the storyline, not even a simple cutscene, NOTHING but a simple bonfire that you click one time.
You do get a thank you from the main NPCs, and several of the others as well (like the refugees whose items you found), you just don’t get it for clicking on the bonfire. You have to go and speak to them separately. You can also re-visit Cragstead and the Hatchery for more thank yous and other dialogue. I haven’t tried other locations like Whitebear’s Loft and the Command Core yet, although I suspect since they’re multi-purpose instances they’ve reverted to their normal state.
Even so I agree that a cut scene or something other than “click here for an achievement” would have been nice. Achievements in general are pretty silly (not just in GW2, this goes for all games) but the only time I’ve seen one that easy was in the Simpsons game on Xbox which was spoofing achievements (that was an achievement for pressing start of the title screen). It would have made much more sense to add this content into the other follow-ups we did for the Avenger of the Dispossessed title.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
So 4 months of buildup…a very, very vague storyline (I’m still not really sure what was going on), a thank you ingame mail from some NPC for doing something (I have no idea what), and a bonfire.
I had no idea it was possible to do a worse job than the Personal Story, but ArenaNet has pulled it off.
Does anyone have any idea what they are thinking in Bellevue? I’m pretty sure a group of Cub Scouts could have written and organized a more interesting story that made more sense.
No, the biggest disappointment was the horrible drop rates for the cutest and great looking mini ever, thats flies and spins, and also the jetpacks skins, for what?
Some reason of getting “really unique items” and the solution was RNG with extremely drop rates? Thing is, many grinded their faces to get one, most just to sell for a quick buck, and didn’t even get one, I thought guild wars 2 was supposed against senseless grind.
So the great reward for participating was just a silly bonfire? I wasn’t going to ask for a precursor in a chest like in the first southcove event, but at least an account bound mini or backpack due to the fact it was such a low drop rate
Not many could grind 24h7 in 11 days and those that did most didn’t get the mini.
Why could it not be like SAB?
I agree with this guy. I grinded the dungeon as much as I could and the best I got was two exotic inscriptions (weapon ones I think) to show for all my time wasted. I’m really kittened off at they way they handled the dungeon rewards. SAB had the best reward structure yet, and they just got rid of it for no apparent reason (or one Anet doesn’t want to tell us). At least with SAB I was able to get a bunch of skins for doing all my runs (since I think I only had the staff skin drop from end chest). UGH I can’t explain my frustration and hatred enough…
As for the bonfire, it does seem like a pretty bad letdown. I though they said the final thing was a bunch of cutscenes, not conversations (which aren’t even at the bonfires).
Even so, whats with it not even lasting till the 16th? From the one red comment he says it goes away with the Southsun patch, and that is the 14th, and the post/layout from Regina (I think it was) said it was supposed to last till the 16th.
Please give us a keyring…
(edited by skullmount.1758)
there should’ve have been a cutscene of MF getting blown up or something..
there should’ve have been a cutscene of MF getting blown up or something..
It would be memorable, like Mad King (best thing ever).
So I really tried to find the lost items. Got 4 of 6. I knew the spawn point but just not lucky. So I didn’t get the gloves….but … The gloves for one character isnt that great a gift. Like the toy bag from wintersday. I got about 20 skins from the SAB. All my alts were happy. I’m hopeing SSC event allows for players to repeat content for alts.
All I know is that they had better step it up for the next part of the living story. F&F was such a joke. I took a 3-4 month break from GW2 to play some SWTOR and came back this past Friday. I did all (and I mean all, achievements and everything included) the F&F content in about 3-4 hours (minus the one achievement I got when I clicked on a bonfire Sunday). I mean seriously? ~4 months of content completed in 3-4 hours? What a joke and waste of time. The story telling and immersion during the F&F stuff was pitiful as well. I couldn’t care less for Braham and Rox. Especially Braham…the weird, kitten, emo norn child who has mommy issues. Rox was at least tolerable, but by no means a worthwhile character to get involved in. And the rewards for all of the F&F stuff? Please…don’t make me laugh. The best (and really only good thing) that came out of the F&F content was the infinite use pickaxe….but of course you have to use gems in order to get it! Go figure.
All I can say is that I hope Anet steps it up with the next chain of living story content or this game is going no where fast. I held out until all F&F content was released to try and give myself something to do (I was at least hoping to get a few days worth of play out of it)…but alas…it was nothing more than an evening of mediocre fun at best. sigh
I usually never complain on forum but I too was expecting something more for the celebration. Not even a special reward but a cut scene or something like that…