I know I know I’m late I’m usually first to do the posts and the vids but it couldn’t be helped lately. Sooooo yea I’m back!!! On a alternate pc basically because mine is dead duck. But that aside we have a new dungeon/raid instance. I give it a great high five for actually being a challenge. I have been very critical of things just rolling over loot for us. But this time we won’t be disappointed by the challenge. And the characters I actually got into a bit. Rather then think get out my way I wanna kill something. That happens anyway but at least you get a slight feeling of what happen in this place.
But the attempt to have something a little grander for us to consume is noticed. Some people actually complained about that………I won’t even give them more then the dots previous. What i have noticed is the same people who complain about content. Are the very same people who say they’re bored or not challenged. Which leads me to think people just complain just to be complaining. This doesn’t help the industry because that leads to a company muting it’s player base.
Don’t be that guy whose two faced it’s not helping. And don’t be afraid to give companies credit when they do right. Just because it’s not the current in thing to do. The reason I’m saying this is because I can see this game starting to even itself out. And become good balanced in fun and atleast a little interesting. I’d hate to see that slowed by wishy washy community raging. Because it happens and it has a bad effect.