Agony Infusions - Bank Collectable Tab please

Agony Infusions - Bank Collectable Tab please

in Fractured

Posted by: TPMN.1483



Title:. Bank Collection tab for AR infusion resistance collectables.
Please add the following:
250xAR (lvl 1)
250xAR (lvl 2)
250xAR (lvl 3)

All the way up to 250xAR (lvl N).

I would suggest N = 10 would be a good start. (I would like to see N= 20 after that).
These items are already ‘collectables’ and need a bank Collectable tab slot.

It was also stated that higher levels of fractals have a chance of dropping > +1.
This way players can work on progressing to higher levels of AR slowly as intended without taking up excessive bank slot spaces.

This is probably not a big problem yet – but could easily become an issue as the need for agony resistance increases and these items start to stack up with each run.

If you agree or disagree with this – please add your thoughts to this thread.

Many Thanks

[MYTH] The Mythical Dragons -PvX