Dear Kiel voters: We tried to warn you

Dear Kiel voters: We tried to warn you

in Fractured

Posted by: SpyderArachnid.5619


I don’t care about WPs or Keys.
Abaddon has/had a better story. Period.

So the Fall of Abaddon is a better story than a story we haven’t even seen yet? Glad you can read the future then. Tell me what else you know about in that crystal ball of yours.

Again, anyone with any critical thinking skill could tell you the story of Thaumanova reactor.

1. Inquest sabateurs
2. Some McGuffin plot device “Chaos Magic”
3. Reactor goes Chernobyl
4. Scarlet is revealed to be the mastermind

That’s really all there is to it.

GW2 NEEDS some more connections to GW1. The devs need to stop trying to make GW2 have absolutely nothing to do with its own lore history.

Yet that is all speculation, not facts. While the Fall of Abaddon is all facts, cause it is old lore that we already know about.

I get that you’re nostalgic and want GW2 to give you GW1 stuff. But you have to remember that GW2 is a new game set 250 years in the future of GW1 after the defeat of the Great Destroyer. This is a new time period. Why should we relive the past for no reason, instead of focusing on current issues now? GW2 needs to make it’s own lore now, instead of living in the past and dwelling on old lore.

We already know the facts about Thaumanova as well, you’re just hiding your head in the sand about it.

But we don’t know the facts. Your “opinions” and “speculation” is not facts. It is your own ideas as to what has happened. There is no solid evidence about Thaumanova yet. Thus the whole reason for finding out the mystery behind it.

A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.
Lady Bethany Of Noh – Chronomancer – Lords of Noh [LoN]

Dear Kiel voters: We tried to warn you

in Fractured

Posted by: Manasa Devi.7958

Manasa Devi.7958

Who cares about story when playing fractals? Stories down there are tiny, insignificant snippets with a few fights thrown in.

Since it is content meant to play more than once, quality of the gaming experience is the only thing I care about. And because I couldn’t (and still can’t) see the future, I didn’t know which fractal would turn out the best.

So I voted based on the only criterion that did affect me: WP cost vs. cheaper keys. I do use WPs, yet I never have bought nor do I ever intend to buy keys. The simple fact is, a handful of silver saved on WPs did me more good than cheaper keys I wasn’t going to buy.

In hindsight, all the teeth gnashing by the losing side’s supporters has also been rather amusing, and now I get to occasionally play an asura without having to really play one. What’s to hate? I stand by my choice.

Dear Kiel voters: We tried to warn you

in Fractured

Posted by: Lighter.5631


Who cares about story when playing fractals? Stories down there are tiny, insignificant snippets with a few fights thrown in.

Since it is content meant to play more than once, quality of the gaming experience is the only thing I care about. And because I couldn’t (and still can’t) see the future, I didn’t know which fractal would turn out the best.

So I voted based on the only criterion that did affect me: WP cost vs. cheaper keys. I do use WPs, yet I never have bought nor do I ever intend to buy keys. The simple fact is, a handful of silver saved on WPs did me more good than cheaper keys I wasn’t going to buy.

In hindsight, all the teeth gnashing by the losing side’s supporters has also been rather amusing, and now I get to occasionally play an asura without having to really play one. What’s to hate? I stand by my choice.

i know right who cares about story.
all i care is that if i can fight a god or its servants in an epic battleground, or just blow another reactor.

“i think it’s an underserved nerf. now we have to slot a stun breaker??”
“berserker stance clears all CC on you and you’re still immune to CC for 8 seconds”

Dear Kiel voters: We tried to warn you

in Fractured

Posted by: Smooth Penguin.5294

Smooth Penguin.5294

Kiel is like Trahearne, someone who benefited from our hard work in slaying the bad guys.

Evon is like a Saint, someone who single handedly saved Lion’s Arch without piggybacking off of another hero’s work.

The choice was obvious. Evon should have won on merit alone.

In GW2, Trading Post plays you!

Dear Kiel voters: We tried to warn you

in Fractured

Posted by: Nomin.5901


I would really like to know what would make the fall of Abbadon any better? They both have INSANE potential, with thauminova being linked to scarlet and the elder dragons through time warps. And Abbadon could have been an amazing experience to see a god. But fractals are a fight through mobs to a boss in the spam of 10-20min. I would rather them mess up a small reactor explosion than a fight with a god. The same amount of work would have went into both.


EDIT: You guys haven’t even seen the fractal yet :P Nor seen the Abbadon fractal, therefore you cant judge either.


(edited by Nomin.5901)

Dear Kiel voters: We tried to warn you

in Fractured

Posted by: Manasa Devi.7958

Manasa Devi.7958

Kiel is like Trahearne, someone who benefited from our hard work in slaying the bad guys.

Evon is like a Saint, someone who single handedly saved Lion’s Arch without piggybacking off of another hero’s work.

The choice was obvious. Evon should have won on merit alone.

What you did yesterday is not important. It’s about what you’ll do for me tomorrow.

Dear Kiel voters: We tried to warn you

in Fractured

Posted by: Sarie.1630


The only Abaddon fractal I’d like to see would be a copy of the final Nightfall mission as one of the current Jade Maw “bonus fractal” rotations. That could be nice, and given Fractals is there to allow us to delve into past events, past missions wouldn’t seem too much of a push. Mmm, Nostalgia. After the last year, would you really entrust ArenaNet to do justice to any other Abaddon-related Fractal? Not sure I would. My argument, in a word? Scarlet.

Still happy with my Kiel vote. Looking forward to seeing how the Inquest managed to fudge it so badly.

Dear Kiel voters: We tried to warn you

in Fractured

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


Kiel is like Trahearne, someone who benefited from our hard work in slaying the bad guys.

Evon is like a Saint, someone who single handedly saved Lion’s Arch without piggybacking off of another hero’s work.

The choice was obvious. Evon should have won on merit alone.

You mean extort, not save.

Dear Kiel voters: We tried to warn you

in Fractured

Posted by: Smooth Penguin.5294

Smooth Penguin.5294

Kiel is like Trahearne, someone who benefited from our hard work in slaying the bad guys.

Evon is like a Saint, someone who single handedly saved Lion’s Arch without piggybacking off of another hero’s work.

The choice was obvious. Evon should have won on merit alone.

What you did yesterday is not important. It’s about what you’ll do for me tomorrow.

And that would have been the Abaddon Fractal. Kiel don’t understand business. She only knows how to fight. What Evon could have done far surpasses Kiel’s abilities. So if you voted for what the candidate would have done for you in the future, IMO, you might have short changed yourself if you voted Kiel.

No, save

In GW2, Trading Post plays you!

Dear Kiel voters: We tried to warn you

in Fractured

Posted by: fadeaway.2807


I voted kiel because chars are smelly.

Dear Kiel voters: We tried to warn you

in Fractured

Posted by: Manasa Devi.7958

Manasa Devi.7958

And that would have been the Abaddon Fractal. Kiel don’t understand business. She only knows how to fight. What Evon could have done far surpasses Kiel’s abilities. So if you voted for what the candidate would have done for you in the future, IMO, you might have short changed yourself if you voted Kiel.

Who cares about a fractal that no one has ever seen, one that doesn’t even exist? Not me.

Dear Kiel voters: We tried to warn you

in Fractured

Posted by: FenrirSlakt.3692


It’s funny how everyone cries about could have beens and other possibilities that didn’t come to occur.
If Evon had won, and his content failed to meet players’ expectations, there would also be a wave of Kiel supporters spamming ‘I told you so’ threads.

Arguing about could and might have beens is not productive, because there’s no way to prove anything. It’s like watching atheists arguing with creatonists all over again.

Dear Kiel voters: We tried to warn you

in Fractured

Posted by: Smooth Penguin.5294

Smooth Penguin.5294

It’s funny how everyone cries about could have beens and other possibilities that didn’t come to occur.
If Evon had won, and his content failed to meet players’ expectations, there would also be a wave of Kiel supporters spamming ‘I told you so’ threads.

Arguing about could and might have beens is not productive, because there’s no way to prove anything. It’s like watching atheists arguing with creatonists all over again.

That wouldn’t happen, as Evon is an honorable charr. He would have given us Abaddon Fractal research, and it would have been glorious. Evon doesn’t let down #TeamGnashblade!!!

In GW2, Trading Post plays you!

Dear Kiel voters: We tried to warn you

in Fractured

Posted by: Lighter.5631


It’s funny how everyone cries about could have beens and other possibilities that didn’t come to occur.
If Evon had won, and his content failed to meet players’ expectations, there would also be a wave of Kiel supporters spamming ‘I told you so’ threads.

Arguing about could and might have beens is not productive, because there’s no way to prove anything. It’s like watching atheists arguing with creatonists all over again.

Nop, there wouldnt be a wave of kield supporters spamming i told you so, because they don’t care about fractal, they voted for Kield because of WP costs, Every one of us who actually cared about fractal voted for Evon. if abbandon didnt meet peoples expectation, then reactor will simply not either.

“i think it’s an underserved nerf. now we have to slot a stun breaker??”
“berserker stance clears all CC on you and you’re still immune to CC for 8 seconds”

Dear Kiel voters: We tried to warn you

in Fractured

Posted by: SpyderArachnid.5619


Kiel is like Trahearne, someone who benefited from our hard work in slaying the bad guys.

Evon is like a Saint, someone who single handedly saved Lion’s Arch without piggybacking off of another hero’s work.

The choice was obvious. Evon should have won on merit alone.

Umm what? Evon went to LA to extort the people there. Then he had a change of heart and killed his captain and then ran the Black Lion Trading company himself. He has done nothing to be considered a “Saint”.

Ellen on the other hand is part of the Lionguard and helped defend LA from the Risen. She also led the investigation and counterattack against the Karka, and helped defeat the Queen, and then stayed on the Island to aid the refugees. She even destroyed the contracts that the Consortium were using to make the refugees slaves. She is also the one who opened the investigation with Marjory against the Aetherblades and even located their base, where they captured the leader of the Aetherblades.

So sorry, but Evon has done nothing compared to Ellen. Ellen is a hero, while Evon is just a simple trader.

A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.
Lady Bethany Of Noh – Chronomancer – Lords of Noh [LoN]

Dear Kiel voters: We tried to warn you

in Fractured

Posted by: Morsus.5106


The reason I voted for Evon is I believed that with him, we could see both Abaddon AND the reactor. Now, we only get a fractal for the reactor. The reactor could’ve gotten it’s own Living Story, but now, it’s left with just a fractal, and odds are we’ll never see Abaddon.

Dear Kiel voters: We tried to warn you

in Fractured

Posted by: Lighter.5631


Kiel is like Trahearne, someone who benefited from our hard work in slaying the bad guys.

Evon is like a Saint, someone who single handedly saved Lion’s Arch without piggybacking off of another hero’s work.

The choice was obvious. Evon should have won on merit alone.

Umm what? Evon went to LA to extort the people there. Then he had a change of heart and killed his captain and then ran the Black Lion Trading company himself. He has done nothing to be considered a “Saint”.

Ellen on the other hand is part of the Lionguard and helped defend LA from the Risen. She also led the investigation and counterattack against the Karka, and helped defeat the Queen, and then stayed on the Island to aid the refugees. She even destroyed the contracts that the Consortium were using to make the refugees slaves. She is also the one who opened the investigation with Marjory against the Aetherblades and even located their base, where they captured the leader of the Aetherblades.

So sorry, but Evon has done nothing compared to Ellen. Ellen is a hero, while Evon is just a simple trader.

So you think that go against his own brothers, saving tons of innocent people in Lion arch is nothing. interesting

Oh, btw, Kield did nothing, We players did it all, she just take rewards at the end which should have been ours.

“i think it’s an underserved nerf. now we have to slot a stun breaker??”
“berserker stance clears all CC on you and you’re still immune to CC for 8 seconds”

Dear Kiel voters: We tried to warn you

in Fractured

Posted by: Manasa Devi.7958

Manasa Devi.7958

op, there wouldnt be a wave of kield supporters spamming i told you so, because they don’t care about fractal, they voted for Kield because of WP costs, Every one of us who actually cared about fractal voted for Evon. if abbandon didnt meet peoples expectation, then reactor will simply not either.

Nonsense. Plenty of people who care about fractals voted Kiel. I care about fractals, I just don’t care what piece of lore they’ll make into one next.

Dear Kiel voters: We tried to warn you

in Fractured

Posted by: FenrirSlakt.3692


It’s funny how everyone cries about could have beens and other possibilities that didn’t come to occur.
If Evon had won, and his content failed to meet players’ expectations, there would also be a wave of Kiel supporters spamming ‘I told you so’ threads.

Arguing about could and might have beens is not productive, because there’s no way to prove anything. It’s like watching atheists arguing with creatonists all over again.

Nop, there wouldnt be a wave of kield supporters spamming i told you so, because they don’t care about fractal, they voted for Kield because of WP costs, Every one of us who actually cared about fractal voted for Evon. if abbandon didnt meet peoples expectation, then reactor will simply not either.

This is a perfect example of what I just said.
I can’t prove you wrong on this one because it didn’t happen. I can tell you how much I preferred the Thaumanova fractal over Abaddon’s, but that’s all I can do.

Since my vote won over yours, I can’t really tell what I or other Kiel supporters would’ve done if they had lost, nor can I tell how better (or worse) the Abaddon fractal would have been over Thaumanova. This is pointless.

Dear Kiel voters: We tried to warn you

in Fractured

Posted by: Smooth Penguin.5294

Smooth Penguin.5294

Kiel is like Trahearne, someone who benefited from our hard work in slaying the bad guys.

Evon is like a Saint, someone who single handedly saved Lion’s Arch without piggybacking off of another hero’s work.

The choice was obvious. Evon should have won on merit alone.

Umm what? Evon went to LA to extort the people there. Then he had a change of heart and killed his captain and then ran the Black Lion Trading company himself. He has done nothing to be considered a “Saint”.

Ellen on the other hand is part of the Lionguard and helped defend LA from the Risen. She also led the investigation and counterattack against the Karka, and helped defeat the Queen, and then stayed on the Island to aid the refugees. She even destroyed the contracts that the Consortium were using to make the refugees slaves. She is also the one who opened the investigation with Marjory against the Aetherblades and even located their base, where they captured the leader of the Aetherblades.

So sorry, but Evon has done nothing compared to Ellen. Ellen is a hero, while Evon is just a simple trader.

You are vastly misinformed. Evon is a hero, and did everything without needing our help. Kiel accomplished many things… thanks to our hard work. We defeated the Karka Queen. We saved Southsun. We pushed back Scarlet’s Aetherblades.

Lore doesn’t lie.

In GW2, Trading Post plays you!

Dear Kiel voters: We tried to warn you

in Fractured

Posted by: SpyderArachnid.5619


Kiel is like Trahearne, someone who benefited from our hard work in slaying the bad guys.

Evon is like a Saint, someone who single handedly saved Lion’s Arch without piggybacking off of another hero’s work.

The choice was obvious. Evon should have won on merit alone.

Umm what? Evon went to LA to extort the people there. Then he had a change of heart and killed his captain and then ran the Black Lion Trading company himself. He has done nothing to be considered a “Saint”.

Ellen on the other hand is part of the Lionguard and helped defend LA from the Risen. She also led the investigation and counterattack against the Karka, and helped defeat the Queen, and then stayed on the Island to aid the refugees. She even destroyed the contracts that the Consortium were using to make the refugees slaves. She is also the one who opened the investigation with Marjory against the Aetherblades and even located their base, where they captured the leader of the Aetherblades.

So sorry, but Evon has done nothing compared to Ellen. Ellen is a hero, while Evon is just a simple trader.

So you think that go against his own brothers, saving tons of innocent people in Lion arch is nothing. interesting

Oh, btw, Kield did nothing, We players did it all, she just take rewards at the end which should have been ours.

Like his Warband is seriously going to kill a ton of people in LA? He was fighting to save the life of his Warband cause he knew their plan was going to backfire in their faces. He wanted an alternate solution that didn’t involve them all being massacred, but the leader didn’t. So he killed her, and took the safer route into LA and established a Trading Post. The end.

He didn’t care about the Risen coming into LA, he didn’t do anything to help any of the refugees or deal with the Karka situation. He didn’t care about the Aetherblades. He just sat there at his Trading Post, making money. True hero right there.

A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.
Lady Bethany Of Noh – Chronomancer – Lords of Noh [LoN]

Dear Kiel voters: We tried to warn you

in Fractured

Posted by: SpyderArachnid.5619


Kiel is like Trahearne, someone who benefited from our hard work in slaying the bad guys.

Evon is like a Saint, someone who single handedly saved Lion’s Arch without piggybacking off of another hero’s work.

The choice was obvious. Evon should have won on merit alone.

Umm what? Evon went to LA to extort the people there. Then he had a change of heart and killed his captain and then ran the Black Lion Trading company himself. He has done nothing to be considered a “Saint”.

Ellen on the other hand is part of the Lionguard and helped defend LA from the Risen. She also led the investigation and counterattack against the Karka, and helped defeat the Queen, and then stayed on the Island to aid the refugees. She even destroyed the contracts that the Consortium were using to make the refugees slaves. She is also the one who opened the investigation with Marjory against the Aetherblades and even located their base, where they captured the leader of the Aetherblades.

So sorry, but Evon has done nothing compared to Ellen. Ellen is a hero, while Evon is just a simple trader.

You are vastly misinformed. Evon is a hero, and did everything without needing our help. Kiel accomplished many things… thanks to our hard work. We defeated the Karka Queen. We saved Southsun. We pushed back Scarlet’s Aetherblades.

Lore doesn’t lie.

If you’re going off the Lore, the Lore says nothing about Smooth Penguin doing all that. Nor does it say that xxxNarutoxxx did any of that.

The lore states what Ellen did, not what we did. So that argument is right out the window since we are going off of lore, not game play. Which is exactly what I am talking about. What the lore states.

I can paste links too.

A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.
Lady Bethany Of Noh – Chronomancer – Lords of Noh [LoN]

Dear Kiel voters: We tried to warn you

in Fractured

Posted by: Smooth Penguin.5294

Smooth Penguin.5294

Kiel is like Trahearne, someone who benefited from our hard work in slaying the bad guys.

Evon is like a Saint, someone who single handedly saved Lion’s Arch without piggybacking off of another hero’s work.

The choice was obvious. Evon should have won on merit alone.

Umm what? Evon went to LA to extort the people there. Then he had a change of heart and killed his captain and then ran the Black Lion Trading company himself. He has done nothing to be considered a “Saint”.

Ellen on the other hand is part of the Lionguard and helped defend LA from the Risen. She also led the investigation and counterattack against the Karka, and helped defeat the Queen, and then stayed on the Island to aid the refugees. She even destroyed the contracts that the Consortium were using to make the refugees slaves. She is also the one who opened the investigation with Marjory against the Aetherblades and even located their base, where they captured the leader of the Aetherblades.

So sorry, but Evon has done nothing compared to Ellen. Ellen is a hero, while Evon is just a simple trader.

You are vastly misinformed. Evon is a hero, and did everything without needing our help. Kiel accomplished many things… thanks to our hard work. We defeated the Karka Queen. We saved Southsun. We pushed back Scarlet’s Aetherblades.

Lore doesn’t lie.

If you’re going off the Lore, the Lore says nothing about Smooth Penguin doing all that. Nor does it say that xxxNarutoxxx did any of that.

The lore states what Ellen did, not what we did. So that argument is right out the window since we are going off of lore, not game play. Which is exactly what I am talking about. What the lore states.

I can paste links too.

The lore was written, and it’s called the Living Story. My participation in it had me and my fellow heroes running all types of errands for Kiel. In fact, now that I think about it, Kiel committed crimes doing the story. She should have been arrested for criminal property damage when she sank that ship in the bay.

So you can post all the links you want. Evon’s decorated history cannot be unwritten. The only constant we have today is that a majority of the players failed to recognize his greatness.

In GW2, Trading Post plays you!

Dear Kiel voters: We tried to warn you

in Fractured

Posted by: Devildoc.6721


I don’t care about WPs or Keys.
Abaddon has/had a better story. Period.

So the Fall of Abaddon is a better story than a story we haven’t even seen yet? Glad you can read the future then. Tell me what else you know about in that crystal ball of yours.

Again, anyone with any critical thinking skill could tell you the story of Thaumanova reactor.

1. Inquest sabateurs
2. Some McGuffin plot device “Chaos Magic”
3. Reactor goes Chernobyl
4. Scarlet is revealed to be the mastermind

That’s really all there is to it.

GW2 NEEDS some more connections to GW1. The devs need to stop trying to make GW2 have absolutely nothing to do with its own lore history.

Yet that is all speculation, not facts. While the Fall of Abaddon is all facts, cause it is old lore that we already know about.

I get that you’re nostalgic and want GW2 to give you GW1 stuff. But you have to remember that GW2 is a new game set 250 years in the future of GW1 after the defeat of the Great Destroyer. This is a new time period. Why should we relive the past for no reason, instead of focusing on current issues now? GW2 needs to make it’s own lore now, instead of living in the past and dwelling on old lore.

We already know the facts about Thaumanova as well, you’re just hiding your head in the sand about it.

But we don’t know the facts. Your “opinions” and “speculation” is not facts. It is your own ideas as to what has happened. There is no solid evidence about Thaumanova yet. Thus the whole reason for finding out the mystery behind it.

I was right in that Thaumanova was going to be played as Inquest Saboteurs or stopping Inquest Saboteurs.

I’m betting I’ll be right on it being tied with Scarlet too.

Whatever McGuffin chaos magic/energy they pull out of their posteriors to explain the how literally does not matter. We already know it’s going to be a McGuffin.

Zapp – 80 Asura Afromancer

(edited by Devildoc.6721)

Dear Kiel voters: We tried to warn you

in Fractured

Posted by: Nokaru.7831


I don’t know about you, but I voted for the Waypoint cost reduction. Hooray!

Dear Kiel voters: We tried to warn you

in Fractured

Posted by: SpyderArachnid.5619


I don’t care about WPs or Keys.
Abaddon has/had a better story. Period.

So the Fall of Abaddon is a better story than a story we haven’t even seen yet? Glad you can read the future then. Tell me what else you know about in that crystal ball of yours.

Again, anyone with any critical thinking skill could tell you the story of Thaumanova reactor.

1. Inquest sabateurs
2. Some McGuffin plot device “Chaos Magic”
3. Reactor goes Chernobyl
4. Scarlet is revealed to be the mastermind

That’s really all there is to it.

GW2 NEEDS some more connections to GW1. The devs need to stop trying to make GW2 have absolutely nothing to do with its own lore history.

Yet that is all speculation, not facts. While the Fall of Abaddon is all facts, cause it is old lore that we already know about.

I get that you’re nostalgic and want GW2 to give you GW1 stuff. But you have to remember that GW2 is a new game set 250 years in the future of GW1 after the defeat of the Great Destroyer. This is a new time period. Why should we relive the past for no reason, instead of focusing on current issues now? GW2 needs to make it’s own lore now, instead of living in the past and dwelling on old lore.

We already know the facts about Thaumanova as well, you’re just hiding your head in the sand about it.

But we don’t know the facts. Your “opinions” and “speculation” is not facts. It is your own ideas as to what has happened. There is no solid evidence about Thaumanova yet. Thus the whole reason for finding out the mystery behind it.

I was right in that Thaumanova was going to be played as Inquest Saboteurs or stopping Inquest Saboteurs.

I’m betting I’ll be right on it being tied with Scarlet too.

Whatever McGuffin chaos magic/energy they pull out of their posteriors to explain the how literally does not matter. We already know it’s going to be a McGuffin.

You gave your opinion on an obvious scenario, and it was right. I mean, seeing as we play Charr in the Charr story, it seemed pretty obvious that we would playing Asura in the Reactor story. Seeing as the other races weren’t present during that moment, it wouldn’t make sense to be them.

But that still doesn’t change the fact that it is all speculation, not facts. You can make all the bets you want about it being Scarlet, but it is all your own speculation. Not hard facts.

A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.
Lady Bethany Of Noh – Chronomancer – Lords of Noh [LoN]

Dear Kiel voters: We tried to warn you

in Fractured

Posted by: Zorby.8236


@OP sounds to me like I’m getting exactly what I voted for…
Though I mostly voted Kiel to spite Evon supporters.

~This is the internet, my (or your) opinion doesn’t matter~

Dear Kiel voters: We tried to warn you

in Fractured

Posted by: Devildoc.6721


I don’t know about you, but I voted for the Waypoint cost reduction. Hooray!

which is already expired and makes no difference in the long run, hooray!

Zapp – 80 Asura Afromancer

Dear Kiel voters: We tried to warn you

in Fractured

Posted by: Dingle.2743


I don’t care about WPs or Keys.
Abaddon has/had a better story. Period.

So the Fall of Abaddon is a better story than a story we haven’t even seen yet? Glad you can read the future then. Tell me what else you know about in that crystal ball of yours.

Again, anyone with any critical thinking skill could tell you the story of Thaumanova reactor.

1. Inquest sabateurs
2. Some McGuffin plot device “Chaos Magic”
3. Reactor goes Chernobyl
4. Scarlet is revealed to be the mastermind

That’s really all there is to it.

GW2 NEEDS some more connections to GW1. The devs need to stop trying to make GW2 have absolutely nothing to do with its own lore history.

Yet that is all speculation, not facts. While the Fall of Abaddon is all facts, cause it is old lore that we already know about.

I get that you’re nostalgic and want GW2 to give you GW1 stuff. But you have to remember that GW2 is a new game set 250 years in the future of GW1 after the defeat of the Great Destroyer. This is a new time period. Why should we relive the past for no reason, instead of focusing on current issues now? GW2 needs to make it’s own lore now, instead of living in the past and dwelling on old lore.

We already know the facts about Thaumanova as well, you’re just hiding your head in the sand about it.

But we don’t know the facts. Your “opinions” and “speculation” is not facts. It is your own ideas as to what has happened. There is no solid evidence about Thaumanova yet. Thus the whole reason for finding out the mystery behind it.

I was right in that Thaumanova was going to be played as Inquest Saboteurs or stopping Inquest Saboteurs.

I’m betting I’ll be right on it being tied with Scarlet too.

Whatever McGuffin chaos magic/energy they pull out of their posteriors to explain the how literally does not matter. We already know it’s going to be a McGuffin.

For all we know we’re not playing as Inquest Sabotuers, we’re playing as Inquest Engineers trying to stop the reactor from going critical (and inevitably failing, because this is history)

Dear Kiel voters: We tried to warn you

in Fractured

Posted by: A Massive Headache.1879

A Massive Headache.1879

I voted for kiel because i knew the abaddon fractal would be subpar, but spiting evon supporters just turned out to be icing on the cake. I mean neither fractal was going to be much, but I like asura design and didn’t want to see gw1, something I hold in such high regard, to be used as a crutch and still suck.

Dear Kiel voters: We tried to warn you

in Fractured

Posted by: DaShi.1368


I just wanted Kiel to win. I didn’t care about the Fractals or the waypoints/keys.

Dear Kiel voters: We tried to warn you

in Fractured

Posted by: SpyderArachnid.5619


Kiel is like Trahearne, someone who benefited from our hard work in slaying the bad guys.

Evon is like a Saint, someone who single handedly saved Lion’s Arch without piggybacking off of another hero’s work.

The choice was obvious. Evon should have won on merit alone.

Umm what? Evon went to LA to extort the people there. Then he had a change of heart and killed his captain and then ran the Black Lion Trading company himself. He has done nothing to be considered a “Saint”.

Ellen on the other hand is part of the Lionguard and helped defend LA from the Risen. She also led the investigation and counterattack against the Karka, and helped defeat the Queen, and then stayed on the Island to aid the refugees. She even destroyed the contracts that the Consortium were using to make the refugees slaves. She is also the one who opened the investigation with Marjory against the Aetherblades and even located their base, where they captured the leader of the Aetherblades.

So sorry, but Evon has done nothing compared to Ellen. Ellen is a hero, while Evon is just a simple trader.

You are vastly misinformed. Evon is a hero, and did everything without needing our help. Kiel accomplished many things… thanks to our hard work. We defeated the Karka Queen. We saved Southsun. We pushed back Scarlet’s Aetherblades.

Lore doesn’t lie.

If you’re going off the Lore, the Lore says nothing about Smooth Penguin doing all that. Nor does it say that xxxNarutoxxx did any of that.

The lore states what Ellen did, not what we did. So that argument is right out the window since we are going off of lore, not game play. Which is exactly what I am talking about. What the lore states.

I can paste links too.

The lore was written, and it’s called the Living Story. My participation in it had me and my fellow heroes running all types of errands for Kiel. In fact, now that I think about it, Kiel committed crimes doing the story. She should have been arrested for criminal property damage when she sank that ship in the bay.

So you can post all the links you want. Evon’s decorated history cannot be unwritten. The only constant we have today is that a majority of the players failed to recognize his greatness.

Whether you ran errands for Kiel or not, she played a big part in the story lore wise. And what was your precious Evon doing the whole time all this was going on? Oh that’s right. Making money off people instead of saving them from the threats plaguing LA. He was a criminal who didn’t care about the people of LA. He just wanted to be on the council for his own profit.

Yeah, serious greatness there alright. Meanwhile, Ellen is going around fighting the threat that is claiming LA and helping the people. But seeing as you’re an Evon’s number one fan, you’re blind to the truth. So I’m done debating this with you as you’ll support Evon no matter the facts.

A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.
Lady Bethany Of Noh – Chronomancer – Lords of Noh [LoN]

(edited by SpyderArachnid.5619)

Dear Kiel voters: We tried to warn you

in Fractured

Posted by: Alissah.9281


I voted for evon, and I think this fractal will be awesome... Unless.

Unless we lose our own char and have to become inquest generic npc things :/.

Just like the vharr fractal. It is one of my favourite, but being random charrs completely ruin the experience :/.

New Rainbow Guild – An open-minded guild exclusively for Transgender people!
Warning: link may contain traces of awesome.
Lyssa’s Grimoire – a guide every Mesmer should read.

Dear Kiel voters: We tried to warn you

in Fractured

Posted by: Omnitek.3876


I voted for Kiel. I dont do fractals, nor do I care about wp cost. I have never complete a meta for living story.

I only did it to feed off the tears of the people who wanted an abaddon fractal. Day one I could see they would be crying about it 6 months later if they lost.

We won, you didn’t. Deal with it.

Skritt Happens

Dear Kiel voters: We tried to warn you

in Fractured

Posted by: GoldenTruth.2853


Dear Evon voters: We tried to warn you

So, back during the cutthroat politics update, a lot of people claimed that the Abaddon fractal would be an amazing, lore enriched fractal showing the epic clash between gods.

Well surprise surprise, just as people who actually had critical thinking skills already told you there was no way a 20 minute fractal could contain even an ounce of those expectations.

Guess what the Abaddon fractal is according to the livestream?

You play as Humans (not gods) fighting more humans (I could tell this from the 1 minute preview they showed us)

Just like you play the Charr in the searing fractal.

Sometimes I hate being right.

<Alternate reality/fractal of these forums>

Alara Vesmir – Guardian
Tyr Sylvison – Warrior
Illyiah – Revenant

Dear Kiel voters: We tried to warn you

in Fractured

Posted by: SpyderArachnid.5619


I voted for evon, and I think this fractal will be awesome… Unless.

Unless we lose our own char and have to become inquest generic npc things :/.

Just like the vharr fractal. It is one of my favourite, but being random charrs completely ruin the experience :/.

You’re reliving a moment in the past through someone else’s eyes. So naturally, you won’t be yourself. You will be whoever that person in the past was.

A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.
Lady Bethany Of Noh – Chronomancer – Lords of Noh [LoN]

Dear Kiel voters: We tried to warn you

in Fractured

Posted by: Smooth Penguin.5294

Smooth Penguin.5294

Kiel is like Trahearne, someone who benefited from our hard work in slaying the bad guys.

Evon is like a Saint, someone who single handedly saved Lion’s Arch without piggybacking off of another hero’s work.

The choice was obvious. Evon should have won on merit alone.

Umm what? Evon went to LA to extort the people there. Then he had a change of heart and killed his captain and then ran the Black Lion Trading company himself. He has done nothing to be considered a “Saint”.

Ellen on the other hand is part of the Lionguard and helped defend LA from the Risen. She also led the investigation and counterattack against the Karka, and helped defeat the Queen, and then stayed on the Island to aid the refugees. She even destroyed the contracts that the Consortium were using to make the refugees slaves. She is also the one who opened the investigation with Marjory against the Aetherblades and even located their base, where they captured the leader of the Aetherblades.

So sorry, but Evon has done nothing compared to Ellen. Ellen is a hero, while Evon is just a simple trader.

You are vastly misinformed. Evon is a hero, and did everything without needing our help. Kiel accomplished many things… thanks to our hard work. We defeated the Karka Queen. We saved Southsun. We pushed back Scarlet’s Aetherblades.

Lore doesn’t lie.

If you’re going off the Lore, the Lore says nothing about Smooth Penguin doing all that. Nor does it say that xxxNarutoxxx did any of that.

The lore states what Ellen did, not what we did. So that argument is right out the window since we are going off of lore, not game play. Which is exactly what I am talking about. What the lore states.

I can paste links too.

The lore was written, and it’s called the Living Story. My participation in it had me and my fellow heroes running all types of errands for Kiel. In fact, now that I think about it, Kiel committed crimes doing the story. She should have been arrested for criminal property damage when she sank that ship in the bay.

So you can post all the links you want. Evon’s decorated history cannot be unwritten. The only constant we have today is that a majority of the players failed to recognize his greatness.

Whether you ran errands for Kiel or not, she played a big part in the story lore wise. And what was your precious Evon doing the whole time all this was going on? Oh that’s right. Making money off people instead of saving them from the threats plaguing LA. He was a criminal who didn’t care about the people of LA. He just wanted to be on the council for his own profit.

Yeah, serious greatness there alright. Meanwhile, Ellen is going around fighting the threat that is claiming LA and helping the people. But seeing as you’re an Evon’s number one fan, you’re blind to the truth. So I’m done debating this with you as you’ll support Evon no matter the facts.

Without Evon, most heroes wouldn’t have access to high quality weapons and armors to equip onto themselves to save Kiel’s hide.

Some people are blinded by the pretty human face in front of them. They can’t see that the obvious Living Story choice was a heroic charr. Bottom line, we players failed him. And now we pay the price.

Tis a shame we can’t use our Evon tokens as an alternate to BL Claim Tickets. I’m sure Evon considered that option, but being a fair charr, felt that it would be too unbalanced in economic terms.

In GW2, Trading Post plays you!

Dear Kiel voters: We tried to warn you

in Fractured

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


So people who voted for Kiel based on the Fractals offered got exactly what they expected and voted for.

What’s the problem with that?

The fact that we all have to now suffer the permanent loss of the Abaddon Fractal.

Go read the lore on it. Yay, you now know what happens in the Abaddon Fractal. It’s old news, already written in stone. The Fractal won’t change that.

Sorry but I’d rather experience new stories and new lore, instead of reliving old lore that we already know what happened.

This is the worst logic I’ve seen as a reason to vote Kiel. So are you saying that if they wrote a paragraph explaining what happened in the reactor, you’d be fine with having neither? We know just as much about the Reactor Incident as we know about the fall of Abbadon. The 5 gods, got together & defeated abbadon & threw him in the realm of torment. The Thermanova reactor exploded & caused reality to be turned inside out in various locations & timelines. Actauly, we may know more about the reactor specifics than the Abbadon. Yeah, you don’t really know what you’re talking about.

The truth is, Kiel won because of waypoints & being a human, rather than a Charr.

Dear Kiel voters: We tried to warn you

in Fractured

Posted by: voidwater.2064


Why not implement both fractals? More content for everyone, everyone wins.

Dear Kiel voters: We tried to warn you

in Fractured

Posted by: Kain Francois.4328

Kain Francois.4328

I still wear my Gnashblade badge with pride!

Anyways, I hope they don’t scrap Abaddon entirely. At least remake the final mission of Nightfall into a Boss Fractal…

Dear Kiel voters: We tried to warn you

in Fractured

Posted by: Asudementio.8526


My tag says it all. short-sightedness on the behalf of human loving mary-sue championing players set this patch up for failure and now it’s coming to roost. I certainly won’t be departing from my schedule to experience this fractal that brings literally nothing to the table.

Leader of [Suh]
My moves are fresh, like my groceries.

Dear Kiel voters: We tried to warn you

in Fractured

Posted by: Fallout.1798


Kiel is like Trahearne, someone who benefited from our hard work in slaying the bad guys.

Evon is like a Saint, someone who single handedly saved Lion’s Arch without piggybacking off of another hero’s work.

The choice was obvious. Evon should have won on merit alone.

Umm what? Evon went to LA to extort the people there. Then he had a change of heart and killed his captain and then ran the Black Lion Trading company himself. He has done nothing to be considered a “Saint”.

Ellen on the other hand is part of the Lionguard and helped defend LA from the Risen. She also led the investigation and counterattack against the Karka, and helped defeat the Queen, and then stayed on the Island to aid the refugees. She even destroyed the contracts that the Consortium were using to make the refugees slaves. She is also the one who opened the investigation with Marjory against the Aetherblades and even located their base, where they captured the leader of the Aetherblades.

So sorry, but Evon has done nothing compared to Ellen. Ellen is a hero, while Evon is just a simple trader.

You are vastly misinformed. Evon is a hero, and did everything without needing our help. Kiel accomplished many things… thanks to our hard work. We defeated the Karka Queen. We saved Southsun. We pushed back Scarlet’s Aetherblades.

Lore doesn’t lie.

If you’re going off the Lore, the Lore says nothing about Smooth Penguin doing all that. Nor does it say that xxxNarutoxxx did any of that.

The lore states what Ellen did, not what we did. So that argument is right out the window since we are going off of lore, not game play. Which is exactly what I am talking about. What the lore states.

I can paste links too.

The lore was written, and it’s called the Living Story. My participation in it had me and my fellow heroes running all types of errands for Kiel. In fact, now that I think about it, Kiel committed crimes doing the story. She should have been arrested for criminal property damage when she sank that ship in the bay.

So you can post all the links you want. Evon’s decorated history cannot be unwritten. The only constant we have today is that a majority of the players failed to recognize his greatness.

Whether you ran errands for Kiel or not, she played a big part in the story lore wise. And what was your precious Evon doing the whole time all this was going on? Oh that’s right. Making money off people instead of saving them from the threats plaguing LA. He was a criminal who didn’t care about the people of LA. He just wanted to be on the council for his own profit.

Yeah, serious greatness there alright. Meanwhile, Ellen is going around fighting the threat that is claiming LA and helping the people. But seeing as you’re an Evon’s number one fan, you’re blind to the truth. So I’m done debating this with you as you’ll support Evon no matter the facts.

Without Evon, most heroes wouldn’t have access to high quality weapons and armors to equip onto themselves to save Kiel’s hide.

Some people are blinded by the pretty human face in front of them. They can’t see that the obvious Living Story choice was a heroic charr. Bottom line, we players failed him. And now we pay the price.

Tis a shame we can’t use our Evon tokens as an alternate to BL Claim Tickets. I’m sure Evon considered that option, but being a fair charr, felt that it would be too unbalanced in economic terms.

I just will say reading all this back and forth stuff between both sides has been very entertaining, specially the Evon side. Which of the 2 fractal ideas, had the greater potential for disappointment to the players??? Sorry but the Abaddon Fractal had the much greater potential for disappointment, specially with all the Evon supporters building up all the hype about it.
Now I don’t know about you, but when I fought alongside Kiel in the Aetherblade Retreat dungeon (great dungeon by the way!), as a guardian she held her own and helped out in combat a decent amount. (yes yes, I know someone is going to complain that she didn’t help out in the mid and final boss fights, but really look at the mechanics of those 2 fights and you see why anet decided to not have Kiel be in there). If Kiel ended up being downed in the dungeon its because your party group let it happen, and that means Kiel took enough damage that it would have downed you as well most likely. And Kiel did acknowledge my help in the whole disaster, as with Secrets of Southsun.

Stormbluff Isle
[AoD]- Commander Vars Wolf

Dear Kiel voters: We tried to warn you

in Fractured

Posted by: WereDragon.6083


I do enjoy seeing all the Evon supports get their Evon print panties in a big bundle. I for one am happy with the reactor.

What do we say to the god of death? Not Today….
Eleshod|80 Thief|Tarnished Coast
Malsavias|80 Necromancer| Tarnished Coast

Dear Kiel voters: We tried to warn you

in Fractured

Posted by: Simplicity.7208



Dear Kiel voters: We tried to warn you

So long and thanks for all the fish.
All I could think after reading your title.

Dear Kiel voters: We tried to warn you

in Fractured

Posted by: Zacchary.6183


Dear Kiel voters: We tried to warn you

in Fractured

Posted by: Thobek.1730


Even though I’m disappointed in it being just a story of the Inquest Breaking and Entering, I hope they at least explain what the connection is between the reactor and the steamcreatures.

If its the simple case of an Inquest blunder then I’ll be back on the forums tomorrow posting a tirade of anti fractal posts, and like always I’ll probably be praising the art team on a good job and criticising the writers on yet another bland story.

Dear Kiel voters: We tried to warn you

in Fractured

Posted by: Devildoc.6721


Why not implement both fractals? More content for everyone, everyone wins.

Because Anet decided that the fractal represented by the winning candidate gets made, and the fractal represented by the losing candidate gets scrapped and will never see the light of day to make the vote “mean something”.

Personally, it was a stupid campaign that polarized the community and made it hostile. I hope Arenanet takes home an important lesson on what NOT to do with their community. Making people do things just to spite other players, making players angry at each other, what does it accomplish that is in any way shape or form positive at all?


Zapp – 80 Asura Afromancer

Dear Kiel voters: We tried to warn you

in Fractured

Posted by: Ameepa.6793


I just wanted Kiel to win. I didn’t care about the Fractals or the waypoints/keys.

Same here

Dear Kiel voters: We tried to warn you

in Fractured

Posted by: Ngeluz.4860


My character’s ancestor helped Kormir to become the first mortal god, and defeat Abaddon in an epic battle.

Kiel gives us an Inquest Reactor that they blew up themselves.

We need Evon more than ever! We need JUSTICE!

Amen to that brother!

WHY, why!!!! I want to see Abaddon, Dhum or even Menzies! Not a Inquest Reactor blow up! Whats the point of having an GW1 ancestor if u don’t get to play related content twisted with the current new one! :’(

Dear Kiel voters: We tried to warn you

in Fractured

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


8.6 million votes were cast. Kiel won \o/

(I’m looking forward to seeing the world’s fabric turned inside out)

Don’t worry, you will be kicked out of the fractals back to the Mists just seconds before it happens.

Actions, not words.
Remember, remember, 15th of November