(edited by Evon Skyfyre.9673)
Taimi -- Sooooooooooooooooo Cute
Is that the “I use cuteness as a weapon, but baby dolyak take that to the next level” kinda dialog?
Gotta agree :P
I was intriged by what Taimi was saying about the suspiciousness of the crates waiting to be loaded up
season 2 has to kick off somehow :P the conversations between tiny taimi and (keeping with alliteration) behemoth(?) braham are awesome
he’s like someone having to look after someone else’s kid while the parents are on holiday and having no clue what to do with it
Kiel Replacement Movement
I will admit that the writing can be good and bad, but there are a few characters that the writers never seem to miss with. Taimi is one of those characters, the writers just seem to have a really good sense of her possibilities.
“My mobility is capricious….” That line pulls the old heart strings every time..
season 2 has to kick off somehow :P the conversations between tiny taimi and (keeping with alliteration) behemoth(?) braham are awesome
he’s like someone having to look after someone else’s kid while the parents are on holiday and having no clue what to do with it
Big bro Braham
Why can’t she participate in the dolyak race? Dash and leap skills all the way to the end!
I am twitch-challenged myself so I find it ironic that this game focuses so heavily on twitch and then has a mobility-challenged main character. For this reason I often miss out on things myself so I empathize.
I love Taimi. And I love Jory and Kass too. They’re so cute together!!
Sadly I miss part of the story… because that I hate the temporary content…
Where did she come from? From what I remember she just showed up following Braham one day. Still no idea of her intentions.
re·ward – a thing given in recognition of one’s service, effort, or achievement
en·ti·tle·ment – the belief one is inherently deserving of privileges or special treatment
Where did she come from? From what I remember she just showed up following Braham one day. Still no idea of her intentions.
She’s came from Rata Sum and Zoija is her mentor ( Zoija protege). I think she somehow sneak pass Zoija as she was a Scarlet fangirl cos she was heavily interested in her invention and idea and somehow ended up on their team.
Yeah, she showed up randomly a the Marionette event because she wanted to see what Scarlet was up to, got roped into lane defense with the others, and then hung out with them afterwards.
you spend complaining about it on the forums, you’d be
done by now.”
Love her exchange with Braham in the dead end…
Braham Eirsson: Did you get in trouble for roaming the camp?
Taimi: No. Yes. Zojja gave me extra calculations as a punishment, and I never got to see Scarlet.
Braham Eirsson: Sounds like Zojja cares about you.
Taimi: No, she doesn’t. She cares about her record. If I do well, it reflects positively on her as my college mentor.
Braham Eirsson: So you don’t like Zojja’s college?
Taimi: I was not designed to be in Synergetics. I was designed for Statics.
Braham Eirsson: I don’t know what that means.
Taimi: It means I’d rather make stuff than talk about making stuff.
Braham Eirsson: Oh. Yeah. Me too.
Taimi: Must be nice to have a sister.
Taimi: Hey, Braham.
Braham Eirsson: Uh-huh.
Taimi: You wanna hear about the new aetherphaser I invented for my golem? I modeled it after Scarlet’s tech.
Braham Eirsson: Uh-huh.
Taimi: It works just fine, but I have to keep adjusting the gorometer.
Braham Eirsson: Uh-huh.
Taimi: I had to shave down the minious array wheel in order to get it to fit on Scruffy, but I go it.
Braham Eirsson: Uh-huh.
Taimi: Next, I’m gonna make him a panmetric listening device so he can warn me in advance if someone’s sneaking up on me.
Braham Eirsson: Uh-huh.
Taimi: Hey, Braham.
Braham Eirsson: Uh-huh.
Taimi: I like you because you’re big and dumb.
Braham Eirsson: Uh-huh.
Braham Eirsson: (laugh) Shut up!
Taimi: (giggle)
Thanks for all the kind words. It means a lot to us.
Taimi is easily the best thing to come out of season 1. Btw I miss Zojja I want to see Taimi and Zojja butt heads. I bet there’s nowhere big enough in Tyria to house both of those egos together! :P
It seems like devs respond only to useless topics like this and doesn’t care about giving response to anything important. Never before I’ve seen such aproach to customers. Sad.
It seems like devs respond only to useless topics like this and doesn’t care about giving response to anything important. Never before I’ve seen such aproach to customers. Sad.
I reply to writing and VO threads when I can, including critical feedback posts, since that’s my area. Is there something story related that you’re concerned about, or is this comment more about other feedback (balance, gameplay, etc.) that isn’t being addressed? Remember that we read the forums often and reply when we’re able. A respectfully worded post gets a lot more attention than vague complaints.
It seems like devs respond only to useless topics like this and doesn’t care about giving response to anything important. Never before I’ve seen such aproach to customers. Sad.
I reply to writing and VO threads when I can, including critical feedback posts, since that’s my area. Is there something story related that you’re concerned about, or is this comment more about other feedback (balance, gameplay, etc.) that isn’t being addressed? Remember that we read the forums often and reply when we’re able. A respectfully worded post gets a lot more attention than vague complaints.
I kind of feel like a dev word about the incredibly scarce chaos of lyssa recipe is extremely desired, with numerous threads being created about it. I know it was mentioned on stream that it’s droprate is fine, but seeing as it sold for 1k and 2.5k, that isn’t precedented and is disheartening.
you aren’t going to get any information about recipes from a writer
you aren’t going to get any information about recipes from a writer
True, but maybe he can pressure the correct dev/redpost to reply to at least one of those threads (which to me all seem respectfully worded, at least the first posts mainly).
Please give us a keyring…
you aren’t going to get any information about recipes from a writer
I didn’t say it should be from him either. But seeing the frustration I, and many others, have felt trying to farm this, with thousands being opened in the first few days with only a handful being aquired so far. Please, try to see things from our perspective. It’s kind of heart breaking
It seems like devs respond only to useless topics like this and doesn’t care about giving response to anything important. Never before I’ve seen such aproach to customers. Sad.
I reply to writing and VO threads when I can, including critical feedback posts, since that’s my area. Is there something story related that you’re concerned about, or is this comment more about other feedback (balance, gameplay, etc.) that isn’t being addressed? Remember that we read the forums often and reply when we’re able. A respectfully worded post gets a lot more attention than vague complaints.
I kind of feel like a dev word about the incredibly scarce chaos of lyssa recipe is extremely desired, with numerous threads being created about it. I know it was mentioned on stream that it’s droprate is fine, but seeing as it sold for 1k and 2.5k, that isn’t precedented and is disheartening.
This is the wrong thread to discuss that. My advice would be either to post in an existing thread on that topic, or if one doesn’t exist you can create a new one.
It seems like devs respond only to useless topics like this and doesn’t care about giving response to anything important. Never before I’ve seen such aproach to customers. Sad.
I reply to writing and VO threads when I can, including critical feedback posts, since that’s my area. Is there something story related that you’re concerned about, or is this comment more about other feedback (balance, gameplay, etc.) that isn’t being addressed? Remember that we read the forums often and reply when we’re able. A respectfully worded post gets a lot more attention than vague complaints.
I kind of feel like a dev word about the incredibly scarce chaos of lyssa recipe is extremely desired, with numerous threads being created about it. I know it was mentioned on stream that it’s droprate is fine, but seeing as it sold for 1k and 2.5k, that isn’t precedented and is disheartening.
This is the wrong thread to discuss that. My advice would be either to post in an existing thread on that topic, or if one doesn’t exist you can create a new one.
Exactly, but that’s another thing, there are at least 7 threads about it, some older than this one. but I appreciate your time, thank you
It seems like devs respond only to useless topics like this and doesn’t care about giving response to anything important. Never before I’ve seen such aproach to customers. Sad.
I reply to writing and VO threads when I can, including critical feedback posts, since that’s my area. Is there something story related that you’re concerned about, or is this comment more about other feedback (balance, gameplay, etc.) that isn’t being addressed? Remember that we read the forums often and reply when we’re able. A respectfully worded post gets a lot more attention than vague complaints.
I kind of feel like a dev word about the incredibly scarce chaos of lyssa recipe is extremely desired, with numerous threads being created about it. I know it was mentioned on stream that it’s droprate is fine, but seeing as it sold for 1k and 2.5k, that isn’t precedented and is disheartening.
This is the wrong thread to discuss that. My advice would be either to post in an existing thread on that topic, or if one doesn’t exist you can create a new one.
Agreed. I think that people need to realize that different people have different roles at Arena Net. Bobby is a writer. He isn’t in charge of drop rates, or Mega Servers, or Balance. I appreciate the fact that he responds to threads and takes time out of his day to interact with us.
While I agree that the response rate on “heated” threads is abysmal, don’t blame the people that actually interact with us, since they are the ones doing it right.
Phoenix Ascendant [ASH] | Rank 80
It seems like devs respond only to useless topics like this and doesn’t care about giving response to anything important. Never before I’ve seen such aproach to customers. Sad.
I reply to writing and VO threads when I can, including critical feedback posts, since that’s my area. Is there something story related that you’re concerned about, or is this comment more about other feedback (balance, gameplay, etc.) that isn’t being addressed? Remember that we read the forums often and reply when we’re able. A respectfully worded post gets a lot more attention than vague complaints.
I kind of feel like a dev word about the incredibly scarce chaos of lyssa recipe is extremely desired, with numerous threads being created about it. I know it was mentioned on stream that it’s droprate is fine, but seeing as it sold for 1k and 2.5k, that isn’t precedented and is disheartening.
This is the wrong thread to discuss that. My advice would be either to post in an existing thread on that topic, or if one doesn’t exist you can create a new one.
Problem is that he will not get any answers to his question. I guess that it is why he is asking the question since you are replying on the thread. And maybe he hopes that the dev that should be concerned about that topic will eventually answer the many questions that were already asked on the proper forum/topic.
[Kr] Dungeon Speedclear & Fractals
Oh by the way Bobby! Quick non sequitur while I know we have your attention. Will you guys ever publish a copy of your “lore book” with the spoilers redacted? I think the public would LOVE to get their hands on the magical binder that you guys have filled with all things lore. Plus it is a good money making opportunity…. ;-)
Phoenix Ascendant [ASH] | Rank 80
Back on topic.
Taimi is the best character (so far) thats been added.
Her snarky comments and her voice are probably my main reason for finding her the best npc yet.
Has anyone made a video(s) of all her voice work?
Please give us a keyring…
I know that it is not in your authority to tell something about the development of the game. I can say that I don’t like the company’s aproach to responding on the forums, not the actual developers who can write only what they are told.
It is true that I don’t want to ask anything connected to the story. So far, I love it, and I know you will give us a great Season 2 with Mordremoth, and Maguuma maps, and so on.
However, there are same basic things, which I expected to be in game a long time ago.
Just a few here:
Precursor quest – can you at least confirm it is still on the table and that you will ship it in the next Feature Pack? Players like me will never be able to save enough gold to buy it from TP as the prices go up way too fast for a casual player. I don’t think legendaries should be restricted only to rich players with thousands of golds in their account. It is not right that there are some individuals who have like 30 precursors in their bank and play with prices however they want.
Some kind of raid tool – have you at least considered it? Please, don’t tell us that you think that the way how organized groups have to do the mega events like Tequatl, Tripple Trouble or that new Living Story Blitz on gold reward is all right. There should be some ability to create own instance to do the event. It is so annoying when you just can’t get on the map and end up with PUG who fail Wurm every time.
Jewelcrafting and Cooking 500 – nothing more needs to be explained
Then some fixes:
- invisible tequatl bug
- PVP armor boxes give only one piece of armor instead of full set (although its description says it gives you full set) I don’t think one piece of armor responds to how long have to player do one dungeon track.
- black lion weapon tickets – do you really support casino-like aproach to ingame store? I don’t find it fun, nor fair to put RNG behind things you want to buy for real money… I would really like to buy some Tormented and Phoenix weapons for real money, however I won’t spend hundreds of Euros for them. Nor will I spend my hard-gained gold when I’m saving for the precursor.
There are more complaints… these are just some I care about the most.
I know you actually cannot answer to these questions, but at least you can see them and the company can talk about them.
(sorry for any grammar errors, I’m not a native speaker)
(edited by Mortifer.2946)
It seems like devs respond only to useless topics like this and doesn’t care about giving response to anything important. Never before I’ve seen such aproach to customers. Sad.
I reply to writing and VO threads when I can, including critical feedback posts, since that’s my area. Is there something story related that you’re concerned about, or is this comment more about other feedback (balance, gameplay, etc.) that isn’t being addressed? Remember that we read the forums often and reply when we’re able. A respectfully worded post gets a lot more attention than vague complaints.
I kind of feel like a dev word about the incredibly scarce chaos of lyssa recipe is extremely desired, with numerous threads being created about it. I know it was mentioned on stream that it’s droprate is fine, but seeing as it sold for 1k and 2.5k, that isn’t precedented and is disheartening.
This is the wrong thread to discuss that. My advice would be either to post in an existing thread on that topic, or if one doesn’t exist you can create a new one.
Exactly, but that’s another thing, there are at least 7 threads about it, some older than this one. but I appreciate your time, thank you
You’re welcome. Thanks for playing our game and caring enough to post your feedback on our forums.
I know that it is not in your authority to tell something about the development of the game. I can say that I don’t like the company’s aproach to responding on the forums, not the actual developers who can write only what they are told.
It is true that I don’t want to ask anything connected to the story. So far I love it, and I know you will give us a great Season 2 with Mordremoth and Maguuma maps and so on.
However, there are same basic things, which I expected to be in game a long time ago.
Just a few here: (snip)
Thanks for the kind words about the story. I hope you enjoy what’s to come.
In regards to the forums, we’re empowered to discuss a variety of things with the fans. Just understand that some topics are off limits for obvious reasons.
Thank you for taking the time to put together your general game feedback. You won’t get any traction posting it in here, though. It’s considered off-topic from the original post. My advice is to put those ideas into an existing (or new thread) such that they can be digested in context. Devs are more likely to read and respond to feedback that’s clearly identified in the right channel or thread. It keeps things more organized.
(sorry for any grammar errors, I’m not a native speaker)
No worries. You’re doing fine!
It seems like devs respond only to useless topics like this and doesn’t care about giving response to anything important. Never before I’ve seen such aproach to customers. Sad.
I reply to writing and VO threads when I can, including critical feedback posts, since that’s my area. Is there something story related that you’re concerned about, or is this comment more about other feedback (balance, gameplay, etc.) that isn’t being addressed? Remember that we read the forums often and reply when we’re able. A respectfully worded post gets a lot more attention than vague complaints.
Not sure if this is in your realm, but since it has to do with the voice overs, I’ll ask.
Any chance we’ll ever see compilation audio files on the ANet Soundcloud . Kind of like the one of rejected/not used ones (like the Logan one demanding the kids candy). I’d really love seeing one of those for each biconic (scruffy included. can’t remember if he’s ever said anything), with all their open world dialogues (not necessarily the cutscene VOs). Thanks.
(And if only one is ever made, it better be Taimi’s comments :P)
Please give us a keyring…
(edited by skullmount.1758)
I know you actually cannot answer to these questions, but at least you can see them and the company can talk about them.
So, I don’t actually work at ArenaNet, so I could be completely wrong, but…
1) They already have seen the complaints
2) Bobby telling other devs that people on the forum are complaining wouldn’t help, because #1
3) In addition, even if Bobby knows, which he may or may not, he can’t tell you that a) they know b) they’re looking into fixing it or c) basically anything else
So instead of constantly derailing red-tagged threads, can we instead focus on how cool it is that the head of all the writers of the game we like cares enough about what we think to not only read through it, but respond as well?
Thanks Bobby. I agree with what everybody else says: Taimi makes me chuckle and I think the way she interacts with other characters – slightly differently for each – is great. The past few releases have gotten noticeably better, especially the cutscene dialogue, and I’m hoping you guys keep it up for season 2.
Which, by the way, Bobby can’t tell us when it will arrive. He also can’t tell us when they’ll tell us it will arrive.
He might be able to tell us that he knows one of those two, but that’s probably a stretch as well.
www.getunicorned.com / northernshiverpeaks.org
It seems like devs respond only to useless topics like this and doesn’t care about giving response to anything important. Never before I’ve seen such aproach to customers. Sad.
I reply to writing and VO threads when I can, including critical feedback posts, since that’s my area. Is there something story related that you’re concerned about, or is this comment more about other feedback (balance, gameplay, etc.) that isn’t being addressed? Remember that we read the forums often and reply when we’re able. A respectfully worded post gets a lot more attention than vague complaints.
Not sure if this is in your realm, but since it has to do with the voice overs, I’ll ask.
Any chance we’ll ever see compilation audio files on the ANet Soundcloud . Kind of like the one of rejected/not used ones (like the Logan one demanding the kids candy). I’d really love seeing one of those for each biconic (scruffy included. can’t remember if he’s ever said anything), with all their open world dialogues (not necessarily the cutscene VOs). Thanks.
You should post this request in the Audio channel, but the short answer is “maybe.”
It seems like devs respond only to useless topics like this and doesn’t care about giving response to anything important. Never before I’ve seen such aproach to customers. Sad.
I reply to writing and VO threads when I can, including critical feedback posts, since that’s my area. Is there something story related that you’re concerned about, or is this comment more about other feedback (balance, gameplay, etc.) that isn’t being addressed? Remember that we read the forums often and reply when we’re able. A respectfully worded post gets a lot more attention than vague complaints.
Not sure if this is in your realm, but since it has to do with the voice overs, I’ll ask.
Any chance we’ll ever see compilation audio files on the ANet Soundcloud . Kind of like the one of rejected/not used ones (like the Logan one demanding the kids candy). I’d really love seeing one of those for each biconic (scruffy included. can’t remember if he’s ever said anything), with all their open world dialogues (not necessarily the cutscene VOs). Thanks.
You should post this request in the Audio channel, but the short answer is “maybe.”
Hmm, I’ve never went to that forum. Guess I’ll go post there. Thanks for the response.
Please give us a keyring…
My favorite Taimi touch: the way she gets into her golem. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O_qMAVQbKys
www.getunicorned.com / northernshiverpeaks.org
I’m not sure if this has been answered yet, but does the staff currently have plans to increase player interactivity with characters like Taimi outside of the Living Story?
I really enjoyed hearing what Taimi had to say. I specifically looked for her too. I would love to know more of Taimi’s backstory. It would be nice to have some sort of mini puzzle where you go to Rata Sum and other locations like a scavenger hunt seeking out information and talking to various individuals about her. Actually I would like to see as a sideline to jumping puzzles and slaying things some content where you have to figure out from one person you talked to where to go to get information or history on various things. I loved Speedy Reader and learning some more of the history. More please!
I reply to writing and VO threads when I can, including critical feedback posts, since that’s my area. Is there something story related that you’re concerned about, or is this comment more about other feedback (balance, gameplay, etc.) that isn’t being addressed? Remember that we read the forums often and reply when we’re able. A respectfully worded post gets a lot more attention than vague complaints.
Bobby, are you by any chance working on the Cantha storyline? If so, can we discuss that?
Please keep this thread on topic. Questions not related to this topic should be posted in relevant threads or if no such thread exists, in a new thread.
Bobby, are you by any chance working on the Cantha storyline? If so, can we discuss that?
What I meant to say was Taimi would be soooooo cute when she and Scruffy go to rescue the Emperor. That would make a great story!
<3 Taimi!
I was intriged by what Taimi was saying about the suspiciousness of the crates waiting to be loaded up
It would have been nice to instead see crates being loaded in a suspicious way. Instead of the bazaar acting as a background for Taimi to deliver exposition, the background (the Labyrinthine Cliffs, the denizens of the bazaar, the Zephyrites and their actions) could become alive and engage the players. It’s an MMO – let us explore the bazaar and interact with the people of the bazaar instead of have Taimi, Marjory and Kasmeer tell us about it.
Asurans do add a great flavor to the world of Guild Wars. I remember Vekk very fondly, and miss his random comments like “I have a theory about the Charr, I think they can be domesticated..”. Or when he lost his father. They must be great fun to write for. The thought occurs, is Taimi the new Gwen?
During the Living Story a few of us decided to worship Taimi as our newest love and savior. So cute!!! Players kept joining in with us. When Taimi & Scruffy went on their walkabout we wailed in sorrow and flung ourselves off the Gendarran refugee camp cliff.
Great Guild Wars 2 memory!
I hope she plays a “Big” role in the future LS. I’d miss her if she didn’t. She is the resident expert on all things Scarlet.
Yeah, I hope that too.
But don’t forget Jory and Kas!! I really want to see more of them!!
Yeah, I hope that too.
But don’t forget Jory and Kas!! I really want to see more of them!!
check the beaches around the Zepherite festival area. Jory stays in full gear, Kas is in a bikini O.O !!!!
Request: Add Taimi riding a baby Dolyak followed by a kitten and of course Scruffy. Cuteness overload! +1000 points if Zojja is there scolding her. 1800-Felicia-Day!!!
(edited by Evon Skyfyre.9673)
Just imagine how hot and sweaty Marjory must be in that coat. Plus she seems allergic to sunlight AND water. I bet she doesn’t even shave her armpits.
Eww, Kasmeer can keep her!