New Retribution Articles/Info -4/30/13

New Retribution Articles/Info -4/30/13

in Flame and Frost

Posted by: skullmount.1758



So, main new info (at least for me) from them is that the new dungeon is only available till May 12th (not even two weeks) and the rewards for the dungeon (you get A ticket for some Molten-skinned gauntlets (no pics yet that I could see), which can only be gotten ONE time (or account based)).
Reward examples (Massively’s example at least):
The dungeon rewards two boss chests and a handful of money, karma, and experience (thirteen silver, 760 karma, and 88,900 experience for my level 80 Warrior). Additionally, finishing it and seeing the cutscenes with Braham and Rox afterwards will, in conjunction with a couple of the other living story titles, grant you a ticket for some Molten-skinned gauntlets. So that's kinda neat. As far as I know, you can only get those once -- altoholics, know that you have my deepest sympathies and condolences. We're all in this together
Theres also some quick walkthroughs of the dungeon and boss(es).

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(edited by skullmount.1758)

New Retribution Articles/Info -4/30/13

in Flame and Frost

Posted by: Tyber Valens.5148

Tyber Valens.5148

Wow so no way to earn the molten weapon skins in game? I would have thought that the anger from the community over needing to play the cash shop rng game would hae seem some changes. What is the point of playing the content with no rewards?

Templar Valens – Human – Guardian
Server: Maguuma

New Retribution Articles/Info -4/30/13

in Flame and Frost

Posted by: skullmount.1758


Wow so no way to earn the molten weapon skins in game? I would have thought that the anger from the community over needing to play the cash shop rng game would hae seem some changes. What is the point of playing the content with no rewards?

Well you get the molten gloves (which hopefully aren’t town clothes), which is better than nothing.. Which means that we can only ever have one version of them, now that I think about that. I really hope that the Massively article is wrong and that each character can get the skin, but I have a feeling the article isn’t wrong.
I’m also disappointed I can’t get the fused weapon skins in game without having to buy the RNG boxes. Good thing there was only one skin I kinda liked.

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New Retribution Articles/Info -4/30/13

in Flame and Frost

Posted by: Xx Legacy xX.4027

Xx Legacy xX.4027

This is weird, this article said:

There are also, of course, lots of unique rewards to the Molten Weapons Facility dungeon.

So far, it doesn’t entirely sound like lots of rewards. I thought I read a comment somewhere that there would be replayability to it too. As someone with 12 characters, one single-use ticket is awfully disappointing, but assuming the gloves are as nice as they sound its at least something new and unique.

Guess we’ll see soon enough.

New Retribution Articles/Info -4/30/13

in Flame and Frost

Posted by: skullmount.1758


This is weird, this article said:

There are also, of course, lots of unique rewards to the Molten Weapons Facility dungeon.

So far, it doesn’t entirely sound like lots of rewards. I thought I read a comment somewhere that there would be replayability to it too. As someone with 12 characters, one single-use ticket is awfully disappointing, but assuming the gloves are as nice as they sound its at least something new and unique.

Guess we’ll see soon enough.

Well I guess there is a ‘lot’ of ‘unique’ rewards in the dungeon, with the P/V/T items (even though those could be gotten for dungeon/WvW tokens before), the gloves, and the Azurite material. Maybe thats what they meant? Possibly just trying to over hype it too.
It could also explain why they made no mention at all of the rewards in their new article.

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New Retribution Articles/Info -4/30/13

in Flame and Frost

Posted by: GoldenTruth.2853


This is weird, this article said:

There are also, of course, lots of unique rewards to the Molten Weapons Facility dungeon.

So far, it doesn’t entirely sound like lots of rewards. I thought I read a comment somewhere that there would be replayability to it too. As someone with 12 characters, one single-use ticket is awfully disappointing, but assuming the gloves are as nice as they sound its at least something new and unique.

Guess we’ll see soon enough.

Perhaps by unique they meant V/P/T gear and by replayable they meant the daily Azurite nodes?

Edit: Beaten by less than a minute >.>

Alara Vesmir – Guardian
Tyr Sylvison – Warrior
Illyiah – Revenant

New Retribution Articles/Info -4/30/13

in Flame and Frost

Posted by: skullmount.1758


This is weird, this article said:

There are also, of course, lots of unique rewards to the Molten Weapons Facility dungeon.

So far, it doesn’t entirely sound like lots of rewards. I thought I read a comment somewhere that there would be replayability to it too. As someone with 12 characters, one single-use ticket is awfully disappointing, but assuming the gloves are as nice as they sound its at least something new and unique.

Guess we’ll see soon enough.

Perhaps by unique they meant V/P/T gear and by replayable they meant the daily Azurite nodes?

Edit: Beaten by less than a minute >.>


Darkhaven server
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New Retribution Articles/Info -4/30/13

in Flame and Frost

Posted by: Pifil.5193


Perhaps by unique they meant V/P/T gear and by replayable they meant the daily Azurite nodes?

Edit: Beaten by less than a minute >.>

It makes no sense to me to add V/P/T gear to the game in such a time-limited manner. The only thing I can think of that does make sense would be if all future Living Story dungeons will also have Azurite nodes?

Saying that that would add a load of new, unique equipment would be a bit cheap though. Kinda like if they dyed the Seraph Weapons blue then said it was a brand new weapon set!

Edit: I unmangled my quotes.

New Retribution Articles/Info -4/30/13

in Flame and Frost

Posted by: Dagaric.8173


Theres also some quick walkthroughs of the dungeon and boss(es).

Actually I find it quite disappointing that the patch is not yet out but there are already walkthroughs, it kinda spoils the whole fun of discovering a new dungeon (even if it is temporary) and will get people quickly bored with the new content. I just hope that the statements in which they said they took care that the dungeon is replayable and cannot be breezed through like some of the others will prove to be true.

As for the loot in the new release: I do hope that there are some more things that have not been covered in those articles, because time limited content (12 days) and limited rewards (one ticket per account) seem like a really, really bad decision.

New Retribution Articles/Info -4/30/13

in Flame and Frost

Posted by: GoldenTruth.2853


Perhaps by unique they meant V/P/T gear and by replayable they meant the daily Azurite nodes?

Edit: Beaten by less than a minute >.>

It makes no sense to me to add V/P/T gear to the game in such a time-limited manner. The only thing I can think of that does make sense would be if all future Living Story dungeons will also have Azurite nodes?

Saying that that would add a load of new, unique equipment would be a bit cheap though. Kinda like if they dyed the Seraph Weapons blue then said it was a brand new weapon set!

Edit: I unmangled my quotes.

I agree doing that would be kind of cheap. IMO the holiday team/teak that designed this dungeon seems to give out the worst rewards for doing the content (ignoring the time that Halloween chests were bugged and plummeted the exotic market) but creates the best content (which is fine because ultimately fun>items for me) . And who knows, maybe molten gloves will look amazing and turn you into Primordius or something.

Alara Vesmir – Guardian
Tyr Sylvison – Warrior
Illyiah – Revenant

New Retribution Articles/Info -4/30/13

in Flame and Frost

Posted by: Lorgus.6148


Where are they getting this info from? It’s not in game for me yet, did they get some sort of special preview? or maybe its open on EU servers already?

New Retribution Articles/Info -4/30/13

in Flame and Frost

Posted by: Turgon.8625


Where are they getting this info from? It’s not in game for me yet, did they get some sort of special preview? or maybe its open on EU servers already?

Press preview over the weekend. Says in the article.

New Retribution Articles/Info -4/30/13

in Flame and Frost

Posted by: Paul Belz.7351

Paul Belz.7351


There’s are several rewards that are in the boss chest that were not covered in those articles. I’m sure they will all be discovered shortly after the patch is live so i’m not going to spoil any of them.

New Retribution Articles/Info -4/30/13

in Flame and Frost

Posted by: skullmount.1758


There’s are several rewards that are in the boss chest that were not covered in those articles. I’m sure they will all be discovered shortly after the patch is live so i’m not going to spoil any of them.

Hopefully those chests aren’t once time per day, or per account (or affected by DR), since you guys didn’t even give us 2 whole weeks with the ‘dungeon’. Any confirmation?
Also, can you give a reason why its one ticket per character? Especially if its actual armor and can only be used on one armor class (after its been applied).

Theres also some quick walkthroughs of the dungeon and boss(es).

Actually I find it quite disappointing that the patch is not yet out but there are already walkthroughs, it kinda spoils the whole fun of discovering a new dungeon (even if it is temporary) and will get people quickly bored with the new content. I just hope that the statements in which they said they took care that the dungeon is replayable and cannot be breezed through like some of the others will prove to be true.

As for the loot in the new release: I do hope that there are some more things that have not been covered in those articles, because time limited content (12 days) and limited rewards (one ticket per account) seem like a really, really bad decision.

Was gonna say theres no point in rerunning it if its only the chests, and the one time fused gauntlet ticket. But depending on the new info from Mr. Belz, it may be necessary to farm it, which depends on the drop rate of the other rewards (which I’m going to go ahead and assume is really low, since they do that with every other ‘special’ rewards).

Darkhaven server
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(edited by skullmount.1758)

New Retribution Articles/Info -4/30/13

in Flame and Frost

Posted by: Paul Belz.7351


Paul Belz.7351

the boss chest can be earned as many times as you can get to it.

New Retribution Articles/Info -4/30/13

in Flame and Frost

Posted by: skullmount.1758


the boss chest can be earned as many times as you can get to it.

Ok thanks. Will have to see what those other rewards are. Hopefully the drop rate is not that low, since we only have 12 days to farm for them.

Darkhaven server
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New Retribution Articles/Info -4/30/13

in Flame and Frost

Posted by: DonRobeez.3560


Only 12? It lasts until the 12th of May… which is next month.

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New Retribution Articles/Info -4/30/13

in Flame and Frost

Posted by: skullmount.1758


Only 12? It lasts until the 12th of May… which is next month.

Its 12 days, almost 13 (depending on when they remove it on the 12th.). Its pretty much May 1st now (about 10 hours here, till its the 1st), so that mean 12 days.

Darkhaven server
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