I remember a part of ANet’s MMO manifesto where Ree talks about how other MMOs don’t care about your actions, and how in GW2, the NPCs would remember the player for their actions.
a few years later, cue Flame and Frost, more specifically the Lost and Found achievement. now i find this mechanic to be quite nice, aiding NPCs to find their lost belongings, but here’s the thing: the NPC doesn’t even remember that you did it. you talk to them again once you deliver the item, and instead of making any mention that you’ve already delivered the item, it repeats the same text from before, asking you to find an item you can’t even pick up anymore because you’ve already delivered it.
would it be hard to give NPCs whose belongings you’ve returned a different dialogue expressing their thanks or something? just anything that represents that the NPC remembers that yes, they have the item they lost now, and it’s this adventurer standing right in front of them that got it back. it would make it much more rewarding on a story perspective, and it doesn’t sound like a hard thing to do (after all, you already have a system that prevents you from picking an item you’ve already delivered, the same system could be used to determine which dialogue you get).
it just feels like a huge wasted opportunity, that the so called “living story” can’t even be bothered to acknowledge that the player just did something to change the life of that NPC.