Please more information for Infractions

Please more information for Infractions

in Forum and Website Bugs

Posted by: Kyosji.8961


Hello, I’m just posting this as a question. Myself, and many others, get many infractions on the forums. That’s fine, maybe we deserved them. The problem is is that the reasons posted by the forum mods or extremely vague. 90% of the time the only reason I got is “Hello, posts of this nature are against our forum Code of Conduct”. I understand that the Code of Conduct is like the bible here, but with such a vague description, how am I to know exactly what I did that was against the Code of Conduct?

Many times after receiving this message, I go back and re-read the Code of Conduct, and most times I cannot gather what rule I actually broke.

Can I make a suggestion and ask the staff to please add more to the description of infraction? I believe just adding a bit more detail in the infraction PMs sent to the player base would cut down on some of the number you actually sent.

Please more information for Infractions

in Forum and Website Bugs

Posted by: Michael.4791


…that was a opinion calling it false information and misleading. …

And you still ask yourselve why that happened?
You are a visitor here. It is there homeplace. Of course everybody has to stick to their rules.
Lies or assumptions that are against their opinions will not survive. And that is as it should be. You would kick anybody out of your house, if they don’t follow your rules. And you don’t care if they know your rules or not.

So yes, read their Code of Conduct. Do a little thinking and don’t raise your voice.

Please more information for Infractions

in Forum and Website Bugs

Posted by: Draygo.9473


If a moderator deletes or moves your post you get a pm about it.

If you didnt get a pm a moderator did not take any action on your post.

So if you posted something and it disappeared without moderator action and its PM than its a forum bug.

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