Fortune Scraps
Answering my own question. I contacted support and they will not be exchanging scraps for tokens. So if you have leftover fortune scraps, you might as well use them. That is, unless for some reason they bring them back in the future. I’ll be using mine for backpack skins.
And spending a lot of time after WvW seasons in earning back my tokens.
I kept mine from last time too as I didn’t have sufficient. You would’ave thought that a yearly event would keep the same prize tokens.
me too, I have about 100+ of them. Why did they change it?
The black lion weapon trader (near the trading post in Gendarran fields) traded in them not long ago. Not sure if he still does.
The black lion weapon trader (near the trading post in Gendarran fields) traded in them not long ago. Not sure if he still does.
No – that went away with this release. And even if so, it only traded for gold scraps, not these new tokens.
The Black Lion Weapon Specialists still accept fortune scraps and golden fortune scraps. You have to have them in your inventory when you speak to the merchant and select the time-limited option. This will give you the opportunity to spend your fortune scraps and golden fortune scraps.
The Black Lion Weapon Specialists still accept fortune scraps and golden fortune scraps. You have to have them in your inventory when you speak to the merchant and select the time-limited option. This will give you the opportunity to spend your fortune scraps and golden fortune scraps.
If you have a Golden Ticket, you can actually just doubleclick it and the vendor dialog comes up. Doesnt work wit hscraps, though.
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.
The Black Lion Weapon Specialists still accept fortune scraps and golden fortune scraps. You have to have them in your inventory when you speak to the merchant and select the time-limited option. This will give you the opportunity to spend your fortune scraps and golden fortune scraps.
Yup, still works.
Doesn’t help the op with his problem though, all I can think of is to spend them on a lower cost item.
Yup, still works.
Doesn’t help the op with his problem though, all I can think of is to spend them on a lower cost item.
Unfortunately that is all you can do, unless he wants to hoard them for the next time the Sanctum rolls through, maybe we’ll be back to fortune scraps then since the event won’t be part of the LA relief effort.
Thank you for the suggestions. At least I know I can use them. I guess I’ll be spending most of my time going after tokens again.