Show the fractal level of people?
What exactly would this get done outside of gate people?
I dont see the point, if the problem would be AR, you can easily get enough AR just by playing F10 – F20, in order to survive F30.
Accessories and amulet are from PvE, rings and infusions are from F10 – F20, you can survive F30 without actually having your own personal level at 30, so i dont see why they shouldnt be allowed to LFG for that difficulty.
Gandara EU
I went in a high 30 fractal level with some friends and I only had 5 ar and I was playing a glass cannon ele, sure I went down on the bosses, and I really had to be on the ball, but I was able to do it without being too much of a burden on the team.
I would like to know my own fractal level, without going to the portal. That would be nice.
I went in a high 30 fractal level with some friends and I only had 5 ar and I was playing a glass cannon ele, sure I went down on the bosses, and I really had to be on the ball, but I was able to do it without being too much of a burden on the team.
You have played with him on TeamSpeak? He is a skilled player?
PUG’s are not skilled. A lot of players leaching as hell. They don;t have AR, they don’t have skill for fractals. If you wann complet Fractal 35+ skill and AR this is what you need.
I would like to see what is the Fractal lvl of ppl in my group and what is the amount of AR they have.
To the op, I’m happy Anet does not disclose player information. There is no inspection feature and I really hope it stays that way.
Not that I’m unaware of why you’d want this. I have an extreme dislike for FotM. Because more often than not, runs get bogged down and become way more of a bother than a pleasure. Just partying up today for the story was a problem. People didn’t want to come to LA. They didn’t know anything at all about FotM. Then of course the bugs!!!! Bugs, bugs, bugs! Like having party members having to relog and rejoin in fotm. Luckily, we made it work but, it just sucks for an experience.
Though remember just because an account might say level 1 or 2, it doesn’t mean the player has no experience. A lot of us run multiple accounts. A lot of players arr PvP heavy and only do a little PvE. They wouldn’t hold a group back much either.
Agreed with many of the sentiments against the OP. ANet’s game is aimed for cooperative playing, and having inspection of gear and fractal levels or AR only opens the door to elitism and gated gameplay.
Characters- Levicus (Ele); Levicus Gear (Eng);
Levicus Shield (War)