Existing infusions
They wont go away. You can’t upgrade the AR on offensive/defensive slots anyway. Nothing negative has changed for you. It’s been explained on multiple threads so just take my word for it.
Tyr Sylvison – Warrior
Illyiah – Revenant
Ok, but a, let’s say, vital infusion, cost a ton of gold. And it only grants +5 agony resistance, so there’s no point in it anymore, making that ton of gold completely useless, since you can get a +6 infusion (i.e. a better one) with a little efford with the new system.
That +5 agony slot can never ever go above +5. The only slot that can reach +6 is the one that they will automatically make +5 after the patch (though if you make an infused ring/backpiece after it is patched it will just be an empty slot).
The AR needed for 10-49 has not changed, the AR needed for 50 has been lowered.
Tyr Sylvison – Warrior
Illyiah – Revenant
Let’s see if I got it:
Before patch
Defensive slot: Vital infusion (+5 agony resistance, + 5 vitality)
After patch
Defensive slot: Vital infusion (5 vitality)
Agony slot: lvl5 agony infusion (5 agony resistance)
Now: compare the convenience of a Vital infusion (1 Philosopher’s Stone, 20 Mystic Coin, 250 Karka Shell, 100 Ancient Bone) with that of the basic version of the Vital infusion (5 laurels). Before patch you HAD to buy the “mystic forge” one to get both the stats bonus and the agony resistance (since the “basic” version pre-patch didn’t have agony resistance). That’s why someone spent a lot of money to buy the infusion. Now the huge difference in price between those two infusions if justified by a mere +1 vitality bonus (since the agony resistance has been parted from the stat bonus). No one with a sane mind would choose the “mystic forg”e one over the “laurel vendor” one.
You still get agony resistance from infusions in regular slots.
The new slot only holds the new, upgradeable infusions. but you’ll still have all your old slots with all their old infusions attached, and none of those infusions are being changed.
Oh, good.
Thanks for explainations!
Let’s see if I got it:
Before patch
Defensive slot: Vital infusion ( +5 agony resistance, + 5 vitality)After patch
Defensive slot: Vital infusion ( +5 vitality)
Agony slot: lvl5 agony infusion ( +5 agony resistance)Now: compare the convenience of a Vital infusion (1 Philosopher’s Stone, 20 Mystic Coin, 250 Karka Shell, 100 Ancient Bone) with that of the basic version of the Vital infusion (5 laurels). Before patch you HAD to buy the “mystic forge” one to get both the stats bonus and the agony resistance (since the “basic” version pre-patch didn’t have agony resistance). That’s why someone spent a lot of money to buy the infusion. Now the huge difference in price between those two infusions if justified by a mere +1 vitality bonus (since the agony resistance has been parted from the stat bonus). No one with a sane mind would choose the “mystic forg”e one over the “laurel vendor” one.
Before patch:
Built in + 5 AR
Defensive slot: Vital infusion ( + 5 agony resistance, + 5 vitality)
Total: + 10 AR, + 5 Vit
After patch:
Agony slot: lvl5 agony infusion ( + 5 agony resistance) / Potential to reach X)
Defensive slot: Vital infusion ( + 5 agony resistance, + 5 vitality)
Total: + 10 AR, + 5 Vit
If you got the Vitality only infusion instead
Agony slot: lvl5 agony infusion (+ 5 agony resistance)/ Potential to reach X
Defensive slot: Vital infusion (+ 4 vitality)
Total: + 5 AR, + 4 Vit
Tyr Sylvison – Warrior
Illyiah – Revenant