Is it safe to destroy my "Cryptotranslator?"
I’m going to go with yes. I’m a hoarder so mine’s in the bank… But if you want it back before this story arc is over you can talk to the Order of Whisper’s NPC in the Black Citadel to get another one. (I think, I don’t know if he’ll give you another after your done)
Yes, it is.
You can get a replacement one from the npc you got the original from…
So you hoarders have zero excuse to use right click destroy…
How do you use the translator? The only option I have when right clicking it is destroy. I have some logs in my pack as well. I also tried dbl clicking it. I just destroyed it and got a new one too and still nothing. What am I doing wrong?
You only need it in your inventory. When you get to the dead drops, the dialogue will trigger recognizing that you have the translator. Sadly, it isn’t like GW1’s charr decoder.
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.
The audio logs from destroying sonic periscopes are not what the translator is used for. Those audio logs are only used to trade in for karma. The translator just needs to be in your inventory for interacting with the mysterious devices that are spread out on the ground in diessa and wayfarer. The sylvari NPC in black citadel that gives you the translator will have given you a letter with their locations.
The Decoder quest is also once per account, so once you’ve done it on one character, you’re safe to destroy it.
You can always get another one anyway by talking to the NPC and saying you lost it (at least any time you’d actually need one), so definately safe to destroy unless you just like saving random items as “trophies”.