(edited by Silicato.4603)
KOM-PEW.... Mystery
Hehe, well found i think only time can tell, i have not followed the hints myself so i cant really judge ^^
Too Sci-Fi for my tastes but Asura have star trek terminals all over so why not.
This is exactly the same in French, I don’t remember the spelling used for the two syllabs but it was extremely close to “Or-di” which is the beginning of “ordinateur”, the french word for computer.
When I read it I immediately thought the same thing as our spanish-speaking colleague.
so basically the story goes that, Rytlock is trying to use the computer of asuran technology and failed because he doesnt know any computer coding and thus releasing flame legion enemies across cold regions of tyria,
(rytlock is in a cold chilly place and he aims to survive looking for a warm place to stay, and he came across an asuran technology and tried to tinker what can actually happen, since he remembered zodja telling him that in technology nothing is impossible…. and poof something went terribly wrong )
Hmm I thought the devs mentioned the villain being someone we would recognize that would be recurring and snarky. Wonder if Kudu scanned his brain into a computer or something…
Hmm I thought the devs mentioned the villain being someone we would recognize that would be recurring and snarky. Wonder if Kudu scanned his brain into a computer or something…
Your nemesis:
Colyn Mohansen,
Fight mechanics include adding pieces to the dungeon then removing them shortly thereafter, swinging a sword, whipping midbosses Gore-Blux and Fore-Man in to a killing frenzy, swinging a sword again, and a really annoying “infraction” mechanic in the final fight that prevents resurrection if you allow it to stack too high by failing to type an acceptable series of new krytan characters in to his terminal bay.
Also, he’s an android programmed to smile a lot.
Writer/Director – Quaggan Quest
It’s not silly at all
In Japanese, Computer is spelled/pronounced like kon – pyuu – taa [ no kom ] , so yeah.. computers going to rule in Tyria ; )
HAL 9000 FTW!
Hi everybody!
First of all I´m from Spain so sorry for my english ^^
I would want to introduce you the hints that I have from my spanish version of the game in relation to this “Kom-pew.. something” that the spy talks about in the last chapter of F&F.
If you didn´t obtain the hints from the spy, be awared that the following debate can be considered SPOILERIn one of the spy notes, she said that she is afraid about a “Kom-pew.. something” that it is in the molten alliance quarters…
Well… in the spanish version of the game, that mysterious thing is called “Or-de…algo”
So thinking about it, I have reached a conclusion (a little silly one, that I can´t fit completely in the game, but that makes sense to me at least):
The thing is…. a COMPUTER.
In english that “Kom-pew” sounds perfectly like Compu…ter and in spanish, computer is “ORDENADOR”, just like our hint “Or-de…”To me the hints make sense. However, a computer in Tyria makes not XD.
What do you think about it? Any ideas? Did you figured out already?
Hmm I thought the devs mentioned the villain being someone we would recognize that would be recurring and snarky. Wonder if Kudu scanned his brain into a computer or something…
Your nemesis:
Colyn Mohansen,
Fight mechanics include adding pieces to the dungeon then removing them shortly thereafter, swinging a sword, whipping midbosses Gore-Blux and Fore-Man in to a killing frenzy, swinging a sword again, and a really annoying “infraction” mechanic in the final fight that prevents resurrection if you allow it to stack too high by failing to type an acceptable series of new krytan characters in to his terminal bay.
Also, he’s an android programmed to smile a lot.
Lol this is great!