This is my opinion on the boss “room” or you can say floor.
Before I start, I would like to say “So much from trying to be different from other MMOs”.
Well, it is not the fault of the devs actually, this is because of “whiners” and “elitism” players who can’t stand people that are able to use the environment to their advantage. Sure, to some it is cheating, to some others it is using the environment to their advantage, to other other some they don’t care either way.
I would like to ask, how is using the environment to their advantage is cheating? In real life, we try in all manners of ways to avoid people from shooting back at us by hiding, shooting from far way, shooting behind rocks and trees….. and make sure we hit the enemy but they can’t hit back.
What is the use of the environment when we can’t use them? So, the boss battle in AC was original, where there is no boss room and has environment around it. So, naturally, people will use the environment and that is where it so-called problems arises. Any solution?
Solution : Boss room.
Solves : Whiners, elitism and any other complains.
Common complains will now be : Boss too hard, 1 boss too many..etc.
So, just like this temporary dungeon, all boss other boss room should be like this. No ledges, no pillars, no stairs no nothing for players to exploit. And no “we don’t want people standing there and afking while fighting the boss” whines.
In fact, with the non-trinity player professions, boss room is way better in GW2 than in WoW. We don’t see a warrior standing there facing the boss and absorbing the hits, while healers heal him and the DPS just shoots at him.
At least in GW2, we have run all over the place. Dodge here and there, use every skills, weapon swap, element swap (ele), utility skills we have to avoid getting downed by the boss.
Which comes to my statement about trying to be different. The Devs should at least know that using the environment isn’t that bad. Afraid of a handful of cheaters? I have some suggestion for the boss battles that would make the environment so-called cheaters able to use the environment but at a cost.
For example :
AC end boss.
Environment users find the stairs a place to snipe the boss.
Solution : Make the boss after it can’t hit the players, RAMMED the staircase and downed all players standing there. It makes the stair case disappear and there is no way to “hide” anymore. Find another ledge? RAMMED that ledge. Find another stair case? varied the attack and throw a boulder at the players standing on the stairs.
Isn’t this better than having a boss room?
Another example :
CM path 1 Frost boss
Some people climb up on the roof of the small hut in the area to avoid getting hit. I don’t know if Frost could hit you from below, but if it is “exploiting” environment" , again same solution, make Frost destroy the hut.
I know some people here will say it is a “waste” of time to code this in, re-do the dungeon and what not. I am not asking for an immediate change, but people ought to be given the chance to use the environment but knows it may be bad of health if the boss rams/destroy the environment.
The Molten bosses is fun and all with the boss room, but it lacks the GW2 factor and is more like a “Oh, I am stepping into a boss room, this is it!”
Anyway, it’s a fun fight anyway. Love the interaction between the bosses during the fight! Hehe….