best statistical loot in the game. We want everyone on an equal power base.”
Boom-Boom Baines, poor design?
best statistical loot in the game. We want everyone on an equal power base.”
Actually this mechanic is counter intuitive. Wheter you call it zerging or what not. There was never MMO where more players ment much longer fights. So yeah, how would someone know that wandering in the area will screw fight up?
I surely didnt see big neon sign saying “many players unwanted, please stick to small groups, the smaller the better, and if youre not in a small group GTFO because you will scale boss to heavens”
It baffles me to see players not only defending this most kittened game design ever but actually insulting other players. THE ONLY THING SCALING SHOULD DO IS PREVENT BOSSES FROM DYING TOO FAST!
This is the only game where cooperation is punished. And players are so kittening stupid they defend it.
The one time I actually I found people in the pavillion we were able to do this boss blitz event.
I recall there were about 20 of us or so. We were pretty proficient at pulling off the boss and killing the turret when it spawned. This fight took way too kitten long. I think we were at it for 20 min.
Now I’m all for the turret mechanic, but either drastically reduce it’s HP while increasing it’s healing, so as if people don’t pull off fast enough, then it’s a punishment. 20 min for doing things right though seems a bit ridiculous.
Now I see why this place is a ghost town whenever I go there.
A clearly visible healing link between turret and boss might help pointing the mechanic out, too.
Eh? There’s a great big stream of energy particles flowing from the turret to the boss when its up. Either people have their graphics turned to zero or they’re too stupid to help.
Actually, we had this dude at the Lyssa temple fight who was complaining that he didn’t know what to do. When questioned he said a) he doesn’t read chat during fights, b) he plays with no sound so doesn’t hear NPC warnings.
Maybe I’ve answered my own question …
I wish it was possible for NPC warnings/taunts to appear in the chatlog, since I have no sound.
But that aside – It may not be graphics turned to zero as much as the beam being lost amid the rest of the bright lights and particles and red rings and other visual clutter during the fight.
…and, when a boss goes down and the players try to move out to help with other bosses, they shouldn’t be punished for it. I don’t mind punitive scaling for imbalanced assaults, but the static, upward-only scaling is terrible (“Go help with another boss” is acceptable. “Sit this out completely” is not.)
(edited by Sartharina.3542)
It baffles me to see players not only defending this most kittened game design ever but actually insulting other players. THE ONLY THING SCALING SHOULD DO IS PREVENT BOSSES FROM DYING TOO FAST!
Indeed. The scaling system is supposed to be a background process, not an obstruction that the players have to take into account. It should be behind the scenes, making sure bosses don’t die too fast, and offer a proper challenge for each group size. They should not make battles drag on for way too long, because there are too many players. That simply means it isn’t working right.
I think the only problem with Boom Boom is that if she overscales then the fight takes FOREVER to finish. Even with an organized group on the turrets, if more people come because they don’t know better than the boss scales up and takes longer to kill. As far as I know the bosses don’t scale down either.
It is scaling,after gold and silver change are gone boss shuld get nerfed so pugs can have fun there to,I be on premade runs were they get 10+ gold events per hr and it 100 time easyer than trying to kill this with pugs as all boss are buffed and scaled like crazy.
Boom-boom seems to need more people than the other wings anyway since a scratch group of 5 can take down some of the other bosses easily within the gold limit.
All the bosses should stop scaling upwards when the blitz timer is ended and they should probably lose their shared abilities. Boom-boom could even stop summoning turrets. With that change made it would be easier to see if there’s anything intrinsically wrong with Boom-boom herself.
Learning a new mechanic and adapting to overcome a new challenge is fine. But I can’t magically force a massive blob of 1111111 afk’ers to do it along with me. I suffer, everyone suffers, and I can’t do a thing about it.
“Life is suffering”. Deep man.
It would be nice if the turrets didn’t spawn so far away from her, maybe a slight turret health nerf or healing nerf would be nice as well, but the main thing is how far away the turrets are planted. It would also be nice if she had some sort of distinguishable animation for it because as far as I can tell the turrets just pop up out of the ground instantly from ~5,000 range away.
Aside from the healing turret making the fight really tedious, it’s not very fun or interesting because other than that you just dodge bombs, easily the worst pavilion champ by far.
(edited by Pjwned.3601)
I just spent nearly 12 hours on Boom, over & over. I think I had something like 26 gold boxes & 14 silver ones. Maybe a stray bronze. In 99% of those fights, Boom was ready first or second.
I do not think that content should ever exist that becomes impossible when a large zerg is not coordinating well.
So you’re saying that people should experience success when they do things wrong? You’re saying that doing things the right way should be irrelevant?
I’m sorry, but that’s just wrong.
I’m sorry you got stuck in a bad zerg with bad players who don’t read map chat or pay attention. If they would have payed attention and killed the healing turret, they wouldn’t have failed.
I don’t think Boom Boom is poorly designed (in fact shes easily the most fun and complex boss in there IMO, complex being relative). The problem is nearly 2 years of GW2 players being acclimated to mindless afk-while-checking-facebook zerg mentality. GW2 players are fully acclimated to being handed mountains of rewards for following a blue Dorito chip and spamming 1.
(edited by Xenon.4537)
Learning a new mechanic and adapting to overcome a new challenge is fine. But I can’t magically force a massive blob of 1111111 afk’ers to do it along with me. I suffer, everyone suffers, and I can’t do a thing about it.
“Life is suffering”. Deep man.
“Life is the curse of want.”
Has anyone else had it where all her grenade barrages focus entirely around you, no matter where you move?
A few minutes into the fight, I noticed those little grenade circles. I really hate them because there is so little time to dodge! It’s like I start bleeding the second the circles appear, but I digress!
Anyway, dodge roll… Circles appear again. Dodge roll, they appear again. Get downed, the circles continually appear over me. Move locations with mist form, circles appear again, but luckily there are enough people to rally me. Run away from both her and other people, but the circles still appear on me! So I decide to run far away from the fight and she targets me one last time, before stopping.
I’d like to think I was imagining it, but I only noticed hostile smoke fields and the timed bomb targeting other people. The grenades were always localised to my location?
Makes me sad
Anyways Boom Boom needs fixing, hopefully sooner than later.
And pretty much this fight design has to be trashed for open world content.
The healing turret should make boss invulnerable, it would be much clearer what needs to be done and screwed up turret scaling wouldnt interfere with the fight so much.
best statistical loot in the game. We want everyone on an equal power base.”
A condition build works wonders on Boom-Boom, one condition Necro can nullify the healing. She will die this way, but people still need to kill the turret. Zerg mentality not your friend.
It baffles me to see players not only defending this most kittened game design ever but actually insulting other players. THE ONLY THING SCALING SHOULD DO IS PREVENT BOSSES FROM DYING TOO FAST!
Indeed. The scaling system is supposed to be a background process, not an obstruction that the players have to take into account. It should be behind the scenes, making sure bosses don’t die too fast, and offer a proper challenge for each group size. They should not make battles drag on for way too long, because there are too many players. That simply means it isn’t working right.
You got it wrong there. The problem is pretty much the players.
Theoretically if every player that joined had provided an average amount of DPS, the event would be done quicker in zergs. Unfortunately, your average zerg is majorly composed of players that sit back wielding ranged weapons and simply afk spam 1 on the enemy and just wait for the loot. These players are dead weight and only drag the event further.
It baffles me to see players not only defending this most kittened game design ever but actually insulting other players. THE ONLY THING SCALING SHOULD DO IS PREVENT BOSSES FROM DYING TOO FAST!
Indeed. The scaling system is supposed to be a background process, not an obstruction that the players have to take into account. It should be behind the scenes, making sure bosses don’t die too fast, and offer a proper challenge for each group size. They should not make battles drag on for way too long, because there are too many players. That simply means it isn’t working right.
You got it wrong there. The problem is pretty much the players.
Theoretically if every player that joined had provided an average amount of DPS, the event would be done quicker in zergs. Unfortunately, your average zerg is majorly composed of players that sit back wielding ranged weapons and simply afk spam 1 on the enemy and just wait for the loot. These players are dead weight and only drag the event further.
There are many many many more problems on the game level (especially on boom boom fight), and it seems ANet is aware of those. Too bad theyre not allowed to talk about it.
best statistical loot in the game. We want everyone on an equal power base.”
(edited by MikaHR.1978)
It’s easy to blame the players for mindlessly zerging, but let’s look at how this works for a bit.
The thing in guild wars that tells you where the action is and what you should be doing is the meta event text on the top right and the indicator for it on the map. Upon starting to play for this living story part they are told to go to two places by the game, bazaar and pavilion. Upon getting in pavilion they see the text on the top right that tells them they should help, as a group, to kill bosses, and the indicators on the map of where those bosses are telling them “come help kill it!”. If the only one left at the end is boom boom, then the only indicator they have for this game is telling them to go there. That’s the same indicator they have been following for the whole duration of this game, and the same tactics they have been doing the whole game, because as many things as you have against zerging, it is true they are forced to accept that it is the most profitable strategy at some point in the game. I have tried playing alone or looking for small groups, but when you start doing world bosses you see that zerging is certainly profitable and the optimal way to go at things a lot of the time.
And yes many people are upleveled, that is because the current content asks of all players regardless of level to join the pavilion and then uplevels them while giving them the boss indicators they have been following in the game already, what are they supposed to do? Yes some people don’t carry zerker gear to cover the 20% upscale, nowhere in the game is it mentioned that game mechanics are designed around zerkers for them to follow it, yet they are (or rampagers, conditions work, but if someone plays tanky for fun then they are working against the event because of its mechanics). And yes some people will target other mobs, if they don’t know about upscaling they will think they are helping since they see the bandit adds attacking players and no one stopping them.
So, what are the things advising them against it?
The map chat, something that is turned off by default. It’s worse here in europe because even if it’s turned on, all languages but your own are turned off by default, including english.
So, what’s the in game mechanic telling them not to zerg? That is scaling, a mechanic that is never once referred to in game and a mechanic they have to do out of game research to find out. Basically, what is ruining the event is either default mechanics of the chat or the fact people want to play casually and not study about the game out of it (generally you don’t study a game, you play it, for fun), which should at least not ruin the experience for people.
Will just add here that this event gave me newfound hatred for noobmanders. Every time I get in a map and see only 1 commander tag, standing in front of kurai before the event starts I know things are bound to go horribly. It gets worse, I’ve seen people with the only commander tag of the map asking for no more people to them, yet keeping the tag up, I’ve seen wiggins left as last boss a while before silver expires, the fight going well previously, people asking no more people on it, and then two commander tags appearing on it. Told a commander not to come because they were scaling, only to receive the sarcastic response that he didn’t know tags scaled. I’ve seen a commander that through several runs would just not respond to anything he was told and not type in chat anything (map chat turned off maybe) and would just drag people around to zerg. We were actually doing boom boom just fine, was at about 40% and then the commander’s group kills the boss next to her, we start typing in chat for people to stay away, yet the commander just rushes in. We move to shurrak to avoid the zerg, same thing happens, boom boom was already low so at some point before we killed shurrak she dies, then commander brings over the zerg to shurrak. In the end, the meta-strategy became fighting the boss at the opposite side of the commander to reduce the chance he would come in and ruin the boss fight. Is it the zerg’s fault there for following the commander? Ok, tell them not to go to the boss indicator, that’s game controlled, commander tag is human controlled though, if it’s up on the map people are telling you you are needed there. I wish there was a way to vote away commander tags. Yeah, sure, they paid for them, but it is affecting the gameplay experience of everyone on the map, doesn’t matter if they paid 100g, 1000g or 1000$, they should have no right to misuse it and ruin the experience for everyone.
It baffles me to see players not only defending this most kittened game design ever but actually insulting other players. THE ONLY THING SCALING SHOULD DO IS PREVENT BOSSES FROM DYING TOO FAST!
Indeed. The scaling system is supposed to be a background process, not an obstruction that the players have to take into account. It should be behind the scenes, making sure bosses don’t die too fast, and offer a proper challenge for each group size. They should not make battles drag on for way too long, because there are too many players. That simply means it isn’t working right.
You got it wrong there. The problem is pretty much the players.
Theoretically if every player that joined had provided an average amount of DPS, the event would be done quicker in zergs. Unfortunately, your average zerg is majorly composed of players that sit back wielding ranged weapons and simply afk spam 1 on the enemy and just wait for the loot. These players are dead weight and only drag the event further.
and they actually can.
50 players on one boss, can kill that boss at the same time it takes 12 players to kill another boss.
However they cannot kill that boss and move to the next one, quicker than 12 players at each boss.
This is scaling working correctly, regardless of players dps.
It baffles me to see players not only defending this most kittened game design ever but actually insulting other players. THE ONLY THING SCALING SHOULD DO IS PREVENT BOSSES FROM DYING TOO FAST!
Indeed. The scaling system is supposed to be a background process, not an obstruction that the players have to take into account. It should be behind the scenes, making sure bosses don’t die too fast, and offer a proper challenge for each group size. They should not make battles drag on for way too long, because there are too many players. That simply means it isn’t working right.
You got it wrong there. The problem is pretty much the players.
Theoretically if every player that joined had provided an average amount of DPS, the event would be done quicker in zergs. Unfortunately, your average zerg is majorly composed of players that sit back wielding ranged weapons and simply afk spam 1 on the enemy and just wait for the loot. These players are dead weight and only drag the event further.and they actually can.
50 players on one boss, can kill that boss at the same time it takes 12 players to kill another boss.However they cannot kill that boss and move to the next one, quicker than 12 players at each boss.
This is scaling working correctly, regardless of players dps.
Yes they can…at certain bosses and perfect conditions (pun intended).
Im glad that ANet is much more aware than you though.
best statistical loot in the game. We want everyone on an equal power base.”
The fights really drag on for to long. The amount of players there should not have such a massive effect on the health pool of the boss. It doesn’t even make sense that for some reason we the players need to manage our numbers, in order for the boss to not have too much health. That’s such a meta concept, I can’t even wrap my head around it how that became an accepted part of the game’s mechanics.
The boss scaling to adapt to larger numbers of players, that I get. That’s the dynamic event system that was advertized. But having to reduce our numbers to combat the dynamic scaling? That is getting a little bit silly.
ANet implemented Anti-zerg mechanics? call me in!
Seriously, if there are 30+ players zerging around trying to kill one boss, despite they know better, they’ve deserved to take that long. Just go on a gold pavilion and lern how to so it the right and intended way.
EU Elona Reach – Void Sentinels
Seriously, if there are 30+ players zerging around trying to kill one boss, despite they know better, they’ve deserved to take that long. Just go on a gold pavilion and lern how to so it the right and intended way.
Why would most people know better? How would they even know what a ‘gold pavilion’ is? Most people will zone into a pavilion with 4-6 bosses alive, the silver timer long since run out, and no one there having a single clue what to do next.
(edited by Manasa Devi.7958)
I’m more confused on people here complaining about "AFK"ing. A good Pavillon organization does not AFK at all since bosses die nearly within seconds at each other, that there is very little time to AFK in the first place.
Seriously, if there are 30+ players zerging around trying to kill one boss, despite they know better, they’ve deserved to take that long. Just go on a gold pavilion and lern how to so it the right and intended way.
Why would most people know better? How would they even know what a ‘gold pavilion’ is? Most people will zone into a pavilion with 4-6 bosses alive, the silver timer long since run out, and no one there having a single clue what to do next.
Because they can read and use their brain. The problem is that they don’t.
Is common sense really that rare these days? I can understand that a new player, unfamiliar with the events could not understand anything at first glance. Veteran players in the other hand must have not learned anything if they can’t figure this out.
Seriously, if there are 30+ players zerging around trying to kill one boss, despite they know better, they’ve deserved to take that long. Just go on a gold pavilion and lern how to so it the right and intended way.
Why would most people know better? How would they even know what a ‘gold pavilion’ is? Most people will zone into a pavilion with 4-6 bosses alive, the silver timer long since run out, and no one there having a single clue what to do next.
Because they can read and use their brain. The problem is that they don’t.
Is common sense really that rare these days? I can understand that a new player, unfamiliar with the events could not understand anything at first glance. Veteran players in the other hand must have not learned anything if they can’t figure this out.
You’d think if people didn’t understand they’d /m “how do you get gold?” and then listen to the answer. I know my brother was trying to teach some maps how to do it and all he got was hate in response. Personally I gave up on teaching zergling type people long ago. Glad to help anyone who asks, but I’m not going to go out of my way to teach those too lazy to put any effort in themselves. And by effort all i mean is asking that question above and listening to the answer.
You need 4 to 5 zerkers on boom boom. More ppl will cause the health turret to have too much hp. You can kill the turret incredibly fast with 4 to 5 ppl.
You need 4 to 5 zerkers on boom boom. More ppl will cause the health turret to have too much hp. You can kill the turret incredibly fast with 4 to 5 ppl.
As you can with 15 if everyone breaks off to attack it. I’ve done it dozens of times at this point with 10+. The only thing better about a small groups is usually if you’re doing that everyone knows what they are doing and there are no lazy slackers scaling things up while not pulling their weight.
I bought a commander tag just for this boss yesterday. After two silver tries we got it down, and we had boom boom down to 5 percent at a comfortable 3 minutes of the gold timer. We only had gold medals after that. About 5 gold medals later I went to bed.
To be clear: I was not with any guild members, and the other commanders were pugging as well. Of course, if everyone on the map goes to one boss you are wasting your time.
Actually, I think the current mechanics for the boss blitz is a great opportunity for people to learn how to co-operate with each other. 8 out 10 times a group wins is usually because they’re communicating.
Of course, when I say communication, I mean friendly motivation and encouragement. Case in point, when commanders carefully coax their team members into using the right strategies: “Great job guys, use the bird seed on Shrek to take him down” or “Thanks for the help, but our team is full. You can go help Sparky, they need more people” it tends to work much better than when commanders act condescending “Ugh, read your map chat and pay attention!” or “People who are dead and don’t waypoint should just leave and get back to their Queensdale train.”
While the intent behind both are the same, the approach is different, and I personally find the gentler technique to be much more effective, most of the time. (Fun fact: this social psychology technique works in a real life setting as well!)
(edited by Heraldusluminare.2946)
Question on the bird seed. I’ve seen instructions on the forum to throw it AT the boss and AWAY from the boss. Which is it? And why?
Sorry, when I said to use the bird seed, I think you’re supposed to throw it somewhere near the clump of hawks, but AWAY from Shurakk, so they are lured away from the boss, thereby giving other players a clear path to strike the ogre down without fear of retaliation.
Boom-Boom Baines, most stupid game mechanics ever
Question on the bird seed. I’ve seen instructions on the forum to throw it AT the boss and AWAY from the boss. Which is it? And why?
behind the boss, as far behind as possible. This keeps the birds behind him, rather than moving all over the place, risking people hitting them instead of the boss.
This boss is not at all hard. It’s ridiculously easy for anyone remotely competent. I realize that sounds like an insult, and I’m sorry about that, but it’s just the truth.
The boss mechanic is simple. When the turrets up, you switch and kill it. End of story. If it hits level 84, you have too many people on that boss and will get glancing blows, thus slowing your dps. She has 4 different types of aoe attacks, all of which are varying sizes, thus easy to identify by threat. The largest is the exploding barrel, which kills tons of people (somehow). Next is her goo shot looking thing that simply blinds you for one hit; It’s harmless. Then there’s another one that I honestly don’t know what it even does, as it doesn’t seem to damage me. And finally her grenades. You see yellow circles, dodge. You have sufficient time to do so.
You can keep poison on her during turrets if you want. If your burst is good enough (DO NOT SEND CONDITION BUILDS TO BOOM, IT IS THE OPPOSITE OF BURST), it won’t matter. I never go above 8 people, which keeps my turret around level 81. We’re usually at 5% with 3 or 4 minutes left on gold.
Boom should always die first as it’s the only boss with a switch mechanic that heals. Her shared mechanic, the exploding keg, is also quite easy to avoid. Get all your bosses down to 5 or 10%, then wait for boom to die, then everyone else. If you’re being real picky, you should have shrek die second as his mechanic is painless and simply requires a dodge.
What you DO NOT want to do is spam a bunch of anti zerg mechanics (wiggins, kuraii, pyroxis) onto bosses like boom or even shrek, as they will wipe your party and the boss will reset. Kill order is much more important than people think, as is knowing which boss you’re actually best suited for. If you don’t know, ask.
You need 4 to 5 zerkers on boom boom. More ppl will cause the health turret to have too much hp. You can kill the turret incredibly fast with 4 to 5 ppl.
As you can with 15 if everyone breaks off to attack it. I’ve done it dozens of times at this point with 10+. The only thing better about a small groups is usually if you’re doing that everyone knows what they are doing and there are no lazy slackers scaling things up while not pulling their weight.
Not really. The turret actually scales in level as well, plus you will condition cap with more than 5.
Regarding everybody who’s under the impression that bosses don’t scale back down…yes, they do.
If you have too many people at a boss, ask some to leave. They still get credit for it after getting some damage in, and going to the center of the pavilion lets the boss downscale pretty quickly. It’s very apparent when it happens, since they start dying much faster.
If no one’s willing to leave…well, you’re kitten out of luck. Usually even if I’m there from the start, if too many players keep flocking to a boss in an organized map, I’ll leave to help it scale down.
Catorii | Lustre Delacroix | Catorii Desmarais | Synalie
Has anyone else had it where all her grenade barrages focus entirely around you, no matter where you move?
A few minutes into the fight, I noticed those little grenade circles. I really hate them because there is so little time to dodge! It’s like I start bleeding the second the circles appear, but I digress!
Anyway, dodge roll… Circles appear again. Dodge roll, they appear again. Get downed, the circles continually appear over me. Move locations with mist form, circles appear again, but luckily there are enough people to rally me. Run away from both her and other people, but the circles still appear on me! So I decide to run far away from the fight and she targets me one last time, before stopping.
I’d like to think I was imagining it, but I only noticed hostile smoke fields and the timed bomb targeting other people. The grenades were always localised to my location?
Makes me sad
I have noticed many times bosses will fixate on me when I play ele. They won’t attack anyone else until I’m gone. It never happens to me on any of my other characters.
Has anyone else had it where all her grenade barrages focus entirely around you, no matter where you move?
I like it when the combination of grenades and Saboteurs juggle you until you are downed and defeated.
If you are the “chosen one”, do not melee her because you won’t have enough time to react to the grenade barrage anymore.
If you notice her focusing you, this can be used it to your advantage by luring her over to where-ever the turret spawns. Do this by breaking line-of-sight of Boom-Boom Baines using a nearby tree in the area or the ramp. This helps less aware players switch to the turret.
If you are the “chosen one”, do not melee her because you won’t have enough time to react to the grenade barrage anymore.
If you notice her focusing you, this can be used it to your advantage by luring her over to where-ever the turret spawns. Do this by breaking line-of-sight of Boom-Boom Baines using a nearby tree in the area or the ramp. This helps less aware players switch to the turret.
Hahaha I love that! “The Chosen One” That crap happens to my Ele all the time. Boom Boom, the wurms in TA, Lupi to name a few… Literally attack no one else until I’m dead.
People talk of players ignoring chat, and yes many do, but the other issue is Megaserver. There are many people now who CAN’T read English…
If you are the “chosen one”, do not melee her because you won’t have enough time to react to the grenade barrage anymore.
If you notice her focusing you, this can be used it to your advantage by luring her over to where-ever the turret spawns. Do this by breaking line-of-sight of Boom-Boom Baines using a nearby tree in the area or the ramp. This helps less aware players switch to the turret.
I’ve had this happen to me before and I’ve taken advantage of it. I had 2 goals in mind, first I do my best to move her over to the turret so cleave damage from the players doing it right would hurt her but also cleave damage from the mindless hurt the turret. The second and far more entertaining was because we had a couple trolls that showed up and AFK’d right in the middle of the arena. I would hover around them and get them cought in grenade and bomb spam and kill them. bit of a two edged sword unfortunatly as no mater how much you tell people to not revive the full dead theres always those few that do it anyway. On the bright side the AFK’ers were quite nude by the end of the fight.
one of my guilds runs gold runs on boss blitz almost daily.
boom boom blains is most optimally run with 5-7 zerker players.
i ran a imcomplete phalnax strength build (no runes and some Azurite jewelry) and my group of 5 others with me would destroy the adds until most other groups were down to 80-90% before we burst her down, being at 5-10% first or second of the 6. you just focus the turret as it spawns and since you slaughtered the initial adds, you only have to worry about the occasional ones you pull from the sides. makes her easy. we get her 100% of the time, even when a few of us die well before gold time is up.