Coordinated Boss Blitz

Coordinated Boss Blitz

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Veckna.9621


Has anyone attempted it yet?

The event was obviously designed so people split into 6 comparable groups in terms of DPS to prevent the bosses from overscaling as part of the anti-zerg design implemented in the feature pack, yet people seem to keep blobbing up despite clear evidence that that is not the way the event was meant to be cleared if we want to ever taste the spoils of the gold level rewards. And possibly have a sustainable farm of it like back in the Lion’s Arch Attack Knights fights where more than 50 people per knight would just be counter-productive.

The megaservers present a few issues in this regard as well, organizing your home world’s community for such events and making sure everyone knows what’s going on was one thing. But now that there’s literally very little chance to be put in there with the same people or even people who’ve had access to information that states the proper way to do it.

Coordinated Boss Blitz

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Vol.7601


TTS has been doing gold raids. Good luck getting in the map.

Coordinated Boss Blitz

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: MoS.5970


^ It’s sad that this is the hardest part of the event.

Best suggestion is to utilize one’s teamspeak. Makes coordination a lot easier and able to flood others hopefully into the map.

If teamspeak isn’t available, I’ve seen it done just through map and say chat as well. We just got 6 commanders to stand at each gate and instructed to not fund heal-o-tron until as many people as possible were split among the commanders. Will be tougher of course if people go off and do their own thing, but just the presence of the 6 commanders at set locations I found pushes more people to listen to instruction.