(edited by covermeporkns.2951)
2 lf guild on Isle of Janthir
Hi, we have a casual guild that we have just started that may interest you. Without repeating myself its possibly easier for you to go look at the Guild website to read the brief post there.
This is a new guild, we kept looking for casual guilds and after joining a few we figured it was easier to just start one were people have the freedom to do what they want, when they want.
Reading your info, I will point out that this is a startup guild, currently my son and I are in it. Like every guild they all have a beginning. One aspect we will be offering is leadership in the guild. This may be of interest to you and your friend.
If you feel its a fit then mail me in-world and I will be happy to send out invites.
Hi Covermeporkns,
Just thought I get in the mix here, looks like you have a lot of options.
Worlds End Gaming [WEG]. We started up a guild here in GW2 and are a very welcoming bunch. We lean towards more casual cooperation but are open to anything. We are definetly a friendly bunch and have TeamSpeak available/
We have no real goal in size, other than whoever is a good fit can join.
The guild will comprise of both those who enjoy PvE and PvP
Age range will be 16 and up, but immaturity will not be tolerated at any age.
We are a casual group, but wont hate on the hardcore members
Our website below has our code of conduct
Have TeamSpeak available, but for RPG purposes I wont force anyone to use it.
If you get a chance and are interested check us out at:
(edited by Talgen.2716)