'Subject 6' Fractal Achievement - Temporary?
He was in fotm 30 when I ran it.
Tyr Sylvison – Warrior
Illyiah – Revenant
The story mode is the new Reactor Fractal. It was only there to make sure everyone could see it the first time they entered fractal. So you gonna be able to do this achievement when you want it won’t disappear.
I did the story mode didn’t get this achievement (we did kill subject 6). I did get it when running the FoTM explorable mode.
He’s always there in explorable mode, and you can only get the achievement from the explorable version (like the achievements for the hybrid in tower of nightmares).
So how exactly does one get the achievement? It’s not precisely clear. I’m assuming that one needs to get Subject 6 to 19 stacks of Overload, without hitting 20, and then killing him while he’s at 19 stacks? Can you “reset” him by letting him get to 20 and then getting him up to 19 again? Or do you only have one chance at the achievement each time you enter the Thaumanova fractal?
I don’t understand either. How to make him reach max stack without it exploding? I
I don’t understand either. How to make him reach max stack without it exploding? I
Here lies the trick.
‘’Max stacks without exploding’’.
He can have a total of 20 stacks, but at 20 stacks he explodes.
So max stacks without exploding actualy means 19 stacks.
You can let him explode numerous times.
As long as you kill him while he has 19 stacks.
So how exactly does one get the achievement? It’s not precisely clear. I’m assuming that one needs to get Subject 6 to 19 stacks of Overload, without hitting 20, and then killing him while he’s at 19 stacks? Can you “reset” him by letting him get to 20 and then getting him up to 19 again? Or do you only have one chance at the achievement each time you enter the Thaumanova fractal?
[s]I haven’t done it, but I read that you want him to reach exactly 20 stacks and then there can be no more attacks until block phase is over. He doesn’t explode on 20 stacks, but rather every hit after 20 stacks.
Not sure how many chances you get.[/s]
Edit: Nvm this is wrong
Tyr Sylvison – Warrior
Illyiah – Revenant
(edited by GoldenTruth.2853)
“So how exactly does one get the achievement? It’s not precisely clear "
You kill him in explorable mode
I won’t reveal how on this thread as this is not the question posted (it would spoil it).
Feel free to raise a new thread asking how to kill subject 6.
“Also, now that I’ve completed story mode, how do I enter story mode again? "
- there is now a selectable option to pick story mode when heading into the fractal (added yesterday).
(edited by TPMN.1483)
Excellent. So the best thing to do is whack Subject 6 down to low health, everybody bar one player just focuses on small oozes, then have one player knock him up to 19 stacks (turn off auto attack and attack manually), wait till he comes out of Blocking, then everybody burns him down.
Goes without saying that Rangers, Mesmers with Clones/Phantasms, and MM Necros should avoid attacking Subject 6 directly until the final burn phase, and just focus on killing the small oozes.
So the best thing to do is whack Subject 6 down to low health, everybody bar one player just focuses on small oozes, then have one player knock him up to 19 stacks (turn off auto attack and attack manually), wait till he comes out of Blocking, then everybody burns him down.
Goes without saying that Rangers, Mesmers with Clones/Phantasms, and MM Necros should avoid attacking Subject 6 directly until the final burn phase, and just focus on killing the small oozes.
I’m not too sure how the blocking worked, it seemed to me like only player attacks (no minions / no condition ticks / etcetera counted)
And yes, we put him down to about 1% HP and then timewarped him down.
You can push him into the beginning of the hallway, so it’s easier to deal with the oozes there.
Really? They really made such a stupid achievement?
@eekzie: Hmm… May need more testing then. I fought Subject 6 only in Story Mode so far. We had a Ranger in our party, but I don’t remember if his pet’s attacks caused Overload stacks to tick up.
Really? They really made such a stupid achievement?
I quite enjoyed it.
Just the description is a bit two sided, from having ‘’max stacks’’ in it, as that would imply 20 stacks. So we were first trying to figure out how to not explode him while getting him to 20 stacks. But it’s just a way of saying get him to 19 stacks.