Newsletter links not working

Newsletter links not working

in Forum and Website Bugs

Posted by: amsab.2408


I’ve subscribed to the GW2 newsletter from, but for quite some time, the links in those emails haven’t been working. They keep trying to go to which doesn’t seem to be an existing server. For example, the latest newsletter titled “The Razing Begins in Guild Wars 2 Today!” has links to “learn more about the razing” that go to (xyz being some parameters that I’m guessing may be account specific for tracking) which gives a “could not locate remote server” error. I’m guessing it should instead link or at least redirect to or similar.

Just thought you guys might want to let the newsletter people know so they can fix the links in the emails. I know the marketing people at my place of work would have a hissy fit if they found out about something like this not working ;-)

Newsletter links not working

in Forum and Website Bugs

Posted by: amsab.2408


Apparently fixed now in the latest newsletter… you DO listen! ;-)