pvp = shopping at gucci n loui
wvw = shopping at walmart and costco
(edited by povV.5681)
I currently have a little over 2 bank tabs full of ascended rings. This is one of the only relatively consistent “rewards” of doing fractals ( not going to address the lack of rewards in general ). This being said…you can not sell them, you can not salvage them, you can not forge them, hell, you cant even give them away. The only reason I havn’t posted about this earlier is because if for some reason ANET decided to make them salvagable im fairly certain they would turn into bloodstone dust, dragonite ore, or imperial fragments. which honestly most people are drowning in anyways. the lack of ability to forge them is annoying as well. my possibly short sighted solution
non ascended rings
receive a decent number of ascended materials, +1 infusions, chance at vial of mist essence, glob of mist essence, or shard.
ascended rings
receive a large number of ascended materials, +1 or higher infusions, vial, glob, or shard, and receive a +5 infusion ( for the infusion already applied to the ring )
( just ideas, do share if you have others )
ascended ring, t5 mats, 1 t6, philosopher stones ( for t6 conversion. i know there is already a conversion but i was thinking that this could yield a higher number of t6 )
4 rings non infused – lots of + infusions
2 of the same ring + ecto’s + crystalline dust + philosopher stones = infused ring
infused rings of the same kind will be forged together to pull out one of the +5 infusions.
infused rings could be put in also for a larger number of t6 conversion. similar to the clover x1 vs x10 recipe
at this point…please just open ascended rings up on the tp and let the players decide what they are worth.
or let me merchant them for 1g each for non infused. or have them specifically priced as some rings are horrible anyways…sorry relaynas band.
i know we will never be able to send these rings to our lower level friends to help them out. but hey…it would be really nice to be able to help people.
(edited by povV.5681)
I think any retroactive solution would anger a lot of people who have sold the rings at an earlier point, like when they made ballot tickets sellable and representative buttons not.
I think any retroactive solution would anger a lot of people who have sold the rings at an earlier point, like when they made ballot tickets sellable and representative buttons not.
idk i think the people that want to be able to do SOMETHING with them would appreciate it. and if you dont want to be able to do something with them, its because you dont have hoards of them. so it would be relatively irrelevant to them. so…helps some and doesnt affect others imo. but maybe you’re right
They need to do something about the rings. They keep adding more and more into the economy with no way to remove them. That’s just bad design.
There are countless ways to deal with this issue and any solution is better than nothing.
I agree with this, except if they outright refused to do anything with them, I would be okay if they added accessories and amulets as rewards WITH the rings. Sure, eventually you have more than you need and nothing to do with them, but at least then you’re not stuck with 1000 rings when all you need is an earring.
I really like your various forge ideas, and the salvage. I would love to see a way to convert my rings into nice agony infusions or dragonite ore. I think we will see it in 6 months when they decide to increase the level cap again (and hopefully not put us all back to 30 again… ^^;;;;).
Ps 6 months was just a random amount of time, I’m not pretending to know when anet is doing it.
They need to do something about the rings. They keep adding more and more into the economy with no way to remove them. That’s just bad design.
There are countless ways to deal with this issue and any solution is better than nothing.
There not adding anything into the economy. The ascended rings are all account bound and just take up bank space.
I definitely do not want the rings to be sold on the TP. I think they should be salvageable and would give luck and agony infusions. I see no point of forging them, the same way superior runes cannot be forged.
i sold about as many as u have in bank tabs, just vendor them, dude
I would be nice to make them salvageable. I would love a dragonite source from the fractals. Because for casual players its really hard to get dragonite ore…especially if you just want to do higher lvl fractals for fun.
Since when did they make them not sellable? Didn’t they used to vendor for like 4 silver?
Be able to trade them in for a different ring/amulet/acc/backpiece..maybe?
Salvageable or mystic toilet random forging would be nice. That’s my vote
I’d vote for being able to salvage them for guaranteed Ascended mats (Bloodstone/Empyreal/Dragonite) and 1 – 3 Ecto, with a chance to get Dark Matter and Mist Essence.
Tradeable on TP. Not salvageable. Sell for 4 silver. That’s what I’d like to see- then people with alts and no interest in ever stepping foot into fractals could get their ascended rings.
I’d vote for being able to salvage them for guaranteed Ascended mats (Bloodstone/Empyreal/Dragonite) and 1 – 3 Ecto, with a chance to get Dark Matter and Mist Essence.
exactly. would love to see this. seems like a simple fix.
i sold about as many as u have in bank tabs, just vendor them, dude
there is about the same chance i vendor ascended items for what 4 silver? as there is me vendoring exotics. well…zero chance at both so…i guess its the same. 4 silver? thats almost as big of a slap in the face as it is the 72 copper i got from jormagg the other day. sidenote anet…you can keep ur 72 copper for jormagg lolz
If you watch the live stream for fractals one of the questions covered this topic. It was said that they are aware of the issue and were possibly making them salvageable. It won’t be for a bit yet but don’t sell them to the vendor just yet.
how about this:
infused ring + pile of t6 + mystic coins + something else 1 thing (scroll or something) = change stats on infused ring to something I can use, different recipe per stat to change to.
While I disagree that there is a lack of rewards is fractals…. The amount of rings sitting in my bank is redic.
They should remain account bound.
I like the idea of bring able to salvage them for lets say… obby shards? dark matter? ecto, dust, t6 Mats?
Forge them?
Throw 4 different ones in for a random chance of…
Mats, for other ascended jewelry (non-utility), relics pristine or non, or infusions.
yah i actually just bought another bank tab just now because of this. ugh…anet wins again. wut tadooo wut tadoooo
I’d vote for being able to salvage them for guaranteed Ascended mats (Bloodstone/Empyreal/Dragonite) and 1 – 3 Ecto, with a chance to get Dark Matter and Mist Essence.
would love to see this. seems like a simple fix.
The only issue I see with being guaranteed Ascended mats, AND Ecto’s, is, as people said, some have entire bank tabs full of them. When running higher level fractals, ascended rings aren’t exactly very rare to come by (hence the problem of having too many!) So if they all gave 1-3 ecto guaranteed, plus guaranteed Ascended Mats, it would:
1) Make the people who already don’t play fractals feel even more worthless in getting ascended gear (not as big of a deal some would say).
2) People would start to complain about having too MANY ascended mats like bloodstone bricks and not being able to sell them
3) The ecto market would plummet so fast
Unless they make fractal rings sellable, or ALL of the ascended mats sellable, making them salvageable would just make fractals an even greater money farm (from ectos, or any sellable ascended mats), or make ascended mats being so cheap people start complaining about how easy they are to get.
The best solution then I feel isn’t to make them salvageable, but forge-able. For instance, putting 4 into the forge to get one back that you get select the stats, or putting some in with combination of other ascended/fractal drops to get different new stuff (maybe recipe to get the new tonic, and make that sellable?)
I’d vote for being able to salvage them for guaranteed Ascended mats (Bloodstone/Empyreal/Dragonite) and 1 – 3 Ecto, with a chance to get Dark Matter and Mist Essence.
would love to see this. seems like a simple fix.
The only issue I see with being guaranteed Ascended mats, AND Ecto’s, is, as people said, some have entire bank tabs full of them. When running higher level fractals, ascended rings aren’t exactly very rare to come by (hence the problem of having too many!) So if they all gave 1-3 ecto guaranteed, plus guaranteed Ascended Mats, it would:
1) Make the people who already don’t play fractals feel even more worthless in getting ascended gear (not as big of a deal some would say).
2) People would start to complain about having too MANY ascended mats like bloodstone bricks and not being able to sell them
3) The ecto market would plummet so fastUnless they make fractal rings sellable, or ALL of the ascended mats sellable, making them salvageable would just make fractals an even greater money farm (from ectos, or any sellable ascended mats), or make ascended mats being so cheap people start complaining about how easy they are to get.
The best solution then I feel isn’t to make them salvageable, but forge-able. For instance, putting 4 into the forge to get one back that you get select the stats, or putting some in with combination of other ascended/fractal drops to get different new stuff (maybe recipe to get the new tonic, and make that sellable?)
with all the meta events running 24/7 i doubt that a small number of people having large amounts of rings ( 60-100 ) would flood the market and affect the price in ectos in any way. not everybody sells their mats. and plus i usually have terribad luck on ectos anyways lol. and bloodstones are already an issue. i think the armor patch will help a tad though. we’ll see. id rather have extra materials that stack then extra rings that dont. besides. when the armor patch comes out. refining bloodstone dust will help level you to 500. so…im ok with there being an overload of that. for now.
The only issue I see with being guaranteed Ascended mats, AND Ecto’s, is, as people said, some have entire bank tabs full of them. When running higher level fractals, ascended rings aren’t exactly very rare to come by (hence the problem of having too many!) So if they all gave 1-3 ecto guaranteed, plus guaranteed Ascended Mats, it would:
1) Make the people who already don’t play fractals feel even more worthless in getting ascended gear (not as big of a deal some would say).
2) People would start to complain about having too MANY ascended mats like bloodstone bricks and not being able to sell them
3) The ecto market would plummet so fastUnless they make fractal rings sellable, or ALL of the ascended mats sellable, making them salvageable would just make fractals an even greater money farm (from ectos, or any sellable ascended mats), or make ascended mats being so cheap people start complaining about how easy they are to get.
All good points. Just my thoughts in regards to some of them:
1. Agreed that some players already have too much Ascended mats as they are. While I wouldn’t mind them being sellable, I think a better solution would be to:
a) Add new MF recipes that allow you to transmute excess stacks of Bloodstone Dust/Empyreal Shards/Dragonite Ore to 50 of a different Ascended material. It’s a steep loss, but would probably be very welcome for people whose playstyles mean they have shortfalls in one type of material.
b) Miyani takes excess stacks of Bloodstone/Empyreal/Dragonite in exchange for karma (with Bloodstone fetching less in karma than the others). Could be a way to help boost karma gain after the massive nerfs a few months back.
2. I’m not sure that making Ectos cheaper would necessarily be a bad thing. Having cheaper Ectos would make associated products cheaper, including Crystalline Dust. That, in turn, would increase demand for T5 mats for promotion into T6 mats, making them cheaper again. This, in turn, allows more of the player base to attain things like Legendaries, Fine Infusions etc.
3. Talk on the Fractured sub-forum suggests that a large amount of the player base already regards Fractals as “not worth it” compared to the rewards vs time investment, at least when compared to popular farmable dungeon paths. Increasing the rewards from a Fractals run could be a good thing, keeping players invested long enough until they learn the strategies and encouraging them to try higher level Fractals.
4. There is, indeed, the risk that players who don’t do Fractals could feel further excluded by this, but with Ascended armor crafting and (presumably) Ascended jewelry crafting coming in the future, I don’t think Fractals will be the sole source for obtaining Ascended gear going forward.
tbh just cause they’re ascended (or especially cause they’re ascended) they should still salvage to a chance at ectos~ at least the ones that drop as reward. Dark Matter as well, they should still be treated as Exotic + ascended materials. Most exotics fail-salvage anyways and give none so I don’t see why not.
(edited by Doggie.3184)
The fact you have so many tells you how worthless they are. They drop far, far too often to convert to anything useful.
As it stands there is absolutely nothing to do with them. Please – any solution would be good by now but just implement something.
Give us a way to get some form of reward out of these items that are literally useless unless you want every stat combo on every char.
This has to be addressed.
They are 4 and a half silver. You can get, like, a major rune for that. Quit ur whining.
Because major runes are sooooo useful…
Because major runes are sooooo useful…
You can forge them and get dungeon runes that are soul bound that you will never use ever that’s the best kind of reward!
Major runes for everyone!
OR you can use the silver to buy silk. Infinite stacks of silk for everyone!
OR you can use the silver to buy silk. Infinite stacks of silk for everyone!
1 ascended ring =\= 1 scrap of gossamer
I would even accept forging 4 to get a random one back… at least then you could gamble for the stats you want.
Salvagable with same kind of table like exotic rings. Though slight higher chance of getting ecto/dark matter and higher chance of getting ori over mithril. Chance of getting vials/globs/shards of mist essence.
Able to put 4 in the forge for a random non infused ring.
I don’t see how a change like that would be unbalanced.
People who vendored their rings would be mad. I wouldn’t though, I saved mine… Lol
Please just do one of these:
1 – make extra rings worth getting, either by opening them up to the TP or able to salvage. (MF would be useless, as it would only result in different extra rings you don’t need)
2 – tell us to stop collecting them because they will never be worth anything despite seeming like they should. They appear too good to be useless, so people save them because they expect it’s an oversight that they are useless.
People who vendored their rings would be mad. I wouldn’t though, I saved mine… Lol
Too bad for them I guess. Something should be done about this and if it means making the 100 people who vendored their rings mad, then so be it. =)
Lol, I totally agree.
Just remove the “Account bound” status to them and the problem will be solved. FotM-ers will sell them to non-FotM-ers and then there will be better distribution of them, and people will stop whining about not being able to get ascended equipment.
I’d be happy enough if I could at least recover the upgrades I put on them.
Thrashing a +5 in ring with a +5 because I finally made a +10? Having to wait until I get +30 because if I put a +10 in it’s lost forever?
That’s a major flaw in the new agony upgrade design.
You find other upgrades “as is”, if you lose one you can replace it.
But once in the item, the agony upgrades are lost, and you need agony upgrades to make agony upgrades.
So at the very least, ascended items should be salvageable to recover those upgrades.
I guess you don’t remember some other games.
“Ok raid, we’ve going to have a happy Paladin tonight because Foehammer, the best Paladin weapon ever has dropped. Woohoo.”
“I don’t want it.”
“What do you mean?”
“I got two last week and threw one away”
“What about SirLoL, do you want it?”
“You told me to play my cleric as paladins are rubbish.”
“Oh, sorry about that, anyone else?”
“Can I have it for my Druid just to annoy my cousin who wants it real bad?”
“Sure, it’s yours. I’m glad its going to make someone happy!”
I guess you don’t remember some other games.
You didn’t even get the best!!!!
Because major runes are sooooo useful…
You can forge them and get dungeon runes that are soul bound that you will never use ever
that’s the best kind of reward!
Major runes for everyone!
and 1 AP for each time helloooo mystic forge daily shows up!
OR you can use the silver to buy silk. Infinite stacks of silk for everyone!
1 ascended ring =\= 1 scrap of gossamer
This has boiled down to…hopefully our daily chest gives us 1 scrap of gossamer. pokes anet in shoulder "psst, do you have a toolbox? with…tools? cuz I have something here that needs a fixin’ pweeeeeeeze
well…i mean…it is over 1 silver per hour. thats like… 1 kill in Kessix Hills. What kind of agony does Kessix Hills have? AFK…researching this mysterious place.
I’m okay with them letting me give them more money for even more Bank slots too, as my Bank is maxed and I can’t buy more slots. But Salvage/Mystic Forge is alright as well.
they shud make em account bound but not soulbound that way we could switch them between characters, that wud be awesome
I guess you don’t remember some other games.
“Ok raid, we’ve going to have a happy Paladin tonight because Foehammer, the best Paladin weapon ever has dropped. Woohoo.”
“I don’t want it.”
“What do you mean?”
“I got two last week and threw one away”
“What about SirLoL, do you want it?”
“You told me to play my cleric as paladins are rubbish.”
“Oh, sorry about that, anyone else?”
“Can I have it for my Druid just to annoy my cousin who wants it real bad?”
“Sure, it’s yours. I’m glad its going to make someone happy!”
So what you’re saying is that the item went to somebody who could at least make some use out of it, rather than our current system where we cant even ask our party members if someone might want this crappy duplicate ring we got?
man, Its almost like that’s a better system, created years and years ago. How have developers managed to take steps backwards since then?
they are piling up in my bank too, i don’t want to get rid of them because i when i do the next patch to be released will let you salvage or sell them on the TP. would be awesome if we could trade them in for a fractal weapon skin but I know that’s asking for waaaay too much.
This what we talking about? Yes, I would like to salvage them rings.
Or if they would introduce “gifting” ability to account bound loot. Can’t sell, but can do charity for your friends.
Also, guess there will be no other use than salvage for pre-patch fractal weapons? How about vendor to convert them to skins?
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