Crow´s Nest... never to be seen again.
Just spotted your post, I posted another thread as well. This is really disheartening to have happen.
One of my most memorable things about the Labyrinthine Cliffs was when me and group of friends found a path up the mast of the giant airship and onto the “crow’s nest” It took us so long and it took a large amount of cooperation to get there.
It is without of doubt one of my top five favorite times I’ve had in guild wars.
Now that Labyrinthine Cliffs I decided to climb the tower again to see if something has changed. Unfortunately It had, half way up we discovered that the top half of the tower was no longer solid and It would be impossible to continue.
Why did you have to remove it? There was no advantage to get up there. The game did not break if someone stood up there. Even if you did not plan to add anything up there, there was no reason to remove it!
I am really upset about this. I understand you want to keep players in the intended areas but finding new ways to enjoy games is what gives games life. If your players figure out how to do something that you didn’t think of, Improve on that. Put a chest up there, or if money’s an issue, put a npc up there that congratulates them on their hard work. Don’t just go and punish them for finding something new.
Please Arena Net Return the nest to it’s former glory.
Thank you for listening.
I hope they will fix this soon
Ahaha, i´m not alone. Be strong, fellow jumper, for we will overcome even this dark and disheartening time…
but on a more serious side, i doubt they will make the top hlf of the pole solid again. I mean, stuff like that doesnt vanish on its own behalf, collision mapping is most likely removed or added on intention. Sadly.
At least we still can say “I was there”. And maybe we get our own minute´s silence, kind of like “Never Forget… 05-20-14”
Any Idea about the Reasoning behind this?
Was there an Exploit?
maybe, just maybe you could see the next living story from up there, so anet decided to remove the collision
If you jumped high enough, you could see Cantha. Because of that, the Devs had to make some last minute changes.