2 players LFG with a dungeon emphasis (PvX)

2 players LFG with a dungeon emphasis (PvX)

in Guilds

Posted by: TheRabbit.9478


My friend and I are looking for a guild to join. We’re trying to do more of the dungeon explorables, and we simply don’t have the roster available to do so. We have no issues transfering to another server, and since launch have played on 5 or 6 different servers.

First and foremost we’re looking for a guild that has an ample number of people that enjoy running dungeons. Secondary to that, we’d prefer to join a server that has relatively low WvW queues.

We both enjoy doing WvW and sPvP, but we’ve found we can have plenty of fun without needing a large organized group for either of these activities. So, again, we’re looking for a guild that has a significant number of members that run dungeons. We’re leaving an 80 person guild that recruited us because despite having 10-20 people online during prime time we could never get full groups together and would have to PUG for dungeons.

I’m 28 and generally play 2-3 hours per day and have an 80 Thief, 5X Warrior, 3X Guardian, 3X Elementalist. My friend is 21 and plays 1-2 hours per day and has a 5X Thief, and some other lower level characters (He was out of the country the last 3 weeks, so fell behind on leveling). We’re in the US (Pacific and Mountain time zone respectively) and have microphones/headsets/voice software and generally play during prime time hours. Any other questions, feel free to ask.

2 players LFG with a dungeon emphasis (PvX)

in Guilds

Posted by: Fenix.3165


Subterfuge Gaming is a US PvX guild on Eredon Terrance looking for more active members to do dungeons, WvW, and sPvP. We are a smaller guild right now and most of the members know each other by first name/ are friends in real life.

-Accepting all professions
-Must have TeamSpeak 3
-Must have a mic/headset
-Be active and don’t be disrespectful

Please feel free to contact me with any questions.

Fenix-Raid Officer
Subterfuge Gaming

2 players LFG with a dungeon emphasis (PvX)

in Guilds

Posted by: BobbyK.9730


[DEA] on Yak’s Bend server is accepting members. While we currently have 120+ members, usually about 20-30 of us are on at any given time, more during the evening EST. I think it would be perfect for you as PVE is our “main” focus but we have plenty of pvpers also if you get more into that.

We run guild events, dungeons, groups for leveling, and most of us are social and active in guild chat, always there to help.

I am the guild leader and I am on just about everyday. We are also looking for a couple more people to take up leadership roles within the guild.

Our guild’s website: (Just finished it two days ago so pls don’t expect much activity but it’s up and running!)

We use RaidCall (www.raidcall.com) for voice chat. While it isn’t required, it is encouraged.

Here is a link to our main guild post on forums with my contact info.


2 players LFG with a dungeon emphasis (PvX)

in Guilds

Posted by: Thelia.3592


[FEZ] of ET has a group of players who dungeon run daily you can check us out at

fez.guildportal.com or our recruitment thread


Thelia Daggerspell- Mesmer
Maelwaed -Guardian

2 players LFG with a dungeon emphasis (PvX)

in Guilds

Posted by: StarsLife.7320


Heya Therabbit,

Jaded[Jade] on Darkhaven is recruiting active, friendly, and mature members. We are a family-style guild looking to form long-term friendships through PvE and PvP. We have active forums and a vent server which we mostly use for dungeon runs and WvWvW/sPvP. We’re a laid back, easy going bunch.

Things you can expect from joining Jaded:

- Friendly Guildies
- Dungeon parties
- Light PvP, both WvW and Structured
- An abnormal love for Quaggans

Jaded is mostly comprised of members between the ages of 18 and 81.
We are most active during North American evenings, mostly East coasters with a current average online between 30-40 players out of 80’ish members.

Take a gander over at our forums over at:

If we sound like the right home for you, introduce yourself at our forums, contact some of us in-game through whispers and/or the in-game mail system. We’ll get back to you asap to answer any questions you may have.

Guild Co-Leader – Vecuu Raine
Guild Co-Leader – Raelin Flameseeker
Guild Treasurer – Shira Nolar


2 players LFG with a dungeon emphasis (PvX)

in Guilds

Posted by: Sacrilous.1763


Hello, I would like to invite you to apply to our guild.

We are located on the Anvil Rock server and are PvX based. Our members are active in both PvE and PvP. We regularly run dungeons and participate in WvWvW and some of our members play sPvP as well but to a lesser degree.

We accept individual players or small groups. We would like to keep our guild a tight knit group of people so friends are always welcome.

The guild uses Ventrilo for voice communication. Members are not required to use it unless we are doing PvP or Dungeons however it is encouraged and many members are on all the time.

We are looking for like minded players to enjoy all aspects of the game with. We recently opened up recruiting and are doing very well attracting the right kind of people.

If you are interested and would like more information PM me on here or check us out at www.disarrayguild.com

Woe – Founding Leader of Disarray [DiS] – Anvil Rock

2 players LFG with a dungeon emphasis (PvX)

in Guilds

Posted by: LLunatic.5280


Check your PMs

Guild Master Forbidden
Come check us out!

2 players LFG with a dungeon emphasis (PvX)

in Guilds

Posted by: CGUdemon.2786


About CGU :

CGU (Crimson Guards United) Gaming has been established since 2003. Our goal has been aimed towards uniting friends and expanding our game play on multiple gaming platforms.

Ways To Contact Us :

Website : www.cgunited.net
Ventrilo : IP – cgunited.maxfrag.net
Port- 3883
E-mail : cgunitedgaming***********
Also Try : YouTube, FaceBook, Twitter, Steam

What CGU offers :

- A Ventrilo Server
- The opportunity to network with a wide range of diverse gamer’s
- In-game Events
- A well organized group of leaders to help strengthen your abilities as a member and a gamer

What do we ask from you :

- Be active for our weekly meetings
- 15+ years of age
- Please have a headset/mic to communicate with (exceptions may be made)
- Don’t be afraid to ask questions

How to apply :

Come on our Ventrilo server and speak with a admin with the title G.C. (Global Council)

Ventrilo :

IP – cgunited.maxfrag.net
Port – 3883

2 players LFG with a dungeon emphasis (PvX)

in Guilds

Posted by: TheRabbit.9478


I appreciate all the offers guys. I’ll be taking a look through the guild sites you’ve all linked to me tonight and try and get ahold of some of you in game to chat.