[Guide] Don't see quote/edit/etc buttons? You can still use those functions.

[Guide] Don't see quote/edit/etc buttons? You can still use those functions.

in Forum and Website Bugs

Posted by: TimeBomb.3427


There’s a bug running rampant in these forums where you very often do not see the quote, edit, trash, or report buttons for any posts – even your own. They’re working on a fix, but in the mean time, let me tell you how to access these functions even if you don’t see the buttons.

First, find the post you want to edit/trash (your own posts only) or quote/report. There should be an icon in the bottom right of that post that looks like two chain links linked together. It’s the permalink.

Get the URL that that icon leads to. You can do this by left clicking it and looking in your address bar, or by right clicking it and clicking Copy Link Location(this function varies depending on your browser).

By adding a little bit to the end of the URL, you can quote it, report it, or if it’s your own post, edit or trash it. Here are the specifics:
Edit: /edit
Trash: /delete
Quote: /quote
Report: /report

For example, if your URL looks like this:

To edit it, go to this URL (for your own posts only):

To trash it, go to this URL (for your own posts only):

To quote it, go to this URL:

To report it, go to this URL:

It’s that simple. Happy lurking, all!